So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2216: So Easy

Everything is ready-made. Xia Xue and Lan Ling get a self-service barbecue. After you get angry, you can eat it.

Dong Jun, Yang Ming, Lin Dongfang, Liu Ye and others all sat next to the fire. As for Yiyi and Xiao Susu, they went back to rest. They were pregnant and not good at it.

"Yang Ming, to be honest, the first time I was so open-minded and sat down to eat with you. Before, my contact with you was careful with the purpose of xing, and never relaxed like today!" Dong Junchang sighed with relief. Looking at the delicious dishes at the table, I sincerely said: "Although I haven't started eating yet, my mood is very different! Thank you for forgiving me, really!"

"Oh, Dong Jun... The younger brother, in fact, there are some things. Once you want to open it, let go of your mind and burden, there is nothing." Yang Ming smiled and said: "I understand your previous difficulties, so at Master. After telling the truth with me, I chose not to hesitate to forgive you, because I know that your Xing is not bad, you are out of that organization, for your sister Alice to live a normal life, this is not wrong I understand you! If I stand in your perspective, I will try my best to do whatever I can!"

Sometimes, there are some things right or wrong. Dong Jun does this from his perspective, so he can't say that he is wrong.

Just like Yang Ming, when he was against Wang Xiaoyu, he also used a powerful means to kill a few Wang Xiaoxuan’s men. Even Wang Xiaoyu himself was pushed by Yang Mingqiang, although Wang Xiaoyu and he became boyfriends and friends, and the ending was very Happy, but before this, two people can be said to be right!

And inside, can't say that Wang Xiaoying is wrong. It cannot be said that Yang Ming is wrong. Some things stand in different angles. The result is not the same.

So this time. Yang Ming will forgive Dong Jun so decisively.

"Thank you, Yang Ming!" Dong Junji took a hug.

"Thanks, I don't have to. In the future, we are all brothers of the trenches, huh, huh. We were originally brothers." Yang Ming smiled.

"Yeah, my brother. My thoughts were too simple. I thought I became the king of the killer. By the power of the butterfly family, I can make the center compromise. I put my sister and I, but I was so ignorant at that time. The understanding of the center is just the tip of the iceberg.” Dong Jun smiled bitterly: “Now it seems that these are really nothing in the eyes of the center. So I don’t know, can you come up with the energy that makes the center compromise? ”

"These. Let's go back and say it. At present, the biggest enemy is the right elder. Only when the right elders are killed, can they think about the center." Yang Ming said: "But I also paid a few times with the center. Hand, and I am taking the Vajrapani and the simplified version of Hercules now, and I should be able to have some say in front of the center."

"Right, Master Yang Ming, you said before that there is a way to deal with the right elder, but it can't be implemented. What is going on? Is there any difficulty?" Dong Jun said: "Let's listen, see if I have Is there any way?"

"You don't ask me to tell you." Yang Ming nodded and said: "Things are like this. The right elders are now invulnerable and invincible..."

Yang Mingxian said the situation of the right elder and Dong Jun. Sure enough, Dong Jun nodded after listening. "I also know that the right elders and I have boasted before. In this case, we are really hard. Do it!"

"However, Lan Ling's grandfather told me a good way!" Yang Ming said: "Before our eyes were too limited, we just looked at how to crack the right elder's vajra, and thought it was only broken. It is only in the case that King Kong can deal with the right elder. Actually, we can bypass the Vajrapani and use other methods to deal with him!"

"Oh? What?" Dong Jun’s eyes lit up and some understood Yang Ming’s meaning.

"Lower!" Yang Ming said the way that Grandpa Lan Ling said and Dong Jun, and then smiled bitterly: "There is a way, but there is no chance, how can God unconsciously take this quickly? Going to the right elder, let him swallow it, this is a problem!"

"Ha!" Dong Jun suddenly laughed, and some excitedly said: "I am still a problem, it turned out to be this, this is simply too simple!"

“Too simple?” Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse. Suddenly, the look at Dong Jun’s eyes became strange: “You mean to say...”

"Don't forget, what is my housekeeping skill!" Dong Jun said: "As long as I give it to me, I can put it in the food of the right elder and let him swallow it. And the elders of the right have no precautions against me. It is actually very easy to do this!"

"Yeah, you are the top thief!" Yang Ming patted the table and suddenly moved: "How can I forget this? He has no precautions against you, but by your means, I want to give it to the right." It’s a breeze for elders to kneel down."

"Take this to me, and make sure that it is done properly!" Dong Jun said: "I can't guarantee anything else, but this thing is too easy, certainly no problem!"

Liu Ye, Lin Dongfang, Liu Tianqi and other people at the same table with Yang Ming did not think that the biggest difficulties that have plagued everyone for many days. It’s not a difficult thing to get to Dong Jun, and it’s a very easy thing. I don't know what to be happy or what, is this solved?

At the moment, Yang Ming is also secretly glad that his heart is soft, but it is not a problem. If he does not put Dong Jun a horse, Dong Jun cannot run to Miaojiang to help himself, but Dong Jun does not come, he will There is no chance to kneel down to the right elder...

All of this is a change between one's own thoughts. This really makes Yang Ming feel a lot of emotions. It seems that this problem of his own is not a problem at all, and at a critical moment, it has become a means of saving lives!

"It seems that Dong Jun, my brother, I forgive you, is the most correct choice!" Yang Ming said without emotion: "I did not expect, in my opinion, such a headache, for you But it’s a little effort!”

"Don't say that, I just happened to meet it. If the right elder doesn't trust me, I can't complete this squatting thing, but who makes this guy stupid, always thinking about putting it in front of me, this Well, the last thing he regrets in his life is to invite me over!" Dong Jun smiled. ! .

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