So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2033: Give it to me.

Give me the second thousand and thirty-three chapters.

But for the behind-the-scenes who want to deal with Huang Lele, this is not a secret! Because, the nail king is a member of the Mystery Investigation Bureau, naturally knows this base, and he also knows that Yang Ming will be received from this base!

What Wang Ge knows is equal to the people behind him. So, if you want to assassinate Huang Lele, they will wait in the vicinity of the base, and this night market may also become the place where they assassinate Huang Lele!

However, Yang Ming’s slight peace of mind is that this night market is in an open and empty area. There are no residential areas or high-rise buildings nearby. It is completely empty space. That is to say, snipers cannot be hidden in high places. Above the building, because there is no such a place to stay!

Want to assassinate Huang Lele, you must be mixed into the market, and pretend to be a tourist to Huang Lele assassination! In that case, the sniper rifle is useless. The people in the night market come and go. The sniper rifle cannot be aimed at Huang Lele from a distance. Not only can it not hit Huang Lele, but it will hit innocent tourists!

Of course, for these people, there is no psychological burden to injure the tourists. If they are injured, they will be hurt. However, if they are not hit, they will cause confusion. They will be difficult to start again!

Therefore, the only way is to close the ambush, so that the killer must be installed as a pedestrian, mixed with Huang Lele, and then wait for an opportunity to start!

And Yang Ming, naturally, has always been paying attention to the tourists around Huang Lele, paying attention to these tourists, there are no new people who have joined in!

"Boss, what are you doing?" Liu Ye also saw Yang Ming's inadequacies.

"Someone wants to assassinate Lele, I have to mention the spirit of twelve points, can't let go of a trace of clues!" Yang Ming said with a bitter smile.

"Oh? Lele is still dangerous?" Liu leaves a slight glimpse: "Boss, let me give it to you! Dad is dangerous, I will inform you the first time!"

"Oh?" Yang Ming listened to Liu Ye's words and then glimpsed a little. Some strange look at Liu Ye's eyes, Liu Ye's words are too confident, a little bit? Is there any confidence in him that he is so confident?

However, even if Liu Ye said so, Yang Ming still did not relax his vigilance. It is better to rely on others than to rely on others. Although Yang Ming believes that Liu Ye will not deceive himself, this kind of thing, after all, is related to Huang Lele’s life safety. Be careful. No big mistakes!

For these little gadgets sold in the night market, Yang Ming naturally has no interest, but Xia Xue and Huang Lele are different. The two are like Liu Wei entering the Grand View Garden. See where everything is fresh and see where you are curious!

If you don't ask, stop and touch it, as if you are sorry for this trip!

Huang Lele’s behavior, Yang Ming, can still understand, but it’s Xia Xue, and she’s going to Yunnan soon. Isn’t it necessary to pack these gadgets? Of course, Yang Ming also knows that it is impossible, but since it is impossible, what does Xia Xue still buy? Do you stay at home?

However, it is Xia Xue's behavior, Yang Ming is not good to interfere, willing to buy and buy it, this is the last relaxation before the task is carried out, it is good to relax, relax, and better for the future. Put into the battle!

"Boss, there is danger!" Liu Ye suddenly looked a tight, his right hand grabbed his chest, and the brow was locked and said to Yang Ming.

"Oh?" Yang Ming's mood is also a subconscious, and there is nothing unusual about Huang Lele's surroundings. At this moment, Huang Lele is parked in front of a pottery pottery, and Xia Xue curiously looks at the clay pottery on the stall... and Huang Lele’s side, there is no suspicious person, the clay pottery, now in addition to the stall owner, There are only two people, Huang Lele and Xia Xue!

Why did Liu Ye suddenly say that there is danger? This makes Yang Ming very confused! However, with Yang Ming’s understanding of Liu Ye, he also knows that he is not an untargeted person. He said that he must have his reason!

Thinking of this, Yang Ming is more vigilant!

Yang Ming’s gaze was first swept to the stall of the clay pot. The stall owner was a middle-aged woman in her forties. In theory, there should be no problem, because the people who set up here should be familiar in the market. People, unfamiliar people can not be set up here, the first time here, can not occupy such a front stall!

And from the middle-aged women and the other stall seller selling socks can be seen, the two are aware, unless the two people have problems, if not then you can prove that the stall of the clay pot is no problem!

Since she has no problem, the person with the problem is... Suddenly, Yang Ming’s eyes are condensed. A thin middle-aged man in a windbreaker is walking quickly to Huang Lele. This person seems to be very common. There is nothing suspicious, but Yang Ming feels that this person is very suspicious!

First, it is spring, although the weather is not so hot, but it is not so cold! This season, wearing a windbreaker outside the single coat is a normal thing, but wearing it in this night market is a bit abnormal!

There are many people in this night market, and there are many snacks. Many booths are steaming. If you are a frequent visitor to the night market, no one will wear so much. This will be very hot in the night market!

Second, the pace of this person is very fast. If it is to visit the night market, how can it go so fast? What can I see so quickly?

Only these two points are enough to prove that this person is a suspicious individual! Of course, this person may not come to the night market often, or it may come to the night market in order to find talents so fast, but these are not important, Yang Ming is just doubt, it is enough!

Now that he has doubted, Yang Ming naturally can't stand by and watch, but walks quickly, and grabs the man behind the trench coat in a few steps!

Yang Ming directly reached out and patted the man's shoulder of the windbreaker: "I said buddy..."

The man in the windbreaker is tight, but the subconscious is going to run away!

Seeing this person to run away, Yang Ming’s look suddenly tightened!

Yang Ming’s shot is just a temptation. If this person has no problems, then the reaction at this moment must be turned over with doubts. Naturally, it is impossible to escape! Normal people are walking on the road and being photographed from behind. I am afraid that the first thought is to go back and see who shot him? Is there anything?

If there is no ghost in the heart, who would think about running away?

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