So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2141: Find a way

Chapter 2,141, find a way

"Yeah, is there any problem?" Lin Dongfang nodded. He looked at Yang Ming with some doubts. He didn't know why he was so excited.

"That... with a silver needle, can you stab the locusts?" Yang Ming hurriedly asked after listening to the words of the right elder.

"This... should it be?" Lin Dongfang still does not understand why Yang Ming is so excited.

"You said it early!" Yang Ming said with a sigh of relief: "Xunzhen, I thought that the right elder had made a poison against the sky, I didn't expect it... but it was!"

"Ah?" Lin Dongfang looked at Yang Ming, some unknown. So what happened to Yang Ming? Is he not able to solve the problem?

But can't, right elders have no way, and Liu Tianqi and Lan Ling also said that there is no medicine to solve, then what will Yang Ming have? Lin Dongfang really can't figure it out.

"Hey, Big Brother Lin, you should have told me this principle of viciousness!" Yang Ming complained: "I professionally solve this poison!"

“Ha? Professional solution?” Yang Ming’s words made Lin Dongfang’s mouth wide open his eyes: “Yang Ming, are you kidding?”

And Yiyi, Liu Tianqi, also looked at Yang Ming strangely, I don't know how he became a professional solution to the rapid.

However, Lan Ling is thoughtful, and Liu Ye, Feng Tianlong and others, also frowned, seems to think of something!

"What are I kidding? This kind of thing, can you just make a joke?" Yang Ming waved his hand and said: "Yiyi, I will take Lin's silver needle, I will start to solve it!"

"Ah... good!" Although Yiyi did not know how Yang Ming could explain to Lin Dongfang, but seeing his confidence slowly, he quickly stood up and went to Yang Ming to get the silver needle ready to solve!

In a short while, a box of silver needles was handed to Yang Ming’s hands, and Yang Ming, after giving the silver needles poison with alcohol, said to Lin Dongfang: "Linda, you don’t want to move now, stand up, Standing in front of me!"

"Now? Just so relieved?" Although Lin Dongfang felt a bit unbelievable, but out of trust in Yang Ming, he stood up and stood in front of Yang Ming! Because he felt that Yang Ming could not lie to him, nor did he have to lie to him, so no matter what he did, he would try again!

"Well, just like this, you stand here, stand up and don't move, Lin Big Brother, I will solve it for you!" Yang Ming nodded.

"Good!" Lin Dongfang was also a chic smile, standing there, let Yang Ming go to work.

Yang Ming, did not move immediately, but stared at Lin Dongfang with his eyes straight, and then as the old man entered the general, motionless, the silver needle in his hand did not make the next move. .

Lin Dongfang was somewhat hairy by Yang Ming, and he did not know what Yang Ming was going to do, but Lin Dongfang still stood there and motionless, apparently his trust in Yang Ming! Although Yang Ming does not seem to do anything!

In fact, Yang Ming did not do nothing, but Yang Mingyun looked up and began to observe the meridians in Lin Dongfang's body! What kind of x-ray machine, etc., is almost weak in front of Yang Ming’s eyes!

Yang Ming began to look for the fast-talking that Lin Dongfang said! However, there are many meridians in the human body, and Yang Ming is not likely to find the location of Xunyi at once! He can only look from top to bottom and slowly!

Time passed by, Yang Ming still kept the previous action watching Lin Dongfang, and Lin Dongfang was still standing there.

"Liu Ye, you said that Yang Ming, can you solve the sorrow of the righteous father?" Yiyi asked.

"I think it is ok!" Liu Ye knew about Yang Ming's special function, so after contacting Lin Dongfang's quick features, he understood how Yang Ming would do it. Yang Ming wanted to use perspective and silver. Needle cooperation, killing fast!

However, Yang Ming will look at this matter. Liu Ye is not sure whether Yang Ming will tell these people, so although he likes Yiyi very much, he will not tell Yang Ming’s secrets. This is a matter of principle!

So wait a while, Yang Ming to explain it yourself, Liu Ye will not say a word. At this time, Yiyi asked, Liu Ye just said one he thought.

"Well..." Yiyi actually knew that Liu Ye was not necessarily sure, but he was seeking a psychological comfort, so after Liu Ye’s remarks, Yiyi did not ask again!

Liu Tianqi and Chen Xiaojing are also extremely nervous. In their hearts, they naturally want to have nothing to do with Lin Dongfang, but they don’t know what Yang Ming is going to do.

And Lan Ling, Xia Xue, Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu are just as clear as Liu Ye, they just wait for Yang Ming's success!

Yang Ming is not in a hurry. Since this kind of quickness is really as ridiculous in the veins of Lin Dongfang, as Lin Dongfang said, then Yang Ming always finds its trail!

Sure enough, after a long period of careful observation by Yang Ming, I finally saw a small thing, which was moving fast in the veins of Lin Dongfang!

Hey, this is fast and fast, and it can't escape Yang Ming's eyes. Since Yang Ming's eyes have locked it, it will not let it disappear from Yang Ming's sight! Yang Ming's ability is not white, if even a small Xun worm can not lock, Yang Ming is not as good as their own eyes dug!

The next thing becomes simple. Yang Ming only needs to determine the position of Xunyi, and then directly kill it with a silver needle! In this case, Yang Ming thought of raising the silver needle in his hand and preparing to start!

Yang Ming looked at the fast position of Lin Dongfang’s body and then stabbed it!

"Ah!" Yiyi and others all gave a cry, but did not expect Yang Ming to start doing it, there is no hint of a harbinger!

However, when they saw Lin Dong’s expressionless expression, they knew that Yang Ming did not actually bury Lin Dong’s!

"Hey!" Yang Ming shook his head in regret, and some helplessly pulled out the silver needle. This time, Yang Ming did not stab the fastness of Lin Dongfang! The speed of Xunyi is too fast, and has exceeded Yang Ming’s hand speed!

And, over, not even a little bit! Yang Mingben is the killer, the speed of his hand is very fast, his distance from Lin Dongfang is close, and the silver needle is not far from Lin Dongfang’s body, but even so, Yang Ming still has no stab Hey! Sure enough, it is fast, too fast!


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