So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2238: Final card

~ Date: ~ November 04~

, nbsp; For the action of the right elder, Yang Ming is somewhat inexplicable, this guy did not say half of what he said?

But seeing the right elders take out a piece of paper to look at it, Yang Ming instantly understands why this guy remembers his name after amnesia! Because on that paper, Yang Ming has already seen through the ability of perspective. Above, Huo Ran wrote that the big enemy, Yang Ming, has five characters, and the following are some explanations for Yang Ming’s method and why Yang Ming is his enemy!

For the right elders, although Yang Ming is somewhat speechless, he has to admire that the right elder is a personal person. He uses this method to record his hatred. Otherwise, I am afraid that he will not remember anything for a long time.

But with this paper to help the right elder, then you can let the right elders remember that he has an enemy called Yang Ming...

After seeing a few eyes on the paper, the right elder said: "Yang Ming, you are trying to sneak me, want to destroy me, get rid of me, but I didn't think of it? I will remember you in this way! Don't think that you have rebelled against Dong Jun, let him use me to deal with me quickly, turn me into an idiot, and I will take you without it!

I did not expect that I have such a trick? how about it? Yang Ming, I force myself to remember one thing every day, that is, you are my great enemy. My failures are all harmful to you. I don’t care about others, so I must retaliate against you!

And now, I did it! Yang Ming, you don't know what the black fog that I just made, what is it? I don't know what the consequences will be if they enter your body? ”

"What consequences?" Yang Ming frowned and asked.

Because the right elders spoke, so Yang Ming could only turn his attention to the right elders again, and dare not continue reading the things on the paper. He was afraid that the right elders would have a quick trick.

Therefore, Yang Ming really does not know what the black fog is, and what kind of consequences will happen.

"Haha, I tell you! The black fog is actually the poison of the revised version of the diamonds that I forced from the body!" The right elder laughed and said: "The scorpion poison of the revised vajra is not in the form of locusts, I Use the secret method to force a part of it into your body! But you can rest assured. Although it is only a part, after it reaches your body, it will continue to grow and grow rapidly, and soon it will be like me. Not the owner of King Kong, and you have no cure! Hahahaha!"

"Incomplete King Kong? You forced a part of the infection to me?" Yang Ming understood the meaning of the right elder, but some did not understand what he meant by doing so, what means of revenge?

"Yes! Yang Ming, your memory will not be so bad? Can you remember the sentence I just said? My yesterday is your tomorrow!" The right elder sneered: "You have this incompleteness. The King Kong is smashed. In the future, you will also use the blood of the dead to sacrifice regularly. Otherwise, you will die. Oh, you have become an evil big bad guy. Today, you have to get rid of me, tomorrow. I want to get rid of you! Hahahaha, Yang Ming. Accept this fact! Although you can use animal blood instead of normal time, every time you have to use human blood to sacrifice, otherwise you will be countered by viciousness. dead!"

"This is what you call revenge?" Yang Ming frowned, looking at the right elder.

"Of course, how, Yang Ming. I am very troubled by this trouble. You will become a nail in the eyes of others in the future!" said the right elder.

"Oh, but how do I hear what you said. Just use the full version of King Kong, and after the incomplete version of King Kong, you can not only fully understand the powerful ability of King Kong, but also like the full version of King Kong. So, don’t you have blood to sacrifice?” To tell the truth, Yang Ming understood that the right elder’s revenge plan was really unintentional, and people with amnesia could not do it!

"Yes? What about it?" The right elder's face changed slightly, faintly feeling that he seemed to ignore something, but his mind was empty and he couldn't remember anything...

"In this case, you will not forget, did you catch the purpose of me?" Yang Ming asked.

"Catch your purpose?" The right elder frowned, and quickly pulled out a few sheets of paper from his body to look up. When he finished reading, his face became more ugly, and he seemed to find something wrong. Right: "I...I am looking for you to refine my vajra?"

"Yes, I have succeeded in refining, and I have eaten it myself!" Yang Ming nodded. "So, thank you for giving me the incomplete vajra. I am merging with the full version of Vajrayum in my body. I became truly a knife and a gun, and there was no flaw! I thank you so much, thank you!"

"What!" The right elder finally realized what he was ignoring. In an instant, he felt a blood rushing into his brain. At this moment, he returned to the light and seemed to remember everything. He remembered the reason for his arrest of Yang Ming. Yang Minglian made a vajra, but sneaked it privately. He was quickly robbed by Dong Jun. In his forgetful state, he wrote the name of Yang Ming, and in the state of forgetfulness, he found a I think that "perfect" is a good way to deal with Yang Ming!

However, this method was to make a wedding dress for Yang Ming. Not only did it not harm Yang Ming, but Yang Ming became stronger!

Thinking of this, the right elder's heart burst into a sigh of grievances, and a fire slammed up. A sip of "squeaky" spit out a blood, and then fell to the ground with blood and foam. White eyes twitched...

A few pieces of paper in his hand were also thrown on the ground, blown by the wind, and drifted away with the wind...

At this moment, all the people in You Miao Village were dumbfounded, and the right elders fell!

Their spiritual pillars have fallen, and the most powerful existence of the right Miao Village has fallen. No one can help them. No one can be an opponent of Lan Miao Village again!

And Black and Kun, did not expect that the final step will develop into this!

They originally saw that the right elders came out to deal with Yang Ming, and they were quite happy. If they could control Yang Ming, they would take Yang Ming as a prisoner, and they would also let Lan Miaozhai vote for the rats. When they can negotiate with Lan Miao Village, they will fight for it. Some benefits!

But now, everything has fallen to the ground with the fall of the right elder!

Eliminate, collapse at this moment.

Black high and Kun inch, even forgot to resist the attack of the left elder, stupidly standing on the spot, can't speak...



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