So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2112: What is the connection?

"Well, after I have the news, report it to me immediately. Don't have the slightest delay. I am in a hurry!" Dong Jun’s opponent yelled.

"Do not worry, boss, I will go all out!" said the man.

"Okay, then this is the case." After Dong Jun hung up the phone, he began to look at the surveillance video stored on the computer about Huang Youwei.

This video is a lot, there are so many places, if Dong Jun directly views it, it is estimated to look at a long time, so Dong Jun can only choose fast playback, want to find some suspicious places, then stop and use normal The speed to watch!

However, although it is a fast playback, it also takes a lot of time to watch, and Dong Jun can't be distracted. He must always be spirited and can't miss a picture.

Although this is a very patience work, Dong Jun’s patience is a lot! He was sent here by Dr. Benjamin to find the news of Dr. Suya and Dr. Sun Sikong. It was originally a patient work. If there is not enough patience, how can he hold it for so long?

Therefore, this is not a big deal for Dong Jun. Moreover, this is also for his own future. If he can find the weaknesses and flaws of Huang Youwei, he can negotiate with him. If he can't, he can only kill him.

This is not a difficult thing for Dong Jun. Although Dong Jun did not inherit the powerful killer techniques of Fang Tian, ​​but the light work is good, and dealing with ordinary people like Huang Youzhen, it is effortless.

But this is not the way Dong Jun hopes. This is the most ineffective way.

Dong Jun opened a can of coffee and prepared to watch the video day and night. He took the way from the last day and did not go directly to the earliest surveillance video.

Time... I was flowing unconsciously, and it was already dawning in the blink of an eye. Dong Jun did not find any suspicious actions by Huang Youzhen. He yawned and prepared to take a rest after reading the video of his hand. Continue after you get up.

However, when Dong Jun was ready to rest, Dong Jun’s eyes suddenly condensed, and suddenly he came again!

Because he found that Huang Youzhen actually picked up his mobile phone to prepare to make a call!

You know, Huang Youzhen is here, basically alone. In addition to the usual contact with himself and his own, he will not contact other people because he does not know anyone else!

The person he knows is dead, one is in the prison, so Huang Youzhen suddenly called, making Dong Jun feel very strange!

Even if you contact Dong Jun’s own team, Huang Youzhen is also in contact with Dong Jun. It is impossible to contact Dong Jun!

Therefore, Dong Jun hurriedly pressed the screen on the normal play button computer, and also restored the normal speed, and there was also a sound...

Sure enough, Huang Youzhen was on the phone, and this time there was a voice of Huang Youzhen!

"Yang Ming?"

Yang Ming? Dong Jun suddenly stunned, Huang Youzhen actually called Yang Ming? what's going on? This opening statement made Dong Jun become confused!

"Don't worry about who I am. I am calling to tell you something. Someone wants to target Huang Lele around you and wants to kill her. It may be a slamming of yourself!"

The next moment, Huang Youzhen’s words made Dong Jun shocked, Huang Youzhen, actually told Yang Ming? Tell Yang Ming that someone wants to kill Huang Lele, want to kill her, and even the way of assassination is said?

This made Dong Jun become very shocked. This is a yellow sorrow. Could it be that Yang Ming sent him to the bottom? Otherwise, how do you still give Yang Ming a letter? You know, Yang Ming is the one they are dealing with together?

However, no, ah, calm down, Dong Jun has doubts about his own conjecture. For a long time, when dealing with Yang Ming, Huang Youzhen did not have any tricks. If Yang Ming’s undercover, he would help himself. What tricks?

You must know that some tricks are likely to make Yang Ming’s way, and he accidentally hangs up. I believe that if Huang Youwei is undercover, he will definitely not make such an anecdote!

However, if he is not undercover, what is the purpose of his doing this?

Is it accidental, or is there any hidden feeling?

Thinking of this, Dong Jun dumped the video and replayed the paragraph again. He listened again to what Huang Youzhen said...

"Someone wants to target Huang Lele around you and wants to kill her. It may be a sniper. You yourself are good at it..."

It’s a good idea, this is obviously not a tone of voice to a friend or a master. If Huang Youwei is undercover, it is impossible to speak to Yang Ming in this tone, so from this point, it is certain that there should be little relationship between the two. !

Of course, Dong Jun did not know that Huang had used the sound-changing software on his mobile phone. If he knew it, he could be 100% sure. He had nothing to do with Yang Ming. However, what I heard on the screen was Huang’s original voice, so Dong Jun was only guessing.

"Someone wants to target Huang Lele..." Huang Lele..." When Dong Jun read the name, he suddenly stood up! Huang Lele! Huang Youzhen has been emphasizing Huang Lele, just let Yang Ming pay attention to the safety of Huang Lele, but did not remind Yang Ming to be careful... In this case, there must be problems!

Dong Jun closed his eyes and carefully recalled the day between the video and the dialogue between Huang and You. Yes, when he proposed to deal with Huang Lele, it seemed that Huang’s look was not normal. And when he knew that Huang Lele was fine, he seemed to be relieved...

Only at that time, I didn't think much about these things, but now I think it seems to be really problematic!

And last night, Huang Youzhen also asked about Huang Lele's business. He said that there is no relationship between Huang Youzhen and Huang Lele, and Dong Jun does not believe it! If Huang Lele is just a woman of Yang Ming, then Huang Youzhen cares about what she does? Isn't it nothing to do?

Why did Huang Youzhen not care about Xia Xue, don't care about Chen Mengxi, don't care about Lin Yuyun, but care about Huang Lele?

However, what is the relationship between the two of them? . . ...

Huang Youzhen... Huang Lele adjoined Dongjun and frowned. Both people are surnamed Huang, but the same surname is really too much. The background of Huang Lele’s Dong Jun is very clear, and Huang Youzhen should be gossip. But this is just an appearance. Do they have any secrets in the dark?

Is Huang Lele a lover of Huang Youzhen? Dong Jun shook his head and felt unrealistic. The only thing that can be suspected now is that both of them are surnamed Huang, but it seems that the contact is not very human. . . ...

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