So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2067: The opponent is very powerful!

While Yang Ming is suspicious of Huo, the bitterness of the village is getting closer and closer! He seems to have known the hiding place of Yang Ming and others. He walked a little bit and did not drag the water, and it was in a straight line, and even the extra road did not go!

Yang Ming’s heart suddenly jumped, it looks like this, the bitter village owner really has two sons!

"Don't be nervous, everything is up to me." Yang Ming took a deep breath and whispered to everyone.

The people nodded and did not speak.

"Isn't it still coming out?" asked the bitter villager. At this time, he had already reached Yang Ming's body less than ten meters.

Yang Ming sighed, and the bitter villager was really prepared. Now if he is still swindling himself, Yang Ming does not believe it.

"The bitter village is the bitter cold master, not simple, actually can find me under such a distance!" Yang Ming stood up from the grass, looking at the bitter village, said faintly.

However, Yang Ming uses the word "I", but the use of "we" is also intended to suggest to the bitter village, here he is alone.

"What about other people? Why don't you come out?" If the owner of the village asked coldly.

"Other people?" Yang Ming slightly "a glimpse" some "suspicious huo" looking at the bitter village.

"If you are stupid, you can't just come out." The bitter villager said faintly: "Are you Yang Ming?"

"Since I know, why do I have to ask? But I really admire you, you can actually find us." Yang Ming did not rush to shoot, because this bitter owner gave him a very dangerous feeling of instinct to tell Yang Ming, This person is very dangerous!

"If I don't have two sons, I can't be the owner of the Yimiao Village, and the different Miao Village can't develop into the second largest Miao Village in a short period of time!" The bitter village owner snorted and said: "But Your kid also has two sons? Killing people invisible is not afraid of ordinary sorcerer?"

"Yo each other." Yang Ming smiled, but the flying needle has slipped into the hand, Yang Ming made a gesture to caress his own hair, and the flying needle rushed out to the bitter village!

The bitter Zhaizhu also shrugged and spread the stalls but did not fall to the ground as Yang Ming imagined. This made Yang Ming suddenly surprised. Is his flying needle ineffective against the bitter villagers? The right long-haired old man is cultivating the body of King Kong, isn’t it bad?

But the next moment Yang Ming knows the reason.

"Flying needles, this is a technical activity... Hey? Isn't this a tree unique to our Miaojiang? Is your flying needle made from this kind of tree?" The bitter villager will fly a wooden The needle was held in the hand, and some surprised.

The bitter villager was surprised, Yang Ming was even more surprised! My own flying needle, actually caught by the bitter village?

"You are a martial arts master?" Yang Ming's face became somewhat difficult to look at. He did not expect that this bitter villager is not only a person who knows how to swear, but also a warrior! My own flying needle stunts, although can not be said to be invincible, but the number of people who can crack is not too much!

Moreover, he accidentally launched the flying needle. This bitter village owner can actually detect it in advance, and catch the flying needle. Doesn’t this mean that the bitter village owner is even more powerful? This makes Yang Ming's face become very difficult to see...

It turned out that Yang Ming thought that the bitter village owner was a better person to deal with, because Lan Ling did not give him a high evaluation. Yang Ming thought that it was easy to seize the fate of his right-handed old man. Things, but now it seems that it is not as simple as I thought...

"Wulin masters can't count, the perennial Lushan wading through the mountains to collect medicines, collecting scorpion venom, and the skill is faster than others." The bitter villager smiled, but did not conceal his strength: "However, you are Not very confused, why can I find you? And why can you catch your flying needle?"

As long as Yang Mingyi can start, he can find his own strength and weakness. Therefore, it is better to tell Yang Ming than the owner of the bitter village. Moreover, the most important thing to do is to delay. time!

Yang Ming nodded and said: "I want to hear the details."

"One of the scorpions that I have refining, called the ear and the eyes, the so-called eyes and ears, as the name suggests, is my eyes and ears." The bitter villager said with a smile: "The ear is a kind of locust, it is a kind of Flying locusts, this locust is tens of thousands, distributed in the distance of tens of meters, hundreds of meters or more, and these are the eyes and ears, each of which is my eyes and ears, they saw What, what I found, will be passed to me truthfully, so you are behind me, I found your traces soon!"

"There are still such amazing things!" Yang Ming could not help but marvel.

"Oh, I can take care of the different Miao Village. Naturally, there are my means. However, these eyes and ears are not used frequently. Besides the initial experiment, you are the first one to pay enough attention. Use the eyes and ears of people!" said the bitter owner.

"I didn't expect it, I am still honored to actually use you such a powerful means." Yang Ming suddenly realized, no wonder that he and others are so careful, or can not hide the eyes of this bitter village, he originally had this means!

In this way, isn't it similar to your own perspective, farsightedness, and three hundred and sixty degrees of vision?

"It's not a bad thing, it's just a kind of auxiliary trick." The bitter owner said: "You are still a little suspicious, why do I catch your flying needle?"

"You also found this with your eyes and ears?" Yang Ming has some ideas for the hardship of the owner.

"Nothing wrong, you are smart, know how to make a difference!" The bitter village nodded. "My skill is already fast. Now I have a whisper, and I can find your action and respond in advance." Well, it’s called an eye disease, and I am like this, but my eyes have become these eyes and ears. I can do it. If they see something, I will immediately take countermeasures!”

"Great!" Yang Ming couldn't help but marvel: "But since you told me the truth, you are not afraid that I will deal with you in reverse? You know, even if you have some means, but in the face of absolute power, it is useless. of!"

"Yes, I know." The bitter owner nodded very simply and said: "This is what I want to tell you. I have said so much to you before, explaining so much, even taking the initiative. Lu my weakness, what am I for? Do you really think that I am showing up with you? I am just fighting for time!"! .

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