So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2151: Strange spring water (top)

I haven’t made progress in so many years. What can I do if I have more than half a year? Right long 垩 old do not believe it!

Therefore, what he should do and do not care too much about the research progress of Yang Ming and others in the medicine valley.

Xunyi's nutrient solution, after research by Yang Ming, Liu Tianqi, Lan Ling and others, found that the liquid secreted by Xunyi is actually a kind of anti-drug. If the quantity is too much, it can cause dementia, only the quantity. If it is just right, you can use it as a nutrient solution for Vigor!

In other words, this nutrient solution can not be eaten casually, can not eat more and can not eat less, each time can only eat just right, in order to maintain the vitality of the body within the body, otherwise, not become an idiot is to be Hercules蛊 蛊 !!

This is a breakthrough research progress, but this progress is not very helpful to everyone, because it is very simple, everyone still dare not try to force the gods, who can eat this poison?

In the days that followed, the focus of the research was on the nutrient solution of the great gods. The amount of nutrient solution secreted by Xunyi was not only small, but also had great side effects. God's users have brought great inconvenience!

Because, if you can only take a little nutrient solution, that is to say, you can only let the Hercules play the role of one to five times. After playing, the whole person will be like the cockroach, without a bit of effort. Soft in the ground, this is a fatal flaw in the battle!

Fighting with the enemy, suddenly the nutrient solution is exhausted, and the vitality of the Hercules is gone, it can only become a jealous person lying on the ground, isn't it waiting to be killed by the enemy?

Therefore, this nutrient solution is quite unacceptable. Can't you drink nutrient solution in battle?

Moreover, after research by everyone, it is found that after the nutrient solution is separated from the fast-moving mother, if it is not with the fast-moving mother, it will lose its activity after several hours, and the nutrient solution will fail!

In this way, it is even more difficult to take. Who can take a little bit of nutrient solution with a dropper while fighting? First, there is no such time. Second, if the enemy is being attacked in the process of extracting nutrient solution, then it will not be finished?

In the unlikely event that the fast-moving utensils are broken and run away quickly, those who have made great deities can only wait to die!

Such a dangerous thing is simply not feasible, so the research direction of everyone, or find other nutrient solution to replace the nutrient solution secreted by Xunyi! However, Rao is an experienced expert, and it is hard to find a way to find nutrient solution!

Because this fast-dissolving liquid is an active liquid, which is similar to another kind of scorpion venom. It is not replaced by ordinary herbal medicinal liquid, and this nutrient solution is quickly secreted. There is no way to analyze it at all!

This is an active scorpion-like liquid. What ingredients can be analyzed?

So, in this case, basically it means that everyone's experiment is stagnant! And everyone is not in a hurry to study, temporarily stop, slowly looking for alternatives to nutrient solution, see what can have the same effect as this nutrient solution!

While everyone is looking for alternatives to nutrient solutions, there are two good news in the drug valley, that is, Xiao Susu and Yi Yi are pregnant! Yang Ming and Xia Xue and Lan Ling discussed it for a while. There is no child for the time being, and I plan to go back later!

After all, Yang Ming and Lan Ling are the direct force to study scorpion venom. If Blue Ling is pregnant, it is impossible to study these things again. Xia Xue and Lan Ling are not pregnant, and she is not special. The two people have discussed it well, and will return after returning to Songjiang City!

Lin Dongfang heard that Yiyi was pregnant, and his mouth was not close to each other. In addition to studying scorpion venom, he studied the body to Yiyi and Susu, and then thought about what kind of name would he give to his grandson?

Although Liu Ye and Yi Yi feel that it is too early to study these things, after all, they are just pregnant, even boys and girls do not know, but also study the name of the problem? However, Lin Dongfang is happy, no one can bother his interest!

For the things that Xiao Susu and Yiyi are pregnant, it is naturally impossible to get through the right long, because Yang Ming wants to pass the right long and ask for some pregnant women's necessities, and the right long old man does not feel anything about this matter. It’s not right, it doesn’t seem to care at all!

In his view, Yang Ming, how they are willing to toss in the drug valley, how to toss a few children have nothing to do with him, he is concerned about the diamonds! As long as you don’t refine the vajra, no one of these people wants to leave the drug valley!

However, in order to appease Yang Ming and these people, let them study the Hercules for their own peace of mind. The right long-haired old man sent someone to send some pregnant women's necessities, and sent some nutrients for Yiyi and Susu. .

What is right for the old man, Yang Ming naturally wants something, the person who does not refuse, and grateful to the person who is from the old school, he must try his best to study the diamonds as soon as possible.

In this regard, the old long letter does not believe in the old letter, he knows too much about Yang Ming, this kid, once the opportunity, will definitely play tricks, but in the current situation, the right long-legged old confident Yang Ming can not play any tricks!

In the medicine valley, it is almost impossible to come out without using modern machinery. Unless it is those people, you can have the ability to fly away! However, those people, who usually do not show up, are almost always isolated from the secular world, so the right long man is not worried about this!

With the emergence of two expectant mothers, the drug valley has become more and more lively. Every day, everyone only studies the nutrient liquid substitutes of Hercules in the morning. In the afternoon, Yang Ming will take everyone to the Valley of Medicine. Pick some fresh fruit from the jungle and the creek and come back to them!

Lan Ling and Xia Xue are curious to ask about the experience and feelings of Yiyi and Susu. This step, they will have to experience in the future. At this time, when others are pregnant, they will naturally miss the opportunity to consult.

Originally, the days passed by in this turmoil, but one day, Yang Ming found a strange spring, which is the farthest place in the medicine valley, where Yang Ming lived, almost from a place. The edge of the diameter is so far from the other edge of the diameter!

Going forward, that is the end of the medicine valley, behind a mountain. (Updated on Monday.) (To be continued

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