So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2083: Unravel doubts (below)

"There is still such a thing in this, you are tinging generous, just got a girlfriend who has only a few days, I sent a piece of jade, but I lost it!" The right elder nodded: "But that's it. You jade is to be given to Lan Ling. Why don't you find it? This kind of gift that you want to give to your girlfriend should be very important? But if you lose it, you will lose it. Some are not normal. !"

"Do you also see that it is not normal?" Yang Ming smiled and said: "If it is not normal, it will be right. If it is normal, it will be strange!"

"Oh? How?" The right elders sold a slap on Yang Ming, which was a bit uncomfortable. ..

"Because, I have already found the place where the jade is." Yang Ming said faintly: "Just, I did not take it out!"

"Where have you found the jade? How is it possible?" The right elder listened to Yang Ming's words and immediately stunned.

"First of all, I saw a familiar figure in that hotel. At that time, he was a waiter and associated with his professional identity. I guessed that this piece of jade is stolen by him. I stole the jade in the case of the sensation, and placed it in my room. I did it under my eyes. I’m afraid it’s only him...” Yang Ming said: “Second, I know someone. I want to target me, or for Lan Ling, and I don't want others to worry about me, and I don't want to let Lan Ling have something to worry about because of this matter, so I simply gave up the jade."

"I didn't expect it, Yang Ming, you are a very tolerant person. At that time, you were not very good. You have this kind of heart. You can become my biggest enemy, but it is not accidental!" Sigh. (Hand, play. Update super fast)

"Oh, next, talk about the person who stole the jade. If I guessed it well, that person is my brother Dong Jun, right?" Yang Ming looked at the right elder, saying one word at a time.

"What!" The right elders suddenly looked at each other, and looked at Yang Ming with some unbelievable eyes. "I knew you all know?"

"Yes, I know." Yang Ming nodded. "It looks like, I guessed it?"

"I said it, if you guessed it, then I will never deny it!" The right elder nodded and said: "Nothing wrong, it is indeed him! You guessed it, since you guessed it, then I continue to conceal it." It doesn't make much sense, because I am only a cooperative relationship with him. Moreover, his repeated plans have failed, and I have lost patience with him! But unfortunately, even if you are sure, you can't find him to prove it. Because you can't go back this time."

"You are so sure, I will lose to you, can't have a chance to go back to Songjiang City?" Yang Ming asked.

"Oh, it’s useless to say nothing, then I’ll see it!” The right elder laughed. "So, let me talk to you first. Why do you doubt your brother? As far as I know, your brother is a low-key. People?"

“In the beginning, in the hotel in Yunnan, I saw a waiter and felt that the figure was very similar to him, but in this world, similar people are more than one or two, even the stars can I found the face, not to mention my brother? So I just suspected it for a moment, then let it go, but after this thing passed, there were many other things happening. I have targeted my doubts to my brother Dong Jun!" Yang Ming has been secretly in the heart for a long time. At this time, the right elders have been confirmed here, so he also said all of them one by one!

These things are not a secret, and the right elder is also an insider. The most important thing is that Yang Ming can use the analysis and recall of these things to achieve the purpose of delaying time, since I don’t know the limit time that the right elder can persist. It is a moment, and it can be a moment to make a good opportunity for Blue Ling.

"Is it? You can actually suspect that he is on his head. It is not easy. Then you tell me how you doubt it." The right elder asked curiously.

"As you said, my brother-in-law, Dong Jun, is a low-key person. As the first thief, it is all the money that the stolen money has been given to the poor. This is very commendable. In the eyes of my master, he has always been a person without si.” Yang Ming said: “But there are several things that have changed my opinion about him. The first time, he opened a limited edition. The sports car, what type of car I can't remember, because I don't care much about sports cars and the like, but such a person who doesn't have a si heart and a yu hope, actually opened a limited edition sports car, this Is it normal? This shows that he still has siyu. Once he has siyu, he will be greedy. If this greed is magnified to a certain extent, it will do something that harms the interests of others."

"Oh? Sports car?" The right elders groaned. I didn't expect Yang Ming to see a person's xing grid from this small detail: "I don't mean anything? Maybe he has a collection hobby in this regard? ”

"One thing, even if there are, there are still many such things." Yang Ming smiled and continued: "For example, once again, I have something to go to the hospital, but Dong Jun told me. He knows the doctors in the hospital, he is very familiar, and told me that in Songjiang City, he has many acquaintances! A good man, do not leave a name for good things, how does he know people from all walks of life? If not Deliberately operating, what is the explanation? These things are not consistent with the xing grid that he created. Initially, he gave me the impression that he is a good old man, has no contention with the world, is a good person, does not leave a name for good things, does not fight for it. Don't be fame and fortune... But according to my observation, the opposite is true. He is a person who is very greedy and attaches great importance to interpersonal contacts!"

"Sure enough, it is the rumored disciple of the king of the killer. This analytical ability is also a first-class one. This person's xing grid has been analyzed by you!" The right elder could not help but admire: "Yes, even if he is a Hypocritical, then how do you doubt that he is behind the scenes, and you have to deal with you? You know, xing is hypocritical and he has to deal with you, don't you?"

"No, you are wrong. This is naturally related, and it has a lot to do with it!" Yang Ming said faintly: "I am a rumored disciple of Fang Tian, ​​the king of the killer. There is a kind of inheritance, and the latecomer is in the position to let him Instinctive feeling threatened... I think this is the root reason he has to deal with me!" ro! .


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