So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2108: the story behind

"Wait, you haven't finished yet, why do you want to get out of Dr. Benjamin's control? What does Dr. Benjamin want to do with Suya? What purpose does he have? What kind of person does he have?" Fang Tian waved his hand to signal Dong Jun to continue.

"I naturally want to get rid of Dr. Benjamin's palm... My sister's life and death are in his hands. Now there is nothing. He just controls us, but once we do something wrong or where it makes him feel bad, It is estimated that we are greeted by death!" Dong Jun said: "Who likes to be controlled by such a person? And, I am really tired of it, I don't like this kind of life!"

"But this is against you, Yang Ming does not take it?" Fang Tian asked: "I have never figured out why you should deal with Yang Ming? What is the use of Yang Ming? According to your opinion, you The enemy is Dr. Benjamin, not Yang Ming?"

"That... I’m a little embarrassed! At first I was close to Master. You are actually using the mind. You are the king of the killer. I am thinking of the teacher under your door. In this way, you can teach me some skills, and As a rumored disciple of the king of the killer, my status is also very strong. I think there is a qualification for Dr. Benjamin’s challenge!” Dong Jun said with some embarrassment: “In this way, he must consider and If you have anything to worry about, if you have something, then you will definitely not let Dr. Benjamin easily..."

“Do I have the capital against Dr. Benjamin?” Fang Tian asked a little suspiciously.

"You are the king of the killer. I think Dr. Benjamin is even better, and he is not willing to offend a killer. If he does not go out, he may be assassinated by you!" Dong Jun explained: "Which People are willing to endure such dangers? If Dr. Benjamin knows this, I am afraid that I will not easily start with me. Even for his own safety, I will let me go..."

"So, if you see that Yang Ming has taken the position that should belong to you, is it not harmful to him?" Fang Tian listened to Dong Jun’s words and finally understood why he had to murder Yang Ming. It was because of such a relationship. !

"Yes..." Dong Jun nodded. "If I can become your apprentice and marry the butterfly family, then you will be backed by the king of the killer and the butterfly family. I am not afraid of anything!" ”

"It turned out that you changed your mind?" Fang Tian asked: "I found Yang Ming not killing and want to cooperate with him?"

"Yes." Dong Jun said frankly.

"Then you are really shameless!" Fang Tian sneered aloud: "If you know that you can't do it, you have to exchange Yang Ming's sympathy and help?"

"I... yes, I really have some problems..." Dong Jun admitted: "But there is no way, I am also living for myself!"

"Continue to talk about Dr. Benjamin's business. You haven't told me yet, what is he looking for in Suya, and Dr. Benjamin, what's the best thing?" Li Tian waved his hand and gestured The topic is here.

"Dr. Benjamin is looking for Suya because of one thing in the past! He is studying biochemicals about human potential and limits and specific functions. He was a doctor named Sun Sikong. It is said that a glasses have been invented, and this glasses has a magical function, but what is going on, my permission is too low, and I can’t know exactly, Dr. Benjamin is also categorically not telling me about these things. But according to him, when Dr. Sun Sikong and Su Ya came into contact with this girl, it was possible to find a clue from Dr. Sun Sikong from Suya, so let me stay here and continue to explore this name. The whereabouts of Suya's people! But in the home of Suya, it seemed to offend a very powerful big man in the locality, so they moved out of the house and left, wherever they went, no one knows...", Dong Jun The reason for finding yourself in Suya and Fang Tian simply said: "I don't know much. In short, this person is very useful for Dr. Benjamin."

"It turned out to be the case! Then Dr. Benjamin, what is the power, let you be afraid of this?" Fang Tian asked.

"Before I said, Dr. Benjamin is a scientific madman who specializes in the study of the human body's extreme and other specific functions. Under his command, there are many people who have modified people and have a body that is not bad. This kind of person is very difficult to deal with, and there is almost no weakness. The body is hard and hard, it is even more powerful than the person who cultivated the golden bell. There seems to be no weakness in the body, and there is no indestructible!" Dong Jun said: "This kind of person, you are not very useful, no matter whether it is a knife or a stick, unless it is used Harder weapons destroy them, otherwise there is nothing to do!"

"Why can Yang Ming be able to deal with it?" Fang Tian listened to it. If it was really like Dong Jun, this is simply a King Kong hero!

"Yang Ming... Is the right elder not refining a kind of vajra? After he finished, he and Dr. Benjamin’s men are no different. If Yang Ming can deal with the right elder, then naturally he should be able to deal with Dr. Benjamin. !" Dong Jun said.

"Don't you say that Yang Ming was caught? How do you know that Yang Ming can deal with the right elder?" Dong Jun asked.

"The original thing was like this..." Dong Jun told Fang Tian before the right elders called him, and then added his own analysis: "I think Yang Ming is a very powerful person, but according to The right elder said, that Yang Ming is a big fool, so there should be only one reason, that is, Yang Ming is loaded from beginning to end, deliberately caught by the right elder, deliberately yield, then find opportunities and then pull back. This game, the final victory, should still belong to Yang Ming!"

"Oh, you are not stupid!" After Fang Tian listened to Dong Jun’s narrative, he also let go of his heart. Indeed, according to Dong Jun’s current analysis and argument, Yang Ming should be deliberate, Fang Tian’s for Yang Ming’s I know a lot, knowing that Yang Ming is not a savage person, and will not make such a stupid thing about self-investment.

"Yeah... So, after Yang Ming came back, help me take care of my sister Alice. This is the last request before I die. I hope Master can promise it!" Dong Jun said with a smile: "I I believe that Yang Ming will definitely be back. This is my last entrustment. I hope Master will bring my words to Yang Ming! Thank you!"! .

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