So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2165: regretful

The 2,165 chapters are very regrettable

"You have been prepared!" Yang Ming sighed helplessly, but it was not surprising, because the right elder said a strange word before he set off: "I have studied this Donkey Kong for many years. Although I did not refine the stable version of Vajrayana, the test version of Vajrayum in my body has already been thoroughly researched by me!"

This sentence, Yang Ming was not very understanding at the time, but now, it understands the intention of the right elder!

It turns out that the right elder has already known the flaws of Vajrayana, and he has prepared well in advance, so he has lost the effectiveness of the three men of Yang Ming, Lin Dongfang and Liu Ye!

"But why don't you have anything? How did your Vajrayana fail?" Liu Ye asked some unwillingly, this is a very strange place, since the right elder sprayed this on the body, it can invalidate the vajra. Powder, but why is he not affected?

"Of course, it didn't work!" The right elder laughed and said: "My golden Donkey is not incomplete, but after my improvement, I have avoided this flaw! My initial purpose is actually afraid. Lan Ling’s grandmother and the people of Lan Miao Village knew this flaw, so I made every effort to improve it! But now, they don’t know about it, but I didn’t expect it to come in handy!”

"It turns out!" Yang Ming lost his conviction this time. This time, he lost nothing. Although he was prepared, the other party was prepared, and the right elder said. For the understanding of King Kong, who is not like him!

"So Yang Ming, you don't have to think about it. With your strength, you want to deal with me, it's crazy!" The right elder said: "And, tell you an unfortunate news, recently I will be my incomplete version of King Kong 蛊After the upgrade, my incomplete version of King Kong will become a passive skill. Only someone will attack me. My incomplete version of King Kong will automatically start, and the timeliness that can be adhered to will be even more For a long time, if you want to assassinate me, and persuade you to dispel this idea! The only thing you have to do now is to refine and produce a full version of Vajrayana!"

"That is impossible... there is no catalytic enzyme." Yang Ming said: "You have used up all of our catalytic enzymes, only enough for three people, we have taken it!"

"Hey! I originally reserved some catalytic enzymes in order to avoid this happening. This time, when you refine the larvae of the full version of the vajra, give me, I add the catalytic enzyme myself, no you!" The right elder said.

"So, you are going to let us go?" Yang Ming was surprised. He didn't expect the right elder's patience to be really good. This time, he hasn't asked himself how to wait.

"It’s easy to control a few of you, your conspiracy means, in my eyes, the same existence as a joke!" The right elder sneered and said: "I can take full control, it doesn't matter, let go, because you guys I won't escape my palm!"

"Since you are so powerful, why don't you turn your incomplete version of King Kong into a full version?" Yang Ming asked, in fact, he wanted to put out more information from the right elder, and set a set of words.

"I have different research directions from you. I can only improve and improve on the basis of the existing anti-drugs. But before you create them, I can't change them out of thin air." Concealing Yang Ming, but explaining: "Although the incomplete version of King Kong has been perfected by me, I can start the incomplete vajra, and I can achieve instant start, and the time that continues to take effect is also me. It has been extended, but there is a cooling time in the middle! If you refine the full version of Vajrayana, I will improve it and improve this shortcoming!"

"It turned out!" Yang Ming nodded. "You still believe us, aren't we afraid of what we will do next time?"

"The next time? Hey, with your little means, I really didn't look at it!" The right elder taunted and looked at Yang Ming and said, "Know, Yang Ming, you, my former enemy, let me An opponent with a headache, now at my feet, is actually the existence of an ant ant! I am now in control of your destiny, but if you have been obedient, I feel that there is no meaning, and the days are too dull. And if you give me something to do, it makes me feel very fun!"

"Is it?" Yang Ming asked one sentence. However, the winner is the defeated by the king. This is the unchanging truth. Yang Ming has now become a prisoner of the right elders, and this time he wants to reverse and fails. So the right elder is indeed qualified to say these words!

"If you want to play next time, you have to play with a little bit of trouble, this is too challenging!" The right elder said: "Okay, don't talk nonsense with you, I am gone! The medicine of medicine powder, three After the day, it will be automatically unlocked. I didn't give you the interest to separate the antidote. You should rest for three days!"

After that, the right elders turned to the helicopter, and in the roar of an engine motor, slowly lifted off and left the drug valley!

Looking at the departure of the right elder, Yang Ming climbed up from the ground with some helplessness. Liu Ye and Lin Dongfang, who also climbed up with him, smiled bitterly: "It seems that we have prepared a long-term plan and failed... ..."

"Haha, failure will fail, big deal, we will come again from the beginning! This time it is only a small temptation!" Lin Dongfang is very optimistic: "However, the right elder also revealed a message, that is, he The more difficult it is to deal with it!"

"Yeah, I still think about it. When we are going to study King Kong, I will call him to study with us, then secretly lurking beside him, and he will not kill him, but he did not expect that he Actually turned his incomplete version of King Kong into a passive skill!" Yang Ming really does not know how to proceed to the next step: "But now it seems impossible!"

"It is true that his King Kong has become a passive skill... We are even less able to start..." Liu said.

"Now I have some regrets! When dealing with the right elders, you should kneel at him when you first meet and kill him directly!" Yang Ming’s face showed a regretful expression...


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