So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2099: Phone card owner

The owner of the second thousand ninety-nine chapter telephone card

"It turned out to be like this... then thank you dad..." Chen Mengyu was somewhat disappointed.

"But don't worry, I have already let the fat man on the side of the Mystery Bureau of Investigation go to the original record, and see if I can find out the approximate position that the phone card has used." Chen Fei said: "Wait with results I will call you the first time."

"That's good, then please," Chen Mengyu nodded, then hung up the phone, and then said to Zhou Jiajia: "Jia Jia, my father said that this phone card is not opened with real information, can not be found The owner of the calling card, but can try to find the approximate position that the calling card has used..."

"This is not necessary, I can also find the general orientation of use here..." Zhou Jiajia said: "I am checking, there should be results immediately."

Zhou Jiajia is a hacker himself, so it is natural to be able to do these things.

"But... Since this card is opened with false information, the location that is detected may not be useful..." Wang Xiaoyu Shen yín said: "The other party should also have the ability to counter-reconnaissance and will not be easily People found out."

“The used location has been detected...” Zhou Jiajia said: “This card has been used in these locations in Songjiang City, but it is very close to the jewelry fair, which should be found in the vicinity. And this card is purchased for the trade fair..."

“Wait a minute, what is this place?” Chen Mengyu pointed to an anchor near the city center and asked, “That is, he used this phone card in this position?”

"There is a communication market here. This card is estimated to be purchased from here." Zhou Jiajia said: "I have been to the communication market, some miscellaneous luàn, some vendors for the benefit, do not verify the user's information will also sell phone cards, this It’s hard to verify a phone with no information.

"It is like this." Chen Mengyu nodded and suddenly disappointed, but immediately said: "Hey? That is the case, it is determined which mobile phone card this seller is selling, can you find out, buy a card People?"

"This... is also possible, but I have not studied it in this regard..." Zhou Jiajia shook his head.

"Wait a minute, I asked my father." Chen Mengxi felt that her thoughts should be a direction of detection. She took out her mobile phone and dialed the phone of her father Chen Fei again.

"Dream, what else?" Chen Fei quickly picked up the phone.

"Dad, Jia Jia found out that this phone card should be sold out from the **** mobile phone communication market. Can you let people investigate it over there? Which number is specifically sold out? See if you can remember The buyer of this phone card?" Chen Mengyu said.

"Oh? You have found the sales channel for this phone card?" Chen Feiyi said: "I also looked for the sales channel of this card before, but because it is the agent home si self-use false information to open the card after bulk wholesale, Therefore, the retail store has not been recorded for the specific wholesale, there is no way to check it out, I did not expect that you have found the merchant who finally sold this phone card?"

"It's just rough. It should be one of the merchants in this market to sell. This requires Dad to investigate. If we go, people will not admit it." Chen Mengyu said.

"You can rest assured that you will give me jiāo." Chen Fei was originally a criminal investigation. Since he has a clear goal, it is not too difficult to find a seller of this mobile phone card.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei took an assistant to the **** mobile phone communication market. After entering the mobile phone communication market, Chen Fei did not rush to ask questions, but directly found the market manager to show his identity. Ask him for help.

"Police comrades, in the market, there are only a dozen merchants selling various mobile phone cards. Others are mainly selling mobile phones, mobile phone accessories and repairing mobile phones. Although they also sell some mobile phone cards, like this A special type of calling card, there should be only those merchants who specialize in selling cards, and other businesses do not have such channels.

"That troubles you take us to find some of these merchants who specialize in selling cards." Chen Fei nodded and said, sure enough, there are administrators to lead the way, and it has played a multiplier role in this market, no one knows more than this administrator. Home business project

Because there were administrators, Chen Fei and his assistants were also wearing uniforms, so when they checked the accounts of these merchants, they did not receive any obstruction and concealment. Soon they found this in a middle-aged nv account. Sales record of the calling card number

The calling date of this calling card is clearly recorded, so it is easy to find the account of the day.

"Police comrade, I don't know if he bought a calling card, it is used to do illegal activities..." The middle-aged fùnv quickly defended himself: "I really don't know, this person came to me and bought it several times. The phone card is a regular customer, and I didn’t think so much..."

“Have a few purchases? A regular customer?” Chen Fei stunned and suddenly rejoiced: “That is, you have an impression of the person who bought the calling card?”

"There are some." The middle-aged fùnv nodded quickly and said: "I have an impression."

"In this way, you will clean up the things first, and go to the police station with us. We have a professional painter. You should describe the appearance of this customer," Chen Fei said.

"That... do I have any responsibility?" middle-aged fùnv asked carefully.

"It is illegal for you to sell such a calling card," the assistant said.

"Oh, rest assured, I will try my best to remember to help you draw the person who bought the phone card." After listening to the middle-aged fùnv, he was relieved, as long as he did not involve any criminal case.

Soon, the painter in the police station painted the avatar of the phone card purchaser according to the description of the middle-aged fùnv, and the painting was also sent to Chen Fei’s hand for the first time.

"Oh? How could it be him?" Chen Fei looked at the people on the portrait and immediately looked at it.

This person, Chen Fei recognized it at a glance, actually a small and famous thief of Dong Jun, Chen Fei naturally knows, and also played several times with Dong Jun, but this person is basically a big mistake. People, even if they know that he is a thief, there is no direct evidence.

Dong Jun is a grandson who robbed the rich and helped the poor. Chen Fei also heard a little, but how could such a person and Yang Ming be involved?

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