So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2167: Start of the journey

The second two hundred and sixty-seventh chapter begins

"The boss said that it makes sense. We can look for it again. Can it be safe?" Liu Ye nodded in favor of saying: "There is no way to take the full version of Hercules, so it must be safe. Row!"

"That's OK!" Lin Dongfang nodded. After all, Yang Ming's suggestion was correct. Although everyone looked for it again, but looking for it again, it is also for the sake of stability. In time, there is really a substitute for Xunyi. The existence of the nutrient solution and the spring water of the secretion are also possible!

However, Lin Dongfang said: "But the question about who is taking a strong **** can be fixed. I think it is better for me to take it because I have an advantage over you..."

"This..." Yang Ming and Liu Ye took a look at each other. Both of them smiled bitterly. It seems that Lin Dongfang insisted on this. They persuaded them for such a long time, but it still had no effect!

However, now it is not anxious to study who is taking the problem, now the most urgent task is to find a substitute for nutrient solution!

So, in the next few days, everyone started their second drug valley trip! The ride is still the previous battery car. //.com novel network //

This kind of battery car is more common in various tourist attractions. It is open-top, for tourists to watch the scenery, and the speed of driving is also very slow, and Yang Ming and others are just like tourists visiting the drug valley, but there is no driver or Tourist guide!

They stopped and stopped, wandering around the corners of Medicine Valley, looking for alternatives to the Hercules.

There are no projects to study now, so everyone will completely use this trip as a play. It is a good thing to find a nutritious liquid substitute for Hercules. I can’t find it, and I won’t be too disappointed. After all, they I didn't have much hope!

Only this time the search and search is more careful than the last time. Every time you go to a place, everyone will get off and look carefully. When you are looking for unsuccessful results, everyone will take a group photo and then go to the next place. &*. . Com fastest update**

So stop and go, half the distance, it took twice the last time, but when everyone came to the location of the clear spring, still did not find any nutrient solution that can replace the Hercules!

Think about it too, you can find such a clear spring, it is already very good, and want to find other alternatives, it is hard to add!

Near the Qingquan, Yang Ming sighed and said: "I have returned here, we have no gains..."

"This time, are you still fighting with me? Since there is no substitute, let me take it!" Lin Dongfang said.

Yang Ming and others are silent. Of these people, there must be one who wants to take strong deities. It’s not Lin Dong or Yang Ming, or Liu Ye or Feng Tianlong. Anyway, it’s impossible for other people, but these people, everyone. They are not themselves, they have a wife!

In fact, Xiao Susu's life is not the best, but it is the best candidate, but because Xiao Susu is pregnant, if she fights with the right elder, she is afraid of hurting the child!

"I still take it, then I will stay here. Isn't there a Xixing Mountain Village on the opposite side? When I go to the village to live, when I need to drink spring water, I can come and drink at any time. There is also there. The villagers will not be too lonely!" Lin Dongfang said.

"This..." Yiyi is a bit reluctant, said: "Yefu, we are all gone, then what do you do yourself? Or will I and Liu Ye, stay with you here?"

"Haha, Yiyi, you haven't seen any world, you still have to go to the outside world in the future, and your righteous father, I have been outside for the rest of my life. Now I want to rest and rest, nothing, I am here. You think about me, feel free to come and see!" Lin Dongfang said with a smile.

"But..." Yiyi still wanted to say something, but Lin Dongfang waved her hand and interrupted her.

"Well, don't say it, things will be settled..." Lin Dongfang said.

Yiyi was silent. She was disappointed and somewhat intolerant. She looked at Liu Ye and hoped that Liu Ye could say a few words.

"Yiyi, or else, wait until our children are born, let the righteous father help, so that we can not only enjoy the two worlds, but the righteous father will not be lonely..." Liu Ye thought of a best of both worlds. Method.

"Ah? This way..." Although Yiyi is very simple, but it is a little unwilling to leave the child, she has been expecting the birth of the child since she was pregnant, and she is full of maternal brilliance. The child stayed here, she was a bit reluctant!

However, she also knows that Liu Ye said the best way, because Liu Ye must have come from the bustling city. How can he endure in this small mountain village? And Yiyi also wants to look at the world outside!

So this is also the only viable option.

"Ha! This is a good idea. You two are going to play with you. I will take the children for you. I will not be lonely when I arrive!" Lin Dongfang said with a smile.

"That...just decide it..." Liu Ye nodded and said: "Today, are we going back, or are we playing here again?"

"I still have fun playing, here looks like a good view?" Yang Ming pointed out that not far away said: "In the meantime, we have never been to the other side, although the side is all mountains, are Cliffs, there are no plants and streams of water, but maybe there will be new discoveries!"

Yang Ming and others are coming around a half circle of the medicine valley, and the other half circle is a cliff. There is no grass on the other side, so Yang Ming and others did not go to the last time. They came to the end of the medicine valley here. , it returns straight.

But this time, Yang Ming is ready to look at it in the past. Even if nothing is found, it can be used as a play. Anyway, time is not very urgent.

"Also, it’s not bad to take pictures there!" Liu said.

So, after everyone rested in the spring for a night, the next morning, they went to the other side of the drug valley! This is a place that everyone has never been to, and the more you go ahead, the harder it is to drive!

Everyone's car is a battery car, not a buggy, so in the place where there are many sandstones, they can no longer move forward. Everyone can only stop the car, get off the bus, and prepare to hike past!

Because there seems to be nothing but simple things here, but the various rocks and cliffs, but they form a good picture, it must be very beautiful!

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