So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2040: Stick to your opinion

The second thousand and forty chapters insist on their own opinions

And Huang Lele, this time listening to Yang Ming’s words, it also revealed a blank expression!

When I was in Macau, Yang Ming was so confident that he won the Nancheng Casino because he had the special ability to see through!

With this ability, it is not a gambling god, it is simply a day!

"Boss, before you were in Las Vegas, was it the ability to use it and win someone else?" Liu said with amazement.

"Yes, including the trick to deal with the steel monster, I also used this ability to find the weakness of him, and then we killed the guy!" Yang Ming nodded.

"I said, why did you let me hit his soles? I wondered how you know it. It turned out to be like this!" Liu said with a sigh of relief.

Although Huang Lele was also very surprised, but did not say anything, Yang Ming's things she did not want to blend, she is a happy silly woman, as for other things, she does not want to think.

"Captain, what are you talking about? Can you see?" Feng Tianlong’s expression is a bit strange. He was born in that big family. He also heard something about some magical things, even though Liu Ye’s body has that kind of counter. The baby of the day, but Feng Tianlong’s family also has a treasure of family, but he can’t touch it.

However, Yang Ming’s ability to see through is to make him very surprised. He has never heard of it!

"Why, you don't believe it?" Yang Ming smiled slightly, then said: "In your wallet, the number of the top 100 dollar bill is..."

Said, Yang Ming reported a string of numbers. Yang Ming also knows that his ability is a bit too unbelievable. Feng Tianlong has this expression not surprising!

Liu Ye is a person who has performed tasks with himself. He has heard all kinds of magical things, and Xia Xue, when he was dealing with Chen Afu, so only Feng Tianlong was the first contact. He has this. The expression is also normal.

However, Yang Ming did not explain much, but used one of the easiest ways to prove this fact!

Listening to the number reported by Yang Ming, Feng Tianlong quickly took out his wallet from his pocket and pulled out the banknote from the inside, comparing the number above.

And Xiao Susu, who is also curious, has come over and looks at the number on the banknote with Feng Tianlong!

"Ah! Actually the same, a word is not bad!" Xiao Susu said with some shock.

"Yes, exactly the same!" Feng Tianlong was also surprised to stand up: "Too strong, captain, your ability, but stronger than all of us, have this ability, not only can find the enemy in advance, but also can find the enemy Some weaknesses!"

"Ah! I know, today on the plane, you lied to me and you gamble, guess the color of my underwear, you saw it directly!" Xia Xue at this moment, also suddenly awakened, remembered the scene on the plane before, His face immediately turned red: "You said, what have you seen? Are you looking at it?"

"Hey..." Yang Ming just remembered that he used to use the ability of this perspective to deceive Xia Xue’s bet. He was now poked by Xia Xue, and suddenly he was awkward: "If you want to see, early I have seen it, and the trick is not the first time I met. I am not the kind of person who likes to give others x-lights when I am fine..."

"Hey! Then you said, have you seen me?" Xia Xue did not care.

"I have seen it, but it used to be, I haven’t seen it today!" Yang Ming shook his head.

"Before? Well, wow, you used to have a bad idea about me!" Xia Xue was a little angry: "Lele, look at your home Yang Ming, actually peek at other girls!"

"Oh." Huang Lele said with a voice, but said: "Then he is very powerful, others can't see it!"

"..." Xia Xue was speechless, Huang Lele is the best...

Feng Tianlong and Liu Ye could not help but cover their mouths, and Xiao Susu was also unable to help.

"Well, don't say this, everyone knows that I have this ability!" Yang Ming said: "However, the words we said before each other are limited to those inside us. Of course, you don't have to take advantage of summer. Brother, he knows some things about me."

After listening to Yang Ming’s words, everyone nodded and agreed. After all, these things matter, involving some personal secrets, it is best not to say it! These are all existed as the life-saving cards of the squad. Who knows that there are no nails buried by the opponent in the Mystery Investigation Bureau?

The former "Wang Ge" has already made these people wary. They also know that within the Mystery Investigation Bureau, it is not absolutely safe. The only thing that can be trusted at present is only the internal members of the group and the immediate supervisor Xia Bingyan. !

After eating the barbecue, the group went back directly to the base and did not go anywhere else!

Huang Lele's encounter Feng Tianlong also knows, although he feels that the opponent should not start with him and Xiao Susu, but at this moment, be careful not to be wrong, everything is better to be wary of some better!

Huang Lele also lived in the base of the Mystery Investigation Bureau with Yang Ming. These days, Yang Ming put her here, also for the safety of Huang Lele.

"How? It's not bad to run each other?" Xia Bing smiled and watched Yang Ming and others return to the base and asked.

"Basically, everyone has introduced each other and learned some things!" Yang Ming nodded and said: "Xia Ge rest assured, I will let the team members get familiar with each other as soon as possible!"

"Well, this is what I think! How, what do you think of tomorrow's special training? Have you changed your mind?" Xia Bingyan asked.

"I am still saying that, if they really have the skills, then I will train with everyone, no problem!" Yang Ming said: "But if their skills are not good, I still oppose learning with them, I think, that It’s not as good as I personally organize everyone’s special training!”

"Okay, then let's say so, look at it tomorrow!" Xia Bingyan saw Yang Ming insist, and did not say anything more: "I arranged the room for you at night, you and Mr. Huang Lele, a room, can Or do you live alone and want two rooms?"

"One can be." Yang Ming nodded.

Liu Ye, Feng Tianlong, Xiao Susu, Xia Xue have each returned to their room. Looking out, between Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu, they should not have developed to the point of living together, because they entered two rooms separately!

I want to come, this action is also a good opportunity for Feng Tianlong's love. If Feng Tianlong lives, he can hold the beauty back! In the case of Xiao Susu, I really can't afford to waste time!

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