So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2156: Inspiration

The second one hundred and fifty-six chapters

This is also to facilitate the study of the information when they studied King Kong, but they were used by other people for other purposes!

"There is no way..." Lin Dongfang said with a bitter smile: "There is no mention of these things in the formal medical ancient books, but I saw a special kind of wood in an anecdote about Yihua. It is said that the container made of this kind of wood can be used to preserve some Chinese herbal medicines, so that these Chinese herbal medicines have always been fresh and not withered and lost their medicinal properties. Do you know that the container made of this wood has no effect on this strange spring?"

"What wood?" Liu Tianqi asked.

"There is no specific mention on this... but I want to come, even if I know it, this drug valley may not have such a thing. This kind of thing thousands of years ago, it is hard to say whether it exists now, and it is still anecdote. The dissident, not a formal medical book, is not easy to say if there is such a thing." Lin Dongfang said with a smile.

"This way..." Liu Tianqi was a little disappointed: "That seems, there is no way! I suggest that we don't waste time on this, it doesn't make sense. This kind of spring water is almost the same as the nutrient solution secreted by Xunyi. A kind of mother who can't get rid of scorpion venom for a long time, a place that can't leave Qingquan, if it leaves, it will gradually lose its activity!"

"Hey, I have been studying for so long, it’s still empty, I haven’t made any progress at all. It’s really helpless!” Lin Dongfang said with a bitter smile: "But there is no way. This is a god-like god, too eccentric, can have the current Progress is already very good."

"That's also true!" Liu Tianqi said: "At the very least, I know the possibility of two alternatives. At that time, even if I am mistakenly obedient to the Hercules, I will not die with a black eye."

“What do we do next? Or do we continue to study the alternatives to the Hercules nutrient solution?” Lin Dongfang said with some disappointment: “We should also study the next thing, things are now, the whole drug base is basically It’s all over the top, and it’s not so easy to find alternatives...”

"Yeah, unless you are studying compound drugs, a variety of herbs are added together, you may find alternatives, but the experiment process is too complicated, and the probability of success is less than one thousandth..." Liu Tianqi said: “It’s better to do something else that is more time-consuming than it’s a waste of time.”

"So... so to speak, vigorously, we can't take it?" Liu Ye was a little disappointed after listening to it. The Hercules who finally studied it couldn't be used until the end. This is not the person who is in the heart. It will be too happy.

"It can't be said that it can't be used, but it is very risky..." Lin Dongfang said with a smile: "At present, who is willing to take this situation? After taking it, you have to prepare for long-term settlement in Yaogu. You still have to. Young, or else, this old guy has taken it, and then I have been living here!"

"Linda, before there is no other way, this kind of risk-taking method doesn't have to be mentioned anymore. I won't agree." Yang Ming waved his hand.

"Right, since there is a simplified version of King Kong, you can change from the normal King Kong to the simple King Kong, then, can you change it into a simple version of the Hercules? Even if it is not as powerful as before, But if you remove the side effects, isn't that a good thing?" Lan Ling suddenly hesitated and suggested.

"Hey? This is a way!" Yang Ming couldn't help but nod. "Ling Ling said that there is nothing wrong with it. Since we can develop a simplified version of King Kong, we can't study the simplified version of Hercules." ?"

"Yeah! Why didn't you think about it before?" Liu Tianqi also stood up in some excitement: "We only want to find out how to find the nutrient solution instead of the rapid secretion, but did not expect to study the Hercules itself and simplify!"

"If you can let the powerful locusts out of the existence of nutrient solution, even if it does not play such a big role before, there are several people who attack together, it should be quite powerful!" Lin Dongfang also nodded and said: "This It is a good research direction. Before we went on the road, we just thought about the alternatives to the study of nutrient solution. Thanks to the advice of the younger brother of Lan Ling, it was a real awakening dreamer!"

"Some people grew up specializing in scorpion venom, and we are the same as our half-way monk?" Liu Tianqi said with a smile: "We still have some fires. Otherwise, we have studied the Donkey Kong who has not succeeded for decades. Why did the Blue Ling brothers and sisters succeed after they came?"

Lan Ling was a little embarrassed by these exaggerations: "I am just a move, not as powerful as you said, you should not praise me so much, let me not adapt!"

"Haha, but it is normal to boast a boast. This is what Lan Ling said, just in the snow, to solve our current confusion!" Yang Ming nodded.

Now that there is a new research direction, everyone will be busy again. As for the simplified version of the Hercules study, it is not necessary to study here, and it is ok to go directly to the laboratory.

As a result, the people ended their journey for nearly half a month and began to return to the laboratory from the edge of the drug valley.

Yiyi and Susu were pregnant, so the two were temporarily unable to contact some of the bacteria research, and the two men are now safe to raise their tires.

Looking at the rising belly of the two, Xia Xue and Lan Ling are strange and envious: "You are going to be a mother soon, how do you feel?"

“How can this feel?” Xiao Susu is a little crying and laughing: “The child has not yet been born, but it is only a mother.”

"Yeah... It’s weird, I’m going to be a mother...” Yiyi wasn’t ready yet. After all, she was simpler than others, and suddenly she became a mother, and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Why, you two envy? Waiting for this time to go back, let you be a mother." Yang Ming heard the conversation between the two people, came over and said.

"Haha, okay!" Lan Ling nodded without hesitation: "This time I go back, I want to be a mother too!"

"I... I will wait any longer..." Xia Xue feels that he is still very young, not too anxious...

At this time, Lin Dongfang and Liu Tianqi and others also ended today's research. Lin Dongfang came over and checked the condition of the fetus for Susu and Yiyi. (Updated on Monday.)


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