So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2206: Liu dark flower Mingyou Village (on)

The next moment, Yang Ming and Lan Ling, appeared in the UFO!

The space of the flying saucer is very small. This is just a small flying saucer. Yang Ming looked at it. I am afraid that this flying saucer can only sit down to four people at most, and no one can accommodate it.

This is fundamentally different from the large spacecraft that can destroy the buildings in the sci-fi film. It is estimated that this can only be regarded as a spacecraft.

However, before Yang Ming conducted a detailed study in the next step, a white light flashed again. Yang Ming and Lan Ling appeared in front of the cave, while the flying saucer hovered directly above their heads. Not long after, it quietly landed on the open space not far from Yang Ming.

The whole process was completed in an instant, without any slight noise. If Yang Ming did not experience this magical scene personally, I am afraid that the flying saucer would have stopped there, and it has not moved at all!

However, Yang Ming actually felt the feeling of being sent quickly. If Yang Ming was sober at the moment, he would even think that he was dreaming!

However, Yang Ming did not have the heart to study the flying saucer. He did not forget the purpose of coming here to answer the phone!

Yang Ming took Lan Ling quickly to the direction of the cave, and Sun Sikong was standing at the gate of the cave to welcome Yang Ming and Lan Ling.

"Yang Ming, the phone is coming, you are going to answer it!" said Sun Sikong.

"Good!" Yang Ming no longer hesitated, quickly walked into the cave and grabbed the phone: "Hey, Blue Grandma?"

"Yang Ming, call you so late, affecting you and Ling Ling rest?" Blue grandmother's voice passed from the phone.

"No, but if you find a way to deal with the right elders, even if it is disturbing the rest is worth it!" Yang Ming said with a smile.

"There is an emergency. I can't easily contact your blue grandfather. He may have a way to deal with the right elder. But he is now avoiding the eyes of the right elder. Time is limited, he only has time now, I let him call you now? "Blue grandma said.

"Okay!" Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse. It turned out that the blue grandfather thought of the way. Of course, Yang Ming also knows. In order to achieve the goal of controlling the blue Miao Village, the right elder did not give up searching for the blue sea for a moment. He wanted to die in the blue sea. Thus. If the Blue Ocean is dead, according to the rules of the Lan Miaozhai ancestors, he, the right elder, can successfully take over the position of the blue Miao Zhaizhai, so that he can control the blue Miao Village.

However, the Blue Ocean has been hiding for years. Let the right elders can't start, so the right elders become crazy. I started to refine the diamonds and wanted to control the blue Miao Village by force!

The Blue Ocean, although knowledgeable, but because of the blue Miaozhai has always been advocating peace, so the Blue Sea has not learned the poison of the big killing, so even if his learning is more than the right elder, it is not the opponent of the right elder.

It is precisely because the Blue Ocean has not died, the right elders can no longer pick up the blue Miao Village, but let Lan Ling's grandmother control the Blue Miao Village, and hostile.

When Grandma Blue finished, even the phone, not long after, the ringing of the phone rang again, and Yang Ming quickly picked up the phone.

"Yang Ming, I am your grandfather!" On the other side of the phone, there was a voice of old-fashioned autumn.

"Ma Grandpa?" Yang Mingyi, isn't Grandpa Blue calling himself? How did you become a grandfather? However, immediately, Yang Ming responded, Grandpa Ma, isn't it Grandpa Blue?

Ma Xiaoyao is the pseudonym of the Blue Ocean. In order to avoid the pursuit of the right elders, the blue sea has changed its name to Ma Xiaoyao and has been a guard at Yang Ming’s middle school!

"Haha, how? Don't you know your uncle Ma?" Blue Sea laughed.

"Know, how could you not know? Just because you suddenly said Grandpa Ma, I didn't react at all. Before Grandma Blue said it was Grandpa Blue!" Yang Ming said with a smile.

"I still think about it, saying that Grandpa Ma can be more familiar with you!" Blue Sea Road: "No matter what grandpa, it is me! Your business, your blue grandma also told me, I have helped you think of a way, but Can you operate, or you have to look at yourself!"

"Oh? What?" Yang Ming said in a happy heart, and asked quickly.

As long as there is a way, there is hope! Yang Ming is afraid that there is no way. Now, Yang Ming himself can be said that there is no way at all.

"King Kong 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金"Viciously poisoned!" Blue Ocean said here, a slight meal, continued: "Yang Ming, you should understand what I mean?"

"Blue Grandpa, what do you mean, let me give the right elders?" Yang Ming is not stupid, and suddenly associates with the meaning of Grandpa Lan.

"Yes! Although the Hercules is the only nemesis of King Kong, but it does not mean that you can't kill the right elders by other means!" Blue Sea said: "I listened to your blue grandma, you are now in. A dead end, a bit of a sneak peek, every day I think about how to deal with the right elder's vajra, but if you look at it from another angle, the right elder is also a person, Vajra is just a kind of self-defense means, but you are hard You can't be soft, you can attack with poison, use the way of squatting, and he will!"

"Hee... but the right elder is a master of scorpion. We give him a squat. Let's not say if there is a chance. Even if there is a chance, he should be aware of it?" Yang Ming said.

"Some anti-virus is a bacterial situation, and the right elders can naturally feel it. For example, you are taking the Hercules and the Vajra, which are all poisoned by the bacteria." Blue Ocean said: "This kind of cockroaches Toxic, very sensitive to us, as long as someone kneels, it can be felt almost instantly! But there is another kind of scorpion venom, which exists in the situation of locusts, if you can be unconscious Let the right elder take this poison, then you are done!"

"That... what kind of viciousness is there? Is it that King Kong can't be immune, and the right elder can't find it?" Yang Ming asked with a smile, the blue ocean approach, although it seems feasible, but actually operates It is difficult to get up!

First, this kind of viciousness is difficult to cultivate and refine in this environment. Second, how do you give it to the right elder? Did you lie to him that this is King Kong? (To be continued)

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