So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2220: Last banquet (middle)

If it is not for Dong Jun and he has a common goal, I am afraid that there will be no intersection between the two. If you let the elders help you to negotiate with Dr. Benjamin, I am afraid that with the ability of the right elder, Dr. Benjamin should give him a face. After all, no one wants to offend the monsters whose swords and guns are not invaded!

You can't kill him, but he can kill you at any time. This feeling is more horrible than being targeted by a killer. I believe that as long as Dr. Benjamin and the right elders don't have the kind of hatred and hatred, I am afraid I will give them a face.

The family should not solve the problem, Dr. Benjamin is not a mental illness, nothing to avenge with a person who does not know, and it is such a horrible existence, isn't it okay to find something?

However, Dong Jun knows that the character of the right elder is definitely not helping himself this busy. Just like Dong Jun, when he cooperated with the right elders several times, he also revealed his tone several times. He said that there is something to be right. The elders helped, but the right elders refused directly.

This is also the reason why Dong Jun made up his mind and turned his right elder to help Yang Ming!

Yang Ming is a friend who can be handed over. Dong Jun meets him. It can be said that he is the greatest fortune in this life. The right elder can only be regarded as a partner in the interests. If there is interest, then cooperation, no interest, that is the enemy.

"Haha, it's okay, since I joined this organization, it is natural to listen to the command of the peak. It is impossible to break away!" Dong Jun laughed happily: "If I have the strength of the right elder, I am afraid that I can leave this organization and live this leisurely life."

"Hey, Falcon brother, don't hesitate to say that the strength behind you is too horrible, and I can't do anything about it!" The right elder called a haha.

Dong Jun sneered in his heart, he already knew that the right elders would answer this question, but he asked again, in fact, it also increased his confidence in the right elders! After all, the two were cooperative partnerships. I have known each other for so long. Dong Jun’s intention to start with him is still a bit embarrassing. Although he has to start, the right elders at this moment will undoubtedly make Dong Jun without any burden!

This old thing, treacherous, involves his own interests, he is more than anyone else, let him help others, but it is pushing three resistance, even if there is strength, not willing to shoot, what stuff!

However, Dong Jun’s performance is very calm. There is nothing wrong with it. He just said faintly: “Haha, I know, I just talked about it, drinking and drinking!”

"Well, continue to drink..." The right elder saw Dong Jun no longer mention this matter, he was happy to be free, not to say anything.

The right elder does not have any special function. Naturally, it is impossible to lose a thousand cups. He is drunk when he drinks. So, when he drank a lot of cups, he began to be confused. He also said a bit of tongue: "hunting." Eagle brother, this time, let Yang Ming refine the task is handed over to you! After the event, I will be rewarded!"

"Oh, let's just say, Yang Ming is also my enemy. I help you to help yourself. What kind of rewards do you talk about?" Dong Jun also pretended to be drunk and excited. In fact, Dong Jun was not drunk, he It is a thief and a person trained in the center. The best thing is to cover and disguise. He seems to have drunk a lot of wine. In fact, these wines did not enter his stomach, but he was spit. Lost.

However, the right elders did not pay attention to these. When he saw ~~-updated the starter~~, Dong Jun had no need to spit, and he was very happy today, so he was very happy.

"Good brother, it’s good to have you! We continue to cheer!" The right elder raised the glass and made a cup with Dong Jun. Then he prepared to pour the wine, but found that the bottom of the bottle was empty and there was no wine. He looked at it with a drunken look and finally decided that it was a drop of wine, so he said: "Falcon brother, you wait, I will take a bottle of wine, you wait for me..."

"No, I still go. I just have to drink this bottle. How can my brother make the old brother take the wine?" Dong Jun smiled and stood up and "swayed" ready to go. Take the wine... But my heart is a hi, it seems that the right elder is already drunk, and it is already very confused, even if there is no wine in the bottle to watch for a long time, this is a good time to start!

"Well, then you go, haha, I haven’t had such a refreshing drink for a long time, so happy!" said the right elder.

Dong Jun took two bottles of white wine from the shelf and then walked to the right elder. He opened a bottle and said to the right elder: "Right elder, come, the younger brother will give you a glass of wine!"

"Good!" The right elders stumbled to raise the glass, and didn't even look at the glass. He had to say that although he was careful, he was clever and confused. For Dong Jun, there was no precaution at the beginning. Is his biggest mistake.

Dong Jun quietly filled the right elders with wine, and then according to the method that Lan Ling taught him, he quickly and quickly invested in the right elder's glass...

This kind of small means, Dong Jun is very smooth, even if there is no stagnation, let alone the right elders are already drunk, that is, no drunk is enough to see the means of Dong Jun, just like Dong Jun He didn't drink so much alcohol at all, and he didn't see it.

Dong Jun poured the wine to the right elder. When he returned to his seat, he picked up his own glass. The wine was already poured out before the wine. Before deciding to implement the plan and give the right elders a drink, Dong The army has already filled its own wine glass in the first step. The purpose is to drink the right drink with the right elders immediately after drinking the wine. The time is long. The right elders see the fast inside the wine glass...

Although the current eyes of the right elders are basically invisible, some things are always careful.

If the right elders find something in the wine glass, then it will not be worth the loss. This is Dong Jun, and Yang Ming’s last chance. Dong Jun can’t waste! Although, at this moment his heart is very nervous, but he also has confidence to complete!

"Right elders, come, let's continue to cheer!" Dong Jun put the liquor in his hand on the table, and then picked up his own cup and said to the right elder.

"Okay, cheers... oh... I am a little urgency, you wait for me to go to the toilet first and say..." The right elder just wanted to drink, and suddenly felt a bit of urine, so I was going to go to the toilet, so I just raised it. Hand, put it down again... (to be continued

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