So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2213: Really a good way

Chapter 2,213 is really a good way

"Yeah, there is no problem with this move. The key is that Yang Ming can believe it!" The right elder also nodded and said.

"This..." The small think tank smiled and said: "I can think of it, and only these things. As for Yang Ming, I can't believe it. I don't know how to believe it. If the Falcon seniors allowed it, then I would dare to talk about it. ?"

"Well, you said!" Dong Jun heard that this guy has follow-up, and the province's own mouth has opened, and quickly said: "Whether you say the right thing, it is very valuable!"

"Yes!" said the small think-tank quickly: "According to my thoughts, can you let the Falcons predecessors find an excuse, and fake Yang Ming? For example, he said that he is actually close to Yang Ming, so Deliberately, by visiting the right elders this time, find a way to help Yang Ming deal with the right elders together?"

Dong Jun heard this, I really want to slap on the thigh, talent, ah, what is his personal talent, my purpose has been analyzed by you?

On the surface, however, Dong Jun still looked at the small think tank with a shock: "Don't say it, this trick is used well, maybe Yang Ming can really believe it!"

"Haha, that's yeah, this guy is very powerful, and the idea is often unexpected!" The right elder smiled proudly: "This method seems to work, but it is implemented, how to make it Yang Ming believes in you, you have to find a solution!"

"Yeah, Yang Ming is not a fool..." Dong Jun said, you two fools, it is a big fool!

"Exactly, however, the only way I can think of this is. Otherwise, we have no other way to contact Yang Ming, and Yang Ming is not likely to tell his secrets to the Falcons seniors..." Xiao Chibao smiled. Nod: "Only if you have the trust of Yang Ming, you can let him tell all the secrets! So, only when the Falcon seniors want to deal with the right elders with him, he will take his unreserved Say it secretly!"

"Oh, what is said!" Dong Jun nodded. "The right elder has played against him so many times, and he has not found his secret. It seems that if you want to know this secret, you must first gain the trust of Yang Ming. Only then!"

"It seems that you have to rely on the Falcons brother to find your own way. Our understanding of Yang Ming is not as good as you!" said the right elder: "Although I can bring Yang Mingsheng back, it is only by strength. Strong, but for Yang Ming’s other secrets, my brother is powerless!”

Although the right elders say so, no one can hear the pride of his words. After all, it is a kind of ability to give birth to Yang Ming!

"Haha, I can do this, it's already good!" Dong Jun said with a smile: "For me, I don't dare to say that Yang Ming is trapped, but the right elder has done this, it is really amazing!"

Dong Jun knows that the right elders let him come here for the purpose of watching him, so Dong Jun does not mind to compliment the right elders a few words, anyway, there will be no loss in saying good things, but the right elders can be happy, won He is happy, and he will implement his plan further!

Originally, Dong Jun also worried that his contact with Yang Ming would cause the suspicion of the right elder, so he had to play Dr. Benjamin to let him investigate Yang Ming’s excuses, but did not expect the right elder to call. A small think tank, this guy is a little silly hat, the suggestion is simply made for his Dong Jun!

"Small think tank, let's go first. As for how the Falcons brother can gain trust from Yang Ming, it is not something you can think of. After all, Falcon's brother and Yang Ming are in contact with you much longer than you!" Said.

"Yes!" The small think tank retreats, and there are only two right elders and Dong Jun left in the house.

"Right elders, this little think tank is very smart, you have such an assistant, it can be described as a **** operator!" Dong Jun said with praise.

"Haha, these are trails, strength is king!" The right elder laughed and said: "As long as there is absolute strength, then Yang Ming is not trapped by me?"

"That is, all the plans are in front of the right elders, you are all clouds!" Dong Jun nodded, "deeply thought".

Under the touting of Dong Jun, the right elders are somewhat fluttering, but what Dong Jun wants is this effect. He first paralyzed the right elders, and then the next plan was carried out.

Even if Yang Ming said in the face of the right elder, and said that he was forgiving Dong Jun, Dong Jun was not afraid. It just happened to conform to the prediction of the small think tank. At that time, the right elder must have thought that Dong Jun himself thought of something good. Way, let Yang Ming accept him!

The meal was eaten by the host and the guests. After eating, Dong Jun went to rest, and the right elder was also excited...

Early the next morning, Dong Jun saw the right elder again, but after seeing the right elder, he was happy to say: "Right elder, I am basically sure that Yang Ming will be sure that I am a group with him... ..."

"Oh? Do you think of a good way?" asked the right elder.

"Yes, you should understand that Yang Ming is a soft-hearted person. Therefore, if I compose a touching story background and say something about the hardships, I guess Yang Ming will forgive me. Then, at this time, I will say that I want to express my Sincerity, we must work with him to deal with you, so he will certainly not doubt it!" Dong Jun said.

"Hey... Yang Ming, this person is really soft, but I also see it. This guy seems to be very old-fashioned!" The right elder nodded and said: "But are you sure? Don't tell yourself there, You know, although Yang Ming was trapped by me, in fact, he is very difficult to provoke, and only the King Kong who is such a big man can make him helpless... but you..."

"Oh, sometimes, I can only spell it. If I don't complete the matter that I told the boss on the peak, I really have no mood to play here!" Dong Jun said with a bitter smile: "In short, let's try it." If I can't, then I will run away, but I think Yang Ming should believe me. After all, I am his brother. I don't look at the Buddha face. We are the same door..."

"That's right, then since you decided, I won't stop it!" The right elder nodded and said: "Wait a minute, I will take you to see Yang Ming!"

"When is the time, let's do this..." Dong Jun stunned and said to the right elder: "I will cooperate and tout you when I get there, so that it seems to be deliberately confusing you..." (To be continued)

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