So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2037: Plan to give up!

The second thousand and thirty-seven chapters plan to give up!

Hanging up Alice's phone, behind the scenes, the boss Falcon could not help but fall into meditation!

He has always regarded Yang Ming as his biggest enemy and stumbling block. He can say that he hates it, but after listening to his sister Alice's words, the falcon's heart has shaken for the first time...

He didn't know what he was doing right or wrong, but one thing, he did the purpose of wanting to get out of the center!

His crazy revenge on Yang Ming is also because Yang Ming has hindered his plan to leave the center!

But now, calm down and think about what Alice said, but it is not without reason!

If you cooperate with Yang Ming and compete against the center, it is not a good idea!

"Call--" The falcon took a sigh of relief. The more he wanted to calm down, the more chaotic he was in his mind. He felt that his ideas were not smooth, and he could not calm down to consider the future.

Forget it, no matter what, now Yang Ming’s trip to Miaojiang and the right elders is a foregone conclusion. How can this not be changed!

If Yang Ming really kills the right elder and returns safely, then it is not a bad idea to cooperate with him, even relying on him! As long as he has this strength! As long as he has settled the right elder, the Falcon also believes that he has the strength to compete with the center!

Of course, if Yang Ming can't come back smoothly from Yunnan Miaojiang, then there is no meaning in considering these things about the future, but it is mediocrity!

"Everything depends on you, Yang Ming, as an opponent, you make me frustrated repeatedly, I hope that you can also let the right elders also frustrate, as long as you return safely, then I will reconsider the relationship between us!" Falcon seems It is the determination that is determined, solemnly said.

After that, the Falcon picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hey?" After a while, there was a gloomy voice from the right elder in the phone: "Falcon? How is it? Are you telling me good news, Yang Ming was dragged by you?"

"Sorry, so far, Yang Ming's trip is very smooth." Falcon said faintly.

"What? You have not promised me, at all costs, but also to drag him? How can it be smooth?" The voice of the right elder is extremely angry, it is imaginable that delaying Yang Ming’s itinerary should be for him. It is a very important thing! Otherwise he will not be so vocal.

"I promise you have nothing wrong, but Yang Ming is not an ordinary person. You know that I have lost two good hands. One of them is the nail we buried in the Mystery Bureau of Investigation. They were all removed by Yang Ming. We I have tried my best, and the loss is heavy!" Falcon said truthfully: "So, we decided to give up."

"No! My King Kong will soon be refining, and it will be cultivated soon. And the evils I cultivated are also at a critical moment. I have no intention to deal with Yang Ming. You can let them come now. What if the ruin of my good deeds?" The right elder shouted, and he was angry when he saw it.

"Right elder, are you mistaken? I am not your subordinate, I am the center! We are only cooperative, and you have no right to order me!" Falcon sneered: "Before me You are still a little bit worse, don't leave your identity unclear!"

"Hey!" The right elders snorted: "The last time we cooperated because of my reasons, this time because of you, so we are even, and the two are not owed!"

"As you say, I will try my best, I don't work hard, but Yang Ming is not an ordinary person!" said the Falcon.

"I will find another way!" The right elders hang up the phone.

The Falcon shook his head and did not regard the attitude of the right elder as one thing. The right elder is indeed very powerful. This is undeniable, but in the face of the center, he did not dare to make it, so the Falcon did not care about this.

Standing up, the Falcon came out of his room, and Huang Youcai in the other room heard the opening of the Falcon room. He also walked out of the room in a wheelchair and nodded to the Falcon: "Boss, how? What? What's the news?"

"Failed, there was news from Xiao Ai, and the killer was caught by Yang Ming." The Falcon shook his head and said: "Yang Ming is really awkward, the killer is in front of him, and it is nothing. effect!"

"Oh, it seems that letting Huang Lele be injured and delaying Yang Ming's time will not work!" Huang Youcai said: "This is a loss of two people. Let's change the plan?"

"No need to change, I am going to give up this thing!" The Falcon waved his hand: "The plan has stopped, I am not going to deal with Yang Ming!"

“Stop?” Huang Youcai said a little: “What do you mean? What measures are we taking now? All plans have stopped?”

"Yes, I have already spoken with the right elder, and told him the meaning. Before Yang Ming left, I will not take any further measures. This time the loss is already big enough, I can’t afford it too much. The loss!" said the Falcon.

"It turned out to be like this, I understand!" The falcon's emotions were surprisingly stable this time. In the past, he wanted to kill Yang Ming for revenge for Wang Zhitao, but now it is a bit different, it seems to be a relief in his heart. The same, the expression on the face is a bit weird.

However, the Falcon’s current mind is not on this, and his mind is still thinking about what his sister Alice said, so she didn’t pay attention to Huang’s expression...


On the car, Yang Ming and Liu Yeh chatted about the sky.

"Talk about your artifact." Yang Ming looked at Liu Ye and asked.

At present, the car is a reliable person, except for the woman of Yang Ming, who is the teammate Xia Xue, Liu Ye does not need to look at them!

Xia Xue is the teammate who went to Yunnan to perform the task. Therefore, Liu Ye’s special ability is to inform Xia Xue. As a member of the same death squad, there is no secret concealment between them. Otherwise, once they meet Danger, when everyone judges differently, they can judge the person with special ability!

Liu Ye obviously has such an ability to predict fierceness. In this way, before the team encounters danger, it can rely on Liu Ye to warn, so if you want to listen to Liu Ye’s unconditionally, then you must Everyone explains, what is his ability, and what is this ability!

"This...will you go to the restaurant for a while? Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu are also there. When they talk to them, they don't have to spend two times!" Liu Yehe hesitated.

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