So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2063: It's you, not me.

"You are a silly robe, you are a lieutenant, what heatstroke! Wang Xiaoyu is going crazy, how do you know that this person has no idea of ​​it? It is a lieutenant, but he still doesn't know, silly hat!

"Oh, I am suffering from heat stroke, not a lieutenant." Yang Ming nodded. "I know, don't remind you!"

"I rub! How are you so brain-dead? You are now in my jealousy, you are going to die soon, do you understand?" Wang Xiaoyu was anxious and explained to Yang Ming: "Death, do not move, that's it, shout ... just hanged..."

Said, Wang Xiaoneng also scored a hanging action, with a look at a hanging expression.

"Oh, what you mean is that you are going to hang up soon?" Yang Ming nodded in understanding.

"It's you! Not me!" Wang Xiaoyu is a bit depressed, and there are such stupid people in the world?

"Oh, then you said, when will I die?" Yang Ming finally nodded as if he had understood Wang Xiaoyu's words.

"Call" Wang Xiaoyu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and you finally understood, and explained: "In general, the person who is poisonous in me, within a minute, will faint in his eyes." Ground, if you don’t solve it for ten minutes, you will die.”

"Oh, how long has it been now?" Yang Ming asked.

"Now it’s over...hey? Why haven’t you fainted? Now it’s been so long, you should have died long ago?” Wang Xiaoyu’s glimpse, it’s a bit difficult to look at the opposite side: “How come you haven’t dead?"

"This should not ask you? The man who is kneeling is you, not me, you ask me, where do I know?" Yang Ming said innocently.

"Oh... no, ah, how is it possible?" Wang Xiaoyan frowned, looking at Yang Ming with a puzzled look.

"So, I said it early in the morning, it is you are going to die, not me." Yang Ming said: "Well, you can perform another scream, then hang up..."

"Impossible..." Wang Xiaoyu just wanted to defend, but when he reached the mouth, he did not say it. He turned his eyes and fell directly on the ground. There was no sound!

Of course, Yang Ming used the invisible flying needle to kill Wang Xiaoyu with a flying needle.

After killing Wang Xiaoyu, Yang Ming turned and walked toward the people of Xia Xue, and did not look back.

At this time, next to Wang Xiaoxuan, among the few men who had been killed by Yang Ming, suddenly one of the men rubbed his back neck, and the soft shēn snorted, then opened his eyes and looked around, only carefully. Standing up, I checked the breath of Wang Xiaolu and others, and found that there was no movement. Only a few shocked and quick flashes went deep into the jungle...

When this person walked away, Yang Ming’s mouth was only a sneer. As a killer, Yang Ming could not make such a low-level mistake. The killing has not yet been killed, especially for an ordinary person. This may not happen!

Don't say that Yang Ming is the king of the killer. It is inside, any killer with a little experience, can't make such a low-level mistake! The purpose of Yang Ming’s doing this is obviously intentional, and deliberately left a job. !

Previously, the dialogue between Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu was actually for mihuo, who was not dead. Otherwise, it was a minute to kill this guy with Yang Ming’s skill. There is absolutely no need to tell him so much nonsense.

The reason why Yang Ming did this is to let the man who is not dead see Yang Ming’s low-level sorcerer’s ignorance of Wang Xiaoyu. This kind of martial arts has no effect on Yang Ming! And Yang Ming can kill him after a sigh of silence after Wang Xiaoyu squats!

This is the news that Yang Ming will use the undead man to pass to the Zhaizhu of Yimiao Village.

Yang Ming is doing two-handed plans. The first is to secretly follow this undead man to see if he can go directly to the camp of Yimiao Village and report to the bitter villagers of Yimiao Village. You can directly find the owner of the different Miao Village!

Second, if this person does not go directly to the owner of the Yimiao Village, but to pass the news back through other means, then Yang Ming is not worried, as long as the owner of the different Miao Village gets their own news, the next I am afraid that I will not send some people with poor strength to die. For the sake of stability, I am afraid that the owner of the different villages will personally lead the team to deal with themselves. This is exactly what Yang Ming’s mind is, no need to find Go to the door and let the owner of the different Miao Village come to find yourself!

Yang Ming’s two-hand plan can be described as a no-brainer, no matter what, it can lead to the different owners of the village!

Quickly walked back to where Xia Xue and others were, Yang Ming said quickly: "Set the match! Follow me!"

After all, these players are well-trained people. They are still frolicking one second before Yang Ming’s return. After a second, they quickly pack up their bags and neatly follow Yang Ming’s body and go deep into the jungle. Going there.

"Before there were a few people from different Miao Village who came to monitor us and I was killed, but I left a living mouth. Now I follow this live mouth to see if I can find the base camp of Yimiao Village and directly seize the different Miao Village. The owner of the village." Yang Ming hurriedly explained the action plan for this time.

Xia Xue and Feng Tianlong, Liu Ye and others were shocked. I didn’t expect Yang Ming to go to the toilet to complete so many things... So, did Yang Ming really go to the bathroom? I am afraid, Yang Ming is going to do this thing?

Only when I was afraid of being spotted by people from different villages, I only used the excuse to go to the bathroom!

When I thought of it, everyone was very embarrassed. At that time, everyone was together. Only Yang Ming discovered the enemy, but others did not have a trace of it. If the enemy really came to the door, the consequences were really unimaginable...

Seeing the silent expression of everyone, Yang Ming naturally knows how these people think, and can't help but smile: "You don't have to blame yourself. In fact, I also use my powers. These people are still far away from us. Distance, you did not find it is normal."

"I said that my jade did not respond. It turned out that these people were far away..." Liu Ye suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and he thought it was a problem!

"So, if I don't rely on my own abilities, I won't find these people so early. These people are good at jungle terrain and have telescopes. It is much easier to monitor us than we can monitor them!" Said. ! .

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