So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2190: Leave

Chapter 2,190

"Hate!" Xia Xue could not help but swear, but thought of being a sister with a big star, Xia Xue also felt very magical, but she did not expect that the beautiful girl she met at the seaside was the big star Shuya!

I knew that I had to ask for a signature at that time... But what kind of signature would I have to live with Shuya for a long time? Isn't it a joke? Thinking of this, Xia Xue closed his mouth again and no longer mentioned this matter.

"Right, Grandpa Sun, you haven't said, how is it with the center, and Dr. Benjamin became an enemy? Why are they targeting you?" Yang Ming smiled at Xia Xue and turned to look at Sun. Four holes.

"I said it, I feel very strange!" Sun Sikong said: "In Songjiang City, I was confident in my scientific experiments, but suddenly, I was found by a person named Benjamin. This person is looking for me by name, which makes me very strange!"

"This... How does this person know about you? And how does he know that you are in Songjiang City?" Yang Ming asked strangely.

"I don't know..." Sun Sikong said with a wry smile: "Although I am not afraid of him, but this time I came to bring limited technology products, not his opponent, so I don't want to have positive with them. The conflict, just don't know why, they just stare at me. I have been exploring my whereabouts for years. It seems that I am not looking for me..."

"This is really strange. Is Dr. Benjamin crazy? Is there nothing to do for you?" Yang Ming listened to Sun Sikong’s words and thought it was also incredible: "Is it because you Invented glasses?"

"There is this possibility, but it seems that it is not just this possibility, because Dr. Benjamin should be an amazing scientist, but he only uses his energy to study human potential. The iron man you are talking about is his research direction. ......" Sun Sikong said.

“Research direction? According to my current observation, he seems to be a biochemist?” said Yang Ming.

"Biochemist? Biochemical person?" Sun Sikong's mind did not know why, suddenly remembered a person, but shook his head and put this thought away, it seems unlikely, because he and Banjie Dr. Ming should have no contact, and Dr. Benjamin is a foreigner.

"Yeah, that steel man is not a kind of biochemical person?" Yang Ming said: "In fact, the right elders can basically be counted as biochemical people, because he is beyond the scope of normal people."

"That's it!" said Sun Sikong: "But you have to deal with Dr. Benjamin. Maybe I can make some effort! I can't deal with the right elders, but Dr. Benjamin can help. After all, after all, In addition to the factors of strength, scientific knowledge is also a key to winning."

"Thank you for thanking Grandpa Sun!" Yang Ming was overjoyed after listening to Sun Sikong's words. With this doctor of science pointing to the side, he is more confident!

"Thank you for what I do? Since he is against me, it is also my enemy. If I don't get rid of this aftermath, I am worried that he will threaten the safety of the small leaves!" said Sun Sikong.

"Okay, then it's a word!" Yang Ming nodded and said: "When the matter here is over, I will ask you when I deal with Dr. Benjamin."

"At that time, pass a signal to me through your glasses, or let the small leaves pass a signal with jade, and I will go to find you." Sun Sikong said.

"Oh? My glasses? Can you pass the signal? How do you do it?" Yang Ming asked.

"As long as you think about it, I can receive it." Sun Sikong said with a smile: "Every piece of information in your glasses will be passed over and processed in my computer, but I can set a keyword reminder. For example, if you want to name my name three times, Sun Sikong Sun Sikong Sun Sikong, the computer will give an alarm!"

Said, Sun Sikong took the computer keyboard, entered some commands that Yang Ming could not understand, and then said: "You can try now!"

"Oh? So amazing?" Yang Ming closed his eyes and silently recited the name of Sun Sikong three times in his heart. Sure enough, the computer around Sun Sikong issued an alarm tone! The computer's screen also shows the names of three "sun four holes."

"Oh, it's just a simple information delivery system." Sun Sikong did not have any smug expression, just plain explanation.

"Well, my phone is finished. This time, the leaf is playing?" Yang Ming himself has been taking such a long call, and some are not very funny.

"I? Can I call?" Liu Ye is a slight glimpse.

"Can...but, according to the rules that the old master gave us, the small master is not allowed to contact the family before you finish the, we have no way." Mo Kongwen said with a bitter smile: "Of course If you are not afraid of the old master, you can try..."

"That's still it!" Liu Ye quickly shook his head: "I don't call this phone."

"Haha!" Sun Sikong said with a smile: "It is not so serious. When your mission is over, maybe the old master will contact you and let you go back..."

"Go back?" Liu leaves a slight glimpse, looked at the people around him, and made a slight reluctance in his eyes...

"Liu Ye, OK, don't be sad, these things, let's think about it later, you will definitely go back, but now is not the time to consider this." Yang Ming smiled: "The most important thing we have now is It’s in front of you!”

"That's also true!" Liu Ye nodded and left the trace of his heart behind him.

"Since the leaves can't call, then let's go back. We have been staying here for a long time, so don't let the right elders find something wrong!" Yang Ming said.

"Good!" Everyone nodded and agreed.

"Sun Grandpa, Mr. Mo, let's leave, let's see you after the end of this matter!" Yang Ming called Sun Sikong the grandfather of Sun, because Sun Sikong is the elder of Liu Ye, then he and Liu Ye are naturally following For a generation of calculations, but for Mo Kongwen, he can only be called Mr. Mo, after all, he called Liu Ye as the master, the highest can only be regarded as Yang Ming's peer.

"Well, you are careful, there will be a period!" Sun Sikong nodded and said.

"Sun Grandpa, Ink, and goodbye!" Liu Ye finished, and turned to leave with Yang Ming... (updated on Monday)


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