So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2143: Solve the problem

Chapter 2,143

"Don't die? Don't kill it!" Lan Ling said to Yang Ming quickly, knowing that Xunyi is rare, and Lan Ling has never seen it before!

This strange viciousness, Blue Ling naturally wants to see it, but also can increase some knowledge! Perhaps, according to this fast, can also develop a rapid antidote, even if not, this small thing may also become a counter to the right elders!

So Lan Ling prevented Yang Ming from letting him kill Xun!

"Oh, I still want to give it a shot, and you remind me of it!" Yang Ming smiled. "" novels users hit

"Do you really catch Xun?" Lin Dongfang still doesn't quite believe it: "Can you take it out?"

"Yes, but don't be afraid of pain!" Yang Ming smiled and turned to look at Yiyi, and then said: "Yiyi, I will bring the surgical blade to me, I will take this little thing out!"

"Ah... good!" Although Yiyi felt a little scary, she did it according to Yang Ming’s words.

After a while, Yiyi took a surgical blade and handed it to Yang Ming: "Give..."

Yang Ming took the scalpel and smiled and said: "Linda, you have to bear something, I have to give you a knife!"

"Ha! Nothing, come on!" Lin Dongfang said indifferently: "I can still bear this pain, you are too small to see me!"

"Oh! Then I will cut it!" Yang Ming nodded and did not hesitate. He opened a small hole directly at the silver needle of Lin Dongfang. It was not too small and just right! Yang Ming is also a master of playing knives. At the beginning, he had been practicing with Fang Tian for a long time and practiced for a long time, so Yang Ming’s technique is not worse than Lin Dongfang!

"Hey--" Although Lin Dongfang said it was good, but the pain is still there, but there is no sound. He frowned, but he saw that Yang Ming had pulled out the silver needle and the top of the silver needle. There is just a small bug moving around, obviously it is that fast!

Lin Dong, who saw this scene, forgot the pain for a while, and looked at Yang Ming with horror: "You really did it? No? I have been dreaming? Yiyi, come, and then take care of my father." See if the righteous father is dreaming?"

"Yifu! The pain in your body is not painful?" Yiyi said with some helplessness.

"Oh? Yes, it hurts, it must not be a dream!" Lin Dongfang felt the pain of the knife at this time, but he was very happy. "Haha, really is not dreaming, too good. Great!"

"Yifu, you should be careful, don't make the wound more serious!" Yiyi took a bottle of wound medicine and handed it to Lin Dongfang. This is Lin Dongfang's own wound medicine. The effect is excellent and it is applied to the wound. After the last time, you can stop bleeding in an instant, and leave no scar after the injury!

Everyone in this drug valley will inevitably suffer some injuries when taking medicine, so Lin Dongfang has deployed a lot of trauma drugs for everyone to use!

Lin Dongfang took the traumatic medicine and applied it to the wound at random. He is also a doctor. Naturally, this kind of wound has little effect on people, and he has his own special medicine, which is naturally easy to heal. .

Yang Ming handed the silver needle in his hand to Lan Ling, but Lan Ling was not afraid. He looked at the fast in his hands with great interest, and Liu Tianqi also had a lot of research on scorpion venom. Well, a special utensil for cultivating cockroaches was handed to Blue Ling.

Lan Ling will quickly throw it into the utensils. It was originally a very overbearing fast in Lin Dongfang. At this moment, there was no movement, quietly staying in the utensils, very honest.

"Small things, wait until I have time to study you!" Lan Ling gave Liu Tianqi the utensils, indicating that he would close it first.

Lin Dongfang, Liu Tianqi, and Chen Xiaojing and Yiyi, all failed to think of it, have been plagued by Lin Dongfang for so long, so that Yang Ming can easily solve it within one day!

Not only solved, but also caught alive!

"Hey! I knew that you have such skills. I have already let you catch this little thing for me. I still wait until now, it’s really a pit person!" Lin Dongfang said with a smile: "If I knew this, I wouldn’t I was anxious to write a medical note. I wrote such a thick book these days and I am exhausted!"

"Yeah, boss, you have thought of this method early, I don't have to suffer such a long sin. It is obviously not a material for medical doctors. I have learned medicine for so long. It is really killing me!" Liu Ye is also suffering. Said the face.

"Ha ha!" Lin Dongfang listened to Liu Ye’s words and suddenly smiled: "So, I am not suffering."

"However, I originally wanted to learn medical skills. I learned a lot of things this time, and I would like to thank Lin Big Brother. Now, Lin Da Ge does not regret that you will be taught to me, and teach it to me?" Yang Mingxiao asked Road.

"This is what you said, you are my savior, what do you teach you something? Even if you don't save me, you want to learn, in our relationship, I will teach you all!" Lin Dongfang said. "Oh, we will continue every day in the future. I will teach you medicine, but I don't have to worry so much. I will work hard to study the poisonous side!"

"Yes!" Yang Ming nodded.

"Right, you haven't said it yet. How did you catch this little rush? Is it amazing? If you tie it twice, you are stuck?" Lin Dongfang asked curiously.

"This... I want to start from one of my special functions..." Lin Dongfang said, and told the things he would see into Lin Dongfang, Yiyi, Liu Tianqi and Chen Xiaojing! Yang Ming’s ability, Liu Ye, Xia Xue and others all know that there is no special reaction at this moment.

However, Lin Dongfang and others were amazed. They did not expect that Yang Ming was actually an actor!

"Great!" Liu Tianqi suddenly shot his thigh and jumped up suddenly.

Everyone is now amazed at Yang Ming’s special function. This Liu Tianqi suddenly stood up and yelled, but it scared everyone!

"What's wrong? What's your name?" Chen Xiaojing looked at Liu Tianqi with some blame, not knowing what he was calling!

"Yang Ming, you have this ability, and it is very helpful for us to refine our anti-drugs!" Liu Tianqi said: "We refine the vajra, the reason for frequent failures is that we can't see the situation in the petri dish. When the time is up, the culture dish will be opened. If you can observe the situation in the culture dish at all times, it will play an important role in refining the diamonds!"

"Oh? What do you mean by saying, let me look at the situation inside? But can x-lights be implemented?" Yang Ming asked slightly.


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