So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2095: Planned failure

Of course, Alice is the sister of Dong Jun, and the most proud one of his fins! However, Alice's recent abnormal performances have also made Dong Jun aware of a serious problem. Alice may have been tempted and tempted Yang Ming!

Although Alice did not admit it, and Dong Jun did not confirm, but he had a hunch, that is, Alice may have really fallen in love with Yang Ming! Or, fall in love, she doesn't know it!

Dong Jun is deeply aware of the charm of Yang Ming. This can be seen from the women around Yang Ming. How powerful Yang Ming is, so Dong Jun has no doubt that Yang Ming has attracted the charm of Alice.

"Yang Ming, Yang Ming... My younger brother, how can I do it?" Dong Jun is a bit entangled, yes, he is really tangled!

In order to worship Fang Tiantian, Dong Jun was a hard work. He learned the life of Fang Tian through the news, and found ways to find Fang Tian, ​​the king of the killer. Through some means and strategies, he became Fang Tian’s. apprentice!

Originally, Dong Jun thought that after becoming an apprentice of Fang Tian, ​​he would be able to achieve the true meaning of the innocent, become the king of the next generation of killers, and become the dragon of the butterfly family, so that Dong Jun has a different The general power and strength, although these forces and strengths, may not be enough to confront the center, but it is enough to challenge and dialogue!

The center, I am afraid, will not be against the legend of a killer, the king of the killer, and will not casually enemies with the horror of the butterfly family. I believe that through his own efforts and the cooperation of other forces, Dong Jun believes that he There is still the possibility of being out of the center xing!

Although I can't change the center, but the center scruples to his Dong Jun's identity, he may also give him a face, let him smoothly leave the center and Dong Jun's ultimate goal will be reached!

However, what Dong Jun did not think was that Fang Tian actually refused his rumored disciple as the king of the killer because his body was not suitable for practicing martial arts. He only passed on some of his martial arts and the ability to steal, although he became A thief, but Dong Jun is still very depressed!

My body has always been very good, why not be suitable for practicing martial arts? Moreover, Dong Jun deliberately went to the hospital to check the body and found that his body and normal people are no different, there is no way to practice Wu Yi!

So, he took the inspection report to find Fang Tian to ask for it, but Fang Tian still said that the result of checking the body does not mean anything, his body is not a problem, but not suitable for practicing martial arts! This has something to do with the bones and has nothing to do with health!

Dong Jun had no choice but to make a temporary decision, but it was a little dissatisfaction!

He tried his best and approached Fang Tian. He wanted to be the king of the killer. As a result, he finally became an empty dream, how can he let his heart die?

What Dong Jun can't accept most is that Fang Tian seems to start to sè, other disciples besides him, and want to accept another disciple to inherit the clothes! This made Dong Jun very anxious. In a hurry, he found some problems in the coincidence. Fang Tian’s wife was actually afflicted with a big brother!

Dong Jun, ingeniously used this relationship, and framed Fang Tian into the detention center! The purpose of Dong Jun is that if Fang Tian enters the detention center, he will not have the opportunity to contact with the outside world. Naturally, he will not encounter the heirs of the heart. So, for a long time, naturally he can only consider him. Dong Jun is the only apprentice!

There is no other choice, and only the king of the killer can be passed to Dong Jun!

Of course, Dong Jun’s wishful thinking is good, but the reality is somewhat different from his imagination!

He did not expect that there would be such a presence of Yang Ming, and he also entered the detention center. Yang Ming’s skill, Yang Ming’s heart, coincided with the standard of Fang Tian’s apprentice, so Fang Tian shifted his attention to Yang Ming's body!

Fang Tian told Dong Jun what he meant. Although Dong Jun was very wrong in his heart, he planned to make a bath, but he still helped Fang Tian to investigate Yang Ming’s life and so on. On the surface, he must pretend to be in favor!

Although Dong Jun at that time was not a rumored disciple of the King of the Killer, it was an easy task to kill Yang Ming with his fierce and vain effort! Even if he doesn't do it himself, let the dead man around him, or Li Lexin, take the shot and kill Yang Ming is easy!

But Dong Jun can't do this! Fang Tian is not a fool. Fang Tian seems to have suspected that the purpose of Dong Jun’s apprenticeship is somewhat impure. He only excuses that he is not suitable for practicing martial arts. He does not pass him to school. At this moment, if Yang Ming has any situation, it is estimated that Fang Tian’s first suspicion It is his Dong Jun!

Therefore, Dong Jun did not dare to move. He wanted to deal with Yang Ming. He could only slow down and say that for a while, he could not act rashly!

So, after this, Dong Jun chose to cooperate with the right-handed old man and wanted to kill Yang Ming, but what he did not expect was that after Yang Ming’s step-by-step growth, he actually became so powerful, when Dong Jun made up his mind When I started, I was shocked to discover that things have been out of control. Yang Ming is not so easy to kill!

Even more so now, I even used the nails buried in the mysterious investigation bureau, but I couldn’t help Yang Ming, and the snipers sent by Alice did not help.

At this time, everything is already late!

"Do you want to cooperate?" Dong Jun took a deep breath. Gas, staring at his computer screen, before he had just finished a conversation with Dr. Benjamin, Dr. Benjamin asked himself again, there was no news of Dr. Sun and Suya, Dong Jun once again categorically Refused.

Since it has already been dissident, then Dong Jun will naturally not be so honest in the things he knows about Dr. Benjamin!

Thinking about things, Dong Jun’s phone rang! Dong Jun picked up the phone and took a look. He saw the caller ID above, and he couldn’t help but see it.

"Hey? Right long, old?" Dong Jun picked up the phone and said, "How come so late, call me?"

Now, it is already more than eight o'clock in the evening. At this time, the right long-haired old man suddenly called and made Dong Jun feel somewhat inexplicable.

"Haha, behind the scenes boss? Tell you a good news, hahaha!" Right Changyi remembered that he had given Lin Yi to imprisonment, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Good news? What good news?" Dong Jun could not help but ask.

"Yang Ming, I have been caught by me, how? Can you think of it? Wow hahaha!" Right long old man said here, once again laughed wildly! .

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