So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2052: Being stared

"Ah! That Yang Ming... I didn't say to me before: Chen Mengxi's face suddenly became pale. She thought that Yang Ming's task was only a relatively time consuming. According to Yang Ming, it is possible for ten years. Twenty years, but Chen Mengxi thought, even if it is ten or twenty years, he can wait for it! At that time, he was just just forty years old, and late marriage and late childbearing is not a rare thing.

However, what she did not think was that Yang Ming actually lied to her. Yang Ming’s task was not time-consuming, but fierce!

"He doesn't tell you, one is afraid that you are worried, because his favorite person is you." Sun Jie said that he couldn't help but feel jealous: "But it is also that you are not mature, Yang Ming is afraid to finish with you." After that, you will not let him go. If he has to leave, will he be distracted? Can't concentrate on performing the task? So, you should be a good lie!"

Chen Mengxi is somewhat silent. Sun Jie said that there is nothing wrong with him. With his own character, if he knows the truth, he will definitely not let Yang Ming go, but with Yang Ming’s character, it is impossible for her to stop!

"No... I won't be this time..." Chen Mengxi shook his head: "I grew up!"

"So, this is also the reason I told you! If it is not because you mature a lot today, I will not tell you these things, let you stay in the dark, be a happy little girl!" Sun Jie said .

"Well! Sun Jiejie, then what should we do now?---Chen Mengyu nodded and asked.

"First, analyze the purpose of this sender, but now the purpose is almost obvious. He just wants to divide us by this means, let us quarrel to affect Yang Ming's mood, let Yang Ming go not happy, So that it affects the mental state when performing the task!" Sun Jie said: "But what puzzles me is that Yang Ming’s mission should have been released recently. Before that, Yang Ming did not know that there was such a task. The existence of these photos! And these photos were the earliest one year ago. Yang Ming has not yet joined the Mystery Bureau of Investigation. This person who has to deal with Yang Ming has been laid out since a year ago?"

Sun Jie suddenly saw the focus of the problem, and suddenly pointed out the important doubts inside!

"In this way, this person may have begun to lay out before, perhaps not for this matter. He is only planning, planning some possible means to deal with Yang Ming and this time Yang Ming’s task, he happens to coincide with the throwing of his meeting. This is a suitable strategy?" Chen Mengyu is not stupid, but he is also sent by Sun Jie.

"Not bad, nightmare, can think of this!" Sun Jie nodded with satisfaction: "You are right, since this person has been planning since so early, then his hands may not only have this means, maybe He has other tricks to deal with Yang Ming or deal with us! This person is very dangerous. If you can find out the most natural thing... but I am afraid it is very difficult!"

"Why? I can let my dad help!" Chen Mengxi was a little anxious when he heard it. Since this person is so dangerous and there is no means to use it, then this person may have to deal with Yang Ming. How can she sit and watch? What about it?

"Yang Ming's skill, I know, and my own skill, I am also very clear! Can I take these photos without me and Yang Ming, then how much is his skill?" At this moment, since everyone is not arguing, it is for Yang Ming, then Wang Xiaoyan does not mind cooperating with everyone. She is not a person who likes to fight for power. She just wants her own position, and her position has it. Others don’t care. .

"My sister said that there is nothing wrong with this! This person is too dangerous! Who can make Yang Ming not aware of it, how terrible is it?" Sun Jie said: "Where is this person's light work already reached? At the very least, it is no worse than Yang Ming!"

"That... what do we do?" After listening to Sun Jie’s words, Chen Mengyu was filled with deep worries, and only at this moment, everyone’s heart was slowly connected, abandoning jealousy and dissatisfaction, everything For Yang Ming!

"Notifying Yang Ming's colleague fat man, let the mystery investigation bureau come forward to investigate, and this is the only way, I hope they can have results." Sun Jie sighed and said, she has no way.

"I know Yang Ming's master. I went to him and asked him if he had done it or not!" Wang Xiaoyu also said.

"Oh? Do you know Yang Ming's master?" Sun Jie's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Yes, Yang Ming and I are both killers. I said before, our engagement is hosted by his master and my father." Wang Xiaoyu explained.

"Yes, I almost forgot this! This is very good, there is Yang Ming's master to help, then everything is not a problem!" Sun Jie said: "So, I suggest, this time, if everyone If there is nothing wrong with it, let’s move it together first. This way, we can make better plans and prevent people from dealing with us one by one."

Sun Jie’s proposal, although there are reasons for her, but the more important reason she did not say, that is, she wants to give Yang Ming a united harem after Yang Ming returns! Let Yang Ming have no troubles and worries!

As for the danger, Sun Jie is unusually convinced that Yang Ming is a small man. After seeing Yang Ming’s power, Sun Jie believes that no matter how difficult it is, Yang Ming can spend it safely!

"Sun Jiejie is right, everyone lives together, and can also make suggestions for each other!" Although Chen Mengyu also guessed the meaning of Sun Jie, but she is not a stingy person, since they have decided to accept, then do it thoroughly A little bit, generous, you can get everyone's good feelings!

Since Sun Jie and Chen Mengyu both agreed, then other people naturally have nothing to say. They are all going to go back and pack things and move them to Yang Ming’s villa. Wang Xiaoying is going to find Fang Tian...

At the same time, Yang Ming and his party have already arrived in a small town near Miaojiang. There are no trains or planes. They can only drive to Yang Ming, Feng Tianlong, Liu Ye, Xia Xue and Xiao Susu. The off-road vehicle stopped at the door of a hotel.

Tonight, they are going to be stationed here. When they get up the next day, they will inquire about the news nearby. It’s not easy to find Miaojiang’s trace of the right long-haired old man. However, what Yang Ming did not think of was that they had just come to the hotel in this small town and they were stared at...

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