So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2101: known long time ago

Chapter 2,101 has long known

"For the time being... Actually, I don't know. Everything has to wait until I see Yang Ming's Master Fang Tian and then make a final conclusion. After all, this portrait can only represent the phone card he bought..." Wang Xiaoying also Very shocked, she did not think that this person would be Dong Jun

She thought that this person may be from the blue sè family, but she never thought that this person is Yang Ming’s brother.

Yang Ming’s brother, who should be a group with Yang Ming, how could it become the enemy of Yang Ming?

Some of Wang Xiaoxuan couldn't figure it out, but some thought it.

What I can't figure out is Dong Jun's motives. What I can understand is that if this person is really Dong Jun, then the previous things will be combined.

At the jewellery fair, there is a disciple-level apprentice, which is to prove that this person is Dong Jun, and only a thief like Dong Jun, there will be such a thief apprentice.

However, between Dong Jun and Yang Ming, what is the deep hatred? Wang Xiaoxuan really can't figure out why Dong Jun is trying to put Yang Ming to death in such a way. There may be conflicts of interest between the two people, but it seems that Wang Xiaoyan should not be too big. Otherwise, why did Dong Jun not directly stop it? Yang Ming apprentice?

After Yang Ming’s apprenticeship, Wang Xiaoyu also learned about it. At the beginning, with the help of Dong Jun, Yang Mingcai was able to worship Fang Tian as a teacher. So, why did Fang Tian kill Yang Ming?

"That's fine, then you go to Yang Ming's master... This thing, it is best to contact Yang Ming, pass this news to him, let him make precautions early..." Chen Mengyu said.

"I am afraid that this will not work. After Yang Ming left, he did not contact us any more, nor did he contact other people, so..." Wang Xiaoyan shook his head. For Yang Ming to perform the task, she knew more than others. On the other side of Fang Tian, ​​Yang Ming did not contact again.

"It seems that only we can find a solution ourselves." Chen Mengyu nodded.

"Yeah, then I will go first." Wang Xiaoyan changed his shoes, went out of the villa, drove straight to Fang Tian's home.

Although Fang Tian is compounded with Wang Weishui, Fang Tian still maintains his previous habits. After dinner every night, he is lying in a rocking chair listening to the radio, not watching TV, but the Wang is weak and full of water, only骂方天 has no fun

When Wang Xiaoying came, Wang Weishui was counting down Fangtian. Fortunately, Wang Xiaoyu came to Fang Tian to solve the problem, so Fang Tian did not have the previous embarrassment, and Wang Weishui did not say much, and saw Wang Xiaoyu, but also had to Enthusiastic smile: "Is it coming?"

"Aunt, uncle, I am here, there is an important thing to ask my uncle to discuss..." Wang Xiaoyu nodded after nodding to the two, but opened the mén to see the mountain and went straight to the theme: "Uncle, I I thought I found someone to deal with Yang Ming."

"Oh? You found it? Who is it?" Fang Tian's face sè, he turned off the radio next to him and asked.

"It is Dong Jun," said Wang Xiaoyu.

“Dong Jun?” Fang Tianshen took a deep breath, but asked faintly: “How did you know?”

Wang Xiaoxuan was a bit strange about Fang Tian’s attitude at this moment. When Fang Tian heard that the person who was going to deal with Yang Ming was Dong Jun, wouldn’t it be shocking? How do you look at the expression of Fang Tian, ​​it seems that the general bo is not surprised?

"Things are like this..." Wang Xiaoying told Fang Tian through the process and results of the decryption of the mobile phone, and will eventually find out how to sell the phone card, how to draw the portrait of the person who bought the phone card, and Fang Tian said it again: "This is the portrait."

Wang Xiaoyan took out the portrait that Chen Fei took and placed it in front of Fang Tian.

"Sure enough, he." Fang Tian nodded. "In fact, I always knew him."

"Ah?" Wang Xiaoyu suddenly stopped: "Uncle, you always know?"

If it wasn’t for Wang Xiaoyu’s understanding, Fang Tian would definitely be closer to himself and Yang Ming. She even suspected that Fang Tian was a group with Dong Jun, otherwise Fang Tian’s why he was so shocked, and already knew The person who wants to deal with Yang Ming is Dong Jun, but he has not made any measures.

However, Fang Tian is the uncle of Wang Xiaoying. In any respect, it should be the person on his side, not the person on the other side of the army. Therefore, Wang Xiaoyu is even more suspicious.

"I always know, but I am not sure." Fang Tian smiled. "But now, if you took this picture, I will be sure."

“I’m always aware of it?” Wang Xiaoying is a bit strange: “My uncle, with your skills and means, it’s not going to be difficult to determine this thing? Why...”

"Is it very strange, why don't I confirm it?" Fang Tian waved his hand and said: "Nothing wrong, I knew Dongjun this person had some ambitions and premeditated things, so I have never taught him the real killer. Kung Fu, did not let him inherit the meaning of clothing, but will not let him marry you, but he always wanted to inherit my clothes, huh, huh, Yang Ming's appearance, hindered him, hindering him to become the new generation of the king of killers Therefore, it is normal for him to deal with Yang Ming. From that point of view, I also roughly calculated it. The person behind the scenes is Dong Jun. However, I did not go to the testimony, because once I have verified it, my xìng grid is I will never keep him again, I will clean up the mén household"

"Ah? Uncle, what do you mean, you are reluctant to clean up the mén household, or to care about the old feelings?" Wang Xiaoyan did not expect that the situation is like this.

"Do you think that your uncle, is this kind of person?" Fang Tian smiled: "I don't kill him. Naturally, there is no reason to kill him. My reason is very simple. That is, Yang Ming wants to grow up, he must After tempering, the so-called adversity of talents is the truth. The wind and rain are the huā of the greenhouse. How can it become a big event? How can it become the king of the killer? Yang Ming’s growth in the past year, you see it in your eyes. If there is no opponent, Yang Ming will only stagnate, it is the emergence of the opponent, so that Yang Ming will continue to become more powerful and I will keep Dong Jun, not to verify, but also for this purpose, he dealt with Yang Ming, just, I saved the opportunity to help Yang Ming create a trial environment, let him go to fight with Yang Ming, and Yang Ming will grow up in every struggle."

"But, if you keep him, isn't it very dangerous? If Yang Ming is not strong, then the consequences are not unimaginable?" Wang Xiaoyu finally understood the meaning of Fang Tian, ​​but for Fang Tian's approach, he felt that it was really Adventure

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