So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2044: set off!

The second thousand and forty-four chapters set off!

"What is your name? I see you familiar, but I don't remember your name..." Yang Ming turned to look at another young man next to Wang Kejin and asked.

"Yang Shao, my name is Wang Ke, and I am also a disciple of the younger generation of the butterfly family." Wang Kezheng is not as familiar with Wang Kejin and Yang Ming, so he called Yang Ming Yang Shao, not Yang Ge!

"Wang Kezheng, who are you and Wang Kejin more powerful?" Yang Ming nodded, it seems that the butterfly family generation of disciples, the names are similar.

"Hey, Wang Kejin is slightly better than me!" Wang Ke urged some embarrassed.

"Okay, if this is the case, the three of us will serve as instructors together and give special training to my team members!" Yang Ming does not have to test Wang Ke's skill again. Since it is worse than Wang Ke, it is not his own opponent. I think that he should not be too much worse than Wang Kejin. After all, it is a person who has been sent together. If the strength is too different, it will not be good.

"Yes!" Wang Ke urged the acquaintance.

This result made Xia Bingyi very satisfied. Although he was somewhat different from what he expected, Yang Ming changed from a trainee to an instructor, but Yang Ming did have the strength to be an instructor! Similarly, the strength of Wang Kejin and Wang Kezheng should not be underestimated. Yang Ming leads and believes that this special training should have a qualitative improvement for these members!

Time flies, the training field, leaving Yang Ming, Wang Kejin, Wang Kezheng's voice, and Liu Ye, Feng Tianlong, Xiao Susu, Xia Xue's hard work! Although it was only a short ten days, everyone felt very fulfilled and learned a lot of skills that they never had before!

And everyone, for this task, is more full of confidence! Originally, everyone’s mood was a bit embarrassing, and they thought that there was no return this time. This negative attitude was not a good thing, but now everyone is morale!

At the military airport, a special plane vacated, Yang Ming bid farewell to Huang Lele, Xia Bingyan, Wang Kejin and Wang Kezheng, with members of the squad, flew to Yunnan Miaojiang!

However, while flying to the destination in Yunnan, Songjiang City, the villa of the Yangjia family in the Chinese business district, is very calm!

Chen Mengxi sat on the sofa, his face was very unsightly. On the coffee table in front of her, there was a courier pocket that had been opened, and it was a stack of photos on the courier pocket!

The actor above the photo is the same person, but the heroine is a lot...

The male protagonist is naturally Yang Ming, and the heroine, in addition to Chen Mengxi himself, Lin Yiyun, Zhou Jiajia, and the blue Ling and Suya they know... However, in addition to these people, there are actually Xia Xue, Xiao Qing, Sun Jie. Jing Xiaoying, Zhao Ying, Victoria, Wang Xiaoyu... There are two women who don’t know each other, a dress wearing a flight attendant, and one seems to be a thrush of the willow? This willow thrush, Chen Mengxi saw it on TV...

Just, why did she know Yang Ming? Moreover, Yang Ming is pushing the door of a hotel room and entering the room at this moment, and Liu Mei is a pajamas that only wears one body? What is the relationship between these two people?

Of course, this photo is still the most common. The rest, Yang Ming and other women are more intimate than this! And the number is not only one! If it is only one, then Chen Mengxi will not be so angry. If someone wants to frame Yang Ming, it is not too difficult to capture a plausible photo!

However, Yang Ming and Xiao Qing, Sun Jie, Jing Xiaowei, Zhao Ying, Victoria, Wang Xiaoyu, and the woman in the flight attendant costume, together with dozens of photos, this can not be framed, it can not be coincidence!

Yang Ming and these women, holding hands, are sitting in the car intimate, kissing in the corner, but also go to the hotel to open the house!

At this moment, Chen Mengyu does not know what mood he is, Xiao Qing, isn’t Yang Ming’s sister? How is it related to Yang Ming? Both of them kissed each other. If they were ordinary brothers and sisters, Chen Mengyu would not believe it when he killed him!

This is no problem, Zhao Ying and Yang Ming actually have a relationship? Seeing a set of photos, Yang Ming and Zhao Ying hugged together under one car, and the next photo was Yang Ming who was looking for Yang Ming nearby... Chen Meng’s face was red!

This is not the time when I went to the resort in the East China Sea to catch the **** myself? Yang Ming and Zhao Ying really have a relationship, that Fan Jinzhe really does not have Yang Ming! The most ridiculous thing is that I was like a fool at the time, still don't believe...

Now think about it, Fan Jinzhe estimates that in the heart, you must laugh at it?

Looking at the photos that follow, Chen Mengyu is even more upset! This is Yang Ming and Zhao Ying, photos of the opening of the moon at the Sea Moon Resort, and Zhou Jiajia is actually there! That day, I actually believed in Zhou Jiajia's words, but did not expect that Zhou Jiajia was also an accomplice of that incident!

Chen Mengyu suddenly had an urge to cry, and everyone else knew it, and he didn’t know it! It’s pathetic and sad!

"Jia Jia, how can you lie to me? You already know that right? You already know that Yang Ming and Zhao Ying have a relationship?" Chen Mengyan turned to look at the pale pale Zhou Jiajia, asked.

"Dream sister...I..." Zhou Jiajia bit his lip and didn't know how to open the teeth. This thing is indeed she is hiding her mistakes. However, she is in the middle, both sides are embarrassed, telling Chen Mengxi's words offended Zhao. Ying, don't tell...

"Okay, don't say it, I am a big fool!" Chen Mengyu had some pain in her forehead, and she felt so stupid! Originally, she thought that Yang Ming had found so many women. He should be content with it. If there were these people, he would accompany him to live on X Island. What regrets did he have?

But now it seems that I am too naive, Yang Ming is a big heart, I have to spend more heart and heart, I really blinked, actually believe Yang Ming's words...

"Dream sister, I am sorry... I knew about Yang Ming and Zhao Ying, Xiao Qingjie, Sun Jiejie before, but... I am afraid that if you know that you will be sad, you will not say it to you... and Jing Xiaoyu, I also see it. Some..." Zhou Jiajia looked at Chen Mengyu so painfully, simply said frankly: "But dream sister, I... I didn't mean it..."

"Jing Xiaoying... Hey, she likes Yang Ming. I can see some of it, but I didn't take it seriously at first. I thought that Yang Ming would not like her a little girl, but she didn't expect Yang Ming to actually be... How can he not stand the temptation so much!" Chen Mengxi’s voice was a little choked: "But even if he is good with Jing Xiaoyu, why don't you tell me? Why do you want to hide me from cheating me?"

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