So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2223: who is it?

~.-~ "Well!" Lan Ling nodded. Her question is also a question everyone wants to ask. So after Lan Ling asked, everyone looked forward to watching the helicopter in the distance. I hope it is a little earlier. When the children landed, they asked Dong Jun, did they finish the squatting of the right elder!

Finally, under the gaze of everyone's expectations, the helicopter slowly landed and landed on the open space of the Valley of Medicine.

When the helicopter just landed, the motor had not been closed, and everyone could not wait to run over.

When the crowd ran to the helicopter, Dong Jun also got up and down from the helicopter. When everyone saw it here, he was a little surprised: "How come you all come?"

"We saw you coming back, and naturally came to greet you!" Yang Ming said with a smile: "Dong Jun, how, look like, the task has been smooth (--house. The fastest update.) Completed?"

"Haha, fortunately, not to be insulted!" Dong Jun nodded heavily: "The right elder has taken Xunyi, and the anti-drug should have begun to attack, and his memory has begun to decline!"

"Oh? It has already happened? How do you escape smoothly?" Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse.

"You go to the plane, we quickly leave here. It is estimated that after a while, the right elders found that the right elders are not right. They will definitely find the door to come to us for trouble. Let’s go and say, anyway, the elders have already Finished, your mission has been completed!" Dong Jun said, Dong Jun is also afraid of night long dreams, staying here for a long time, the right elders hand down to retaliate against them.

"That's not necessary!" Lan Ling said, he waved his hand and said: "The right elders have a problem. His men are just like the rabble. Let's not say if they will think that you have moved your hands and feet and found it. The door is coming, we are not afraid of them!"

"Oh?" Dong Jun gave a slight glimpse.

"Oh, Ling Ling said yes, on the hand, as long as the right elders are finished, no one of his men is our opponent. If they are more than the martial arts, they are not the opponents of Ling Ling, so even if we stay here, it is very Safe!" said Yang Ming.

"It turned out to be like this, I was too nervous, and the concern was chaotic!" Dong Jun nodded with a sigh of relief.

Before, he still thought about coming over quickly and then Yang Ming and others to escape, but think carefully about what Yang Ming said is very reasonable. What is the terrible thing about his right-handed elders?

"Now, let's talk about what is going on with us?" Yang Ming asked urgently.

"Good! This is the case..." Dong Jun nodded and began to tell Yang Ming and others about what happened after he and the right elder returned to the base of the right elder. The whole situation is not very complicated, so Dong The army can easily say the story.

"Ah? Is it so easy?" Yang Ming heard that if the right elders didn't look at it, they would drink it quickly, and suddenly they were speechless. These people, who are deliberately trying to deal with the right elders, have planned several times. After months, there was no progress and results, but Dong Jun came, and the right elder had a meal and drank a few glasses of wine to solve it...

"In fact, it's so easy, it's a shock!" Dong Jun shrugged and said: "However, if you think about it, we are just taking advantage of it. The right elder is completely unprepared for me, if he seems to be right. You are the same to me, then I definitely have no chance!"

"This is true."

Yang Ming nodded and said: "But this right elder is really self-sufficient. Please take a look at him and force him to finish. As a result, he is finished."

"Yeah, but what should we do now?" Dong Jun asked.

"Now is a good opportunity to deal with the right elders!" Lan Ling said: "We will go to Lan Miao Village immediately, let the grandmother lead the people of the Blue Miao Village, and the nets of the right elders will be wiped out, then the right elders will be seedlings. Zhai merged into the blue Miao Village!"

"Okay, let's go now!" Dong Jun nodded and said: "Go on the plane, this plane is very big, it is enough to install us!"

Yang Ming nodded and went to the plane with other people. The space above the plane was really big. Because this plane is a helicopter that usually transports living materials and experimental equipment to Yang Ming and others, small helicopters are naturally incapable, so At this time, all the people went up, there is still a lot of space, but there are not many seats on the helicopter, and the rear row is storage space, but Yang Ming does not need to sit in the seat at all, the seats are given to Xiao Susu. Yiyi two pregnant women and Xia Xue, Lan Ling two ladies.

The rest of the men were sitting directly on the floor of the warehouse.

In the front, Lan Ling directed Dong Jun to fly to Lan Miao Village. Before the right elders were still awake, Lan Ling would bring the news back to Lan Miao Village, so that Grandma could wipe out the right elders' diarrhea!

As for those who are right-handed in Miao Village, Lan Ling does not want to be like them. After all, those people are ordinary people, and they are innocent. When the right elders are gone, they will naturally move to Lan Miao Village to live. It is.

Lan Miao Village, a guard in charge of the night suddenly heard the sound of the helicopter in the sky, suddenly stunned, but immediately, he immediately informed his peak with the walkie-talkie, and his peak, also the first time I will tell this news to the head of the blue Miao Village at the helm, Lan Ling’s grandmother!

Blue grandmother heard that there was a helicopter flying at this time, but it was also somewhat boring, but as the person in charge of the Blue Miao Village, she immediately took the left elder, the deputy owner and others to the open space outside the blue Miao Village, using a telescope. Looking straight up to the straight sister who is flying fast here...

"Mrs. Blue, this helicopter, I am afraid it is flying to us..." The left elder looked at the direction of the sky helicopter flying, frowned and said, after all, except for the blue Miao Village, There are no other Miao villages, and it is not a tourist attraction, so the destination of the helicopter is likely to be the Blue Miao Village!

"At this time, who is coming to our Blue Miao Village?" Blue Grandma is also very confused.

"Mrs. Blue... The logo on the helicopter seems to be the right elders and their Miaozhai..." The deputy owner looked more carefully, and through the careful comparison of the telescope, he suddenly frowned, and some worried.

"The right elders?" Blue grandma suddenly stunned. Although they were hostile to each other between Lan Miaozhai and the right elders, there was no large-scale conflict, because they knew each other and did not eat them at one time. Before the other party's grasp, it will not act rashly! (To be continued~.-~

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