So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2202: invite

Chapter 2,202, invitation

Dong Jun took the phone and took a look at the caller ID on it, and suddenly frowned!

When I called, I was actually a right elder. For this guy who was forced to force, Dong Jun was not interested in his continued idleness. After all, Dong Jun had become a center of Dr. Benjamin’s center. And Yang Ming is a group, so for the right elder, Dong Jun does not want to maintain a close relationship with it.

However, in order not to let the right elders see the flaws, Dr. Benjamin was not allowed to suspect that Dong Jun could only continue to succumb to the right elders. After all, Dr. Benjamin kept him watching the news of Yang Ming if he did not Concerned about this, there must be a problem!

So after adjusting his mood, Dong Jun pretended to be very enthusiastic and answered the phone: "Hey? Right elder? I haven't called me for a long time, rarity?"

Originally, before the right elders called Dong Jun, there was still some embarrassment. After all, when Dong Jun called Dong Jun, Dong Jun was ignorant, and the right elder wanted to find someone to show his victory, but this person Still can't be his men, and only Dong Jun is a former collaborator.

However, listening to the enthusiastic voice of Dong Jun, the right elder is relieved. Perhaps, Dong Jun was in a bad mood when he answered the phone last time, so the right elder did not care too much. At least this time, Dong Jun’s attitude made him very Is satisfied!

"Haha, Falcon, I can hear that your mood looks very good?" The right elder said with a smile.

"Alright, haha, you don't know, I did a big deal before!" Dong Jun said.

"Oh? What's the big thing?" the right elder asked strangely.

"I sent the photos of Yang Ming and his woman together to Yang Ming's big wife. At that time, I am afraid that in his home, it will be overwhelmed, hahahaha!" Dong Jun in order to express and right elders The closeness, deliberately said, although he already knew that this matter was successfully resolved by Chen Mengxi and others, but still came out as an open topic.

"It turned out to be like this, haha, you are quite hurt!" The right elder laughed and said: "However, what you did with this thing is not interesting without what I am doing here!"

"Oh? Then what have you done recently?" Dong Jun asked with a very interesting look. In fact, from Fang Tian, ​​Dong Jun already knew about Yang Ming's current situation.

"Haha, I will tell you..." said the right elder, who would like Yang Ming and others to deal with him several times, but they all told Dong Jun that they had failed. At the end, they laughed: "Yang Ming In my hands, like a clown, I can't escape the palm of my hand. Every time they are estimated to be full of hope, I want to deal with me, but at the end, it is empty, and there is no progress!"

"It turned out to be like this... Hahahaha, that Yang Ming is stupid enough..." Dong Jun said so, but his heart is secretly anxious, Yang Ming actually can't do anything about it? Doesn't that mean that Yang Ming's approach has failed, can't he deal with the right elder?

Now, Yang Ming’s safety is closely related to Dong Jun. Yang Ming can return smoothly. Naturally, Dong Jun can deal with him with him. If Yang Ming can’t come back, Dong Jun can be sadly reminded of himself. The power, simply can't compete with the center!

As for the right elders... Dong Jun simply did not think about cooperating with him. The two people are purely interest relations. It is a joke to let the right elders help the center and Dr. Benjamin. It is estimated that the right elders will not agree. Then, when the news is revealed again, you can die!

Therefore, with this kind of unsure person, Dong Jun did not think about having too deep interactions.

"Yeah, how? You didn't think about it? Can you come and see Yang Ming's misery?" The right elder once again sent an invitation to Dong Jun. In fact, the right elder is also a self-respecting person who wants to His own achievements and other people show off, but looking at the people around them, only in front of Dong Jun can show off, as for his men, every day is the same compliment and welcoming, so that the right elder has lost interest.

Therefore, he wanted to force Dong Jun to come here, and Dong Jun showed up how powerful he was, and turned Yang Ming to the group!

"Oh... I used to go in the past, then I will go see it..." Dong Jun hesitated, ambiguously said: "Then I am going to prepare here, and then contact you!"

"Okay, then I am waiting for the good news!" the right elder nodded.

What Dong Jun thought was that he would discuss with Fang Tian, ​​go or not, and, before going there, talk to Dr. Benjamin, so Dong Jun could not make a decision at one time.

However, before Dong Jun took the initiative to contact Dr. Benjamin, the news of Dr. Benjamin was first passed.

Looking at the message on the computer screen, Dong Jun quickly adjusted his emotions, he must always be vigilant, so as not to be seen by Dr. Benjamin.

"Falcon, what happened? Is there any news about Yang Ming?" asked Dr. Benjamin.

Although I don’t know why Dr. Benjamin suddenly became interested in Yang Ming, Dong Jun did not dare to ask too carefully. After all, he was only a **** in the hands of Dr. Benjamin, not Dr. Benjamin. Existence, he asked more, and touched the rules of the center.

"There was news. I got in touch with the right elder and asked about Yang Ming's recent situation..." said Dong Jun, who told the former elders and what he said, without telling him, Dr. Benjamin. Moreover, even the right elders invited him to Miaojiang to see Yang Ming and said it.

"Oh? The right elder actually told you to go to see Yang Ming?" Dr. Benjamin said: "Have you promised?"

"Not yet, I want to ask what you mean, you let me go, then I will go and see!" Dong Jun said.

"Then go and have a look, remember, pay attention to it, Yang Ming has no strange things on his body, the most important thing is, there is no ability or the like!" Dr. Benjamin shouted.

"Abilities? Good..." Dong Jun’s heart is weird. How can Dr. Benjamin suspect that Yang Ming has an ability?

"And, what happened to your investigation in Songjiang City? Do the people around Yang Ming know if there are any strange things happening in Yang Ming?" asked Dr. Benjamin.

"This is really not paying attention. You know, although I am trying to contact the people around Yang Ming as the brother of Yang Ming, this requires a gradual process, not so easy to contact..." Dong Jun said. .

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