So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2245: The cultivator's things (on)

"Nature, here, I still have some technical eyeliners. I can still understand what is happening in this neighborhood." Sun Sikong said: "Why are we going to leave this time?"

"Yeah, we have to go back to the task, and then we have to break up!" Yang Ming said with a bitter smile: "Leaves and Yiyi, may have to go back to his original planet with us, and I am dealing with After the center of Dr. Benjamin, I have to leave to X Island to live in seclusion!"

"Dr. Benjamin, who is dealing with the center... Are you sure?" asked Sun Sikong's look.

"I haven't had it yet, but I have inherited the incomplete version of the right elder's vajra, and it has merged with the previous full version of Vajrayana. Now it has become a weapon that does not sneak into the fire. It should be regarded as a capital with the center and Dr. Benjamin. Let's go!" Yang Ming said with a sinking look.

"Not bad!" Sun Sikong nodded and said: "Oh, the physical condition can indeed be with the center, and Dr. Benjamin, but I want to beat them, I am not sure. I don't know if you have an absolute chance of winning!"

"Do they have any cards?" Yang Ming heard the sound of Dr. Sun Sikong's extravagance!

"Is there a card, I don't know for a while, but I think everyone should have a certain card and will not show up all of their strength!" Sun Sikong said: "As is the case with yourself, in the face of the enemy. At that time, it is not a last resort, and it will not be easy to show your own cards to the enemy."

"This is not wrong!" Yang Ming nodded slowly: "Dr. Sun, what is the current center and Dr. Benjamin, mainly rely on?"

"According to my investigation, those steel people. Just some means at the initial level, these iron people are not their ultimate trump card!" Dr. Sun Sikong said: "Steel people, for most ordinary people, may seem invincible, But in this world, there is a kind of person called a practitioner, and in the eyes of the practitioners, these iron people are nothing at all!"

"Practitioner?" Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse, and he was surprised to hear the name.

However, Feng Tianlong heard the name. It’s a change of face, I want to know some insider!

"Feng Tianlong, I have heard of practitioners?" Sun Sikong also caught the expression of Feng Tianlong, so he asked.

"Don't say Dr. Sun said, my the family of practitioners." Feng Tianlong said with a smile.

"Oh? Is the family of the cultivator a family of practitioners?" Sun Sikong was a little surprised when he heard Feng Tianlong's words. "It turns out that it is no wonder that you know the things of the practitioners..."

"Yes. But unfortunately I didn't study well and didn't stay in the family to continue to practice. Otherwise, I am afraid that in the battle with the right elders, I can play a certain effect!" Feng Tianlong sighed and said: "I If you can cultivate to the extreme. I am afraid that the right elder is not my opponent..."

"Extreme, what do you think is the ultimate?" Sun Sikong asked.

"Tian Tian..." Feng Tianlong said.

"Tianjie...hehe..." Sun Sikong was a light smile. He took a look at Lin Dongfang and took a look at Yang Ming. He said: "Tianjie master. With the strength of Lin Dongfang, you can kill!"

“Hey?” Feng Tianlong suddenly heard his eyes after listening to Sun Sikong’s words. In his eyes, those incomparably powerful heavenly masters, to Lin Dongfang, can actually be spiked?

"If you think that the master of the day is the most powerful existence, then it is a big mistake!" Sun Sikong waved his hand and said: "The father of the leaves is also a practitioner. But his cultivation of the mind is somewhat special, Tianjie ... forget it. These things are still not mentioned. After all, I don’t study much about the things I cultivate. The things I study are science!”

"..." Yang Ming and Feng Tianlong are trying to listen to Sun Sikong's views on Tianjie and the practitioners, but I did not expect that Sun Sikong's words turned into a science!

"Oh, let's not underestimate science. In my opinion, scientific research is thorough, and it will be more powerful than cultivation!" Sun Sikong said with a smile: "Everyone's pursuit is different, cultivation can be immortal, and has the ultimate Strength, but science can do the same!"

"That... can we still cultivate?" Yang Ming heard the cultivation, and could not help but feel a little heart! Yang Ming has come all the way, is the route to the strong, so if you can become stronger, Yang Ming will naturally let go!

"I don't have much research on the cultivation industry here, but one thing is certain. There is no such thing as the best medicine. We are so old and want to cultivate. There is basically no hope!" You are bluntly hitting Yang Ming and others.

"Oh... this way?" Yang Ming suddenly cried and laughed.

"Dr. Sun said that there is nothing wrong." Feng Tianlong also nodded. "I left the family very early in order to escape marriage. Although I have been practicing the family's mind, I have no elixir and some abundance of heaven and earth." With that, I am now a yellow master!"

"Yes, let's take Liu Ye. Let's take a break from him for a while. When Mr. Liu meets him again, he has passed the best age of cultivation..." Sun Sikong said: "Of course The kind of heart and mind that Mr. Liu left is quite special. It is special than other methods. It must be built from the birth and quenched, so that you can practice all the way and become the avenue! If you miss this best When you take another 10,000 kinds of elixir, you can't practice it!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Yang Ming stunned, no wonder Liu Liu has nothing special: "Then, there is no other way to cultivate the heart of the mouth? What kind of powerful, not powerful?"

Mr. Liu, who is in the mouth of Dr. Sun Sikong, is probably the father of Liu Ye!

"There is not much cultivation in the hands of Mr. Liu. One is the heart that is only suitable for his own cultivation. This is also extremely powerful, but this kind of mind is only suitable for his own physical cultivation. When Mr. Liu was young, I have encountered some rare coincidences and no reference, so his mind can't be used to cultivate others!" Sun Sikong said: "But in his hands, there is a kind of cultivation method, but it can be Let the newborn begin to cultivate after birth, but in terms of the richness of the world's heaven and earth aura, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate successfully, and my research direction in these years is also how to find a way to replace the heaven and earth aura cultivation. ......"

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