So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2263: Come again

Chu Yuer and his son, daughter-in-law have not seen for many years. After meeting, it’s natural for a while, although many words have been said on the phone before, but meeting and calling are two different things!

After Liu Weishan received the call, he quickly rushed back. However, Liu Weishan was not as excited as Chu Yuer, but he was very calm. He first greeted Yang Dahai and Yang Mu, then patted Yang Ming’s shoulder and laughed. Road: "Da Ming, someone stood at the door and didn't dare to come in, let's go see?"

“Oh?” Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse, and then he understood Liu Weishan’s words and asked subconsciously: “Xiao Qingjie?”

Liu Weishan smiled and nodded. The relationship between Yang Ming and Xiao Qing, although Liu Weishan and Chu Yuer knew it, but Yang Ming still did not tell his parents. After all, Chen Mengxi didn’t know about it, so Yang Ming was not good at taking it. Xiao Qing went back, but now, the relationship is open, and Chen Mengxi does not say anything. Yang Ming will naturally introduce Xiao Qing to his parents!

Xiao Qing did not dare to enter the house at this moment, but it is also reasonable. She is a lot older than Yang Ming. It is said that she is too long to be a generation. She is ten years older than Yang Ming. This age is actually called Auntie. Yes, so Xiao Qing has a lot of concerns!

After being afraid of entering the house, Yang Ming’s parents would look down on her, so they didn’t come in at the door...

"Da Ming, know how to deal with it? Do you need me to help you?" asked Liu Weishan.

"Haha, no, dry, I said it myself!" Yang Ming's current state of mind is completely different from before going to Miaojiang. At this moment, Yang Ming is more mature and more responsible. Naturally, he will not care about this little thing. To say that Yang Ming is afraid, in fact, his parents’ attitude toward Xiao Qing, as for other things, he really did not consider it!

The problem of age is not a problem at all! To say the age, Liu Tianqi is Yang Ming’s second brother is a few years older than Xiao Qing, the older brother Lin Dongfang is older, and the three are worshipping brothers. In contrast, Xiao Qing is still small, Liu Tianqi is Xiao Sunny younger brother, there is no pressure at all!

"What is the big mystery between Liu Da Ge and Daming? What do you say I said? What do you want to say?" Yang mother looked at Liu Weishan and Yang Ming strangely. I don't know what the two said.

"What about this... Oh, let Yang Ming tell you personally for a while. Since he said that he said it, I will not participate, haha!" Liu Weishan smiled and went to Liu Tianqi and Chen Xiaojing: "Tianqi, Xiao Jing, I am very happy to see you coming back!"

"Dad, me too!" Liu Tianqi stood up and smiled at Liu Weishan: "To say that the most correct thing you have done is to recognize the younger brother of the third brother. Otherwise, there may be no chance for me." I can't come back in my life!"

"Second brother, even if there is no such thing, I have to go to Miaojiang." Yang Ming said with a smile as he walked toward the door. As soon as he went out, he saw that Xiao Qing was nervous and stood at the door and was at a loss.

"Yang Ming..." Xiao Qing carefully lowered the voice and called Yang Ming: "Or... still forget it, I have said it before, to be your lover, do not want any status, status, Chen Mengyu, they have already recognized that I am already very lucky for me. I will not go to see my uncle and aunt. They know my age and will definitely laugh at me!"

"Do you know..." Yang Ming looked at Xiao Qing with a smile and smiled. She held her in her arms: "Xiao Qingjie, you haven't seen me for so long, don't want me? When you meet and say these things, you don't know." Give me a hug?"

"Go...when is this all the time, still hug it!" Xiao Qing was ashamed and pushed Yang Mingdao: "I said, do you agree to disagree?"

"Agree with what?" Yang Ming let go of Xiao Qing and looked up and down Xiao Qing: "Xiao Qingjie, you didn't realize that you are very young now? And, you changed your hair style deliberately today, and passed some girls' costumes, not for the sake of See my parents? How come to the door, is it timid?"

"I..." Xiao Qing was suddenly told by Yang Ming! Indeed, she received a call from Chen Mengyu today, and she went back to the apartment to dress up and dress herself up with an image similar to a neighbor's sister, but it was timid when it arrived.

After all, if it was with Chen Mengyu, so many people went to see Yang Ming’s parents, Xiao Qing did not have much fear. After all, so many women, Yang Ming’s parents could not carefully study them carefully. Xiao Qing first passed the test. If you don’t mention the age, you will pass.

But now, she did not expect Liu Weishan to call her first, so Xiao Qing was afraid that when Yang Ming’s parents asked him, he could not answer... In case, Yang Ming’s parents were not happy, and said that they had waited a few times. In the year, she was old and yellow, and Yang Ming didn’t like it. What should I do?

"Xiao Qingjie, you are too tangled! Didn't you find out that you have been with me for so long, and the face is still the same as that at that time, and there is no aging at all? And not only that, but the body is much better than before? The younger?" asked Yang Mingxiao.

"You mean... heart?" Xiao Qing was lifted up by Yang Ming, only to suddenly find out that it seems like this, no wonder that when dressing up today, Xiao Qing changed his head shape and he didn’t quite believe his own. Eyes, is this still thirty years old? It’s just like a decade ago when I went to college...

However, even with such an idea, Xiao Qing is preconceived and feels that he is old, and Yang Ming will not be accepted by Yang Ming’s parents.

"Yes, it’s my heart!" Yang Ming nodded. "So, and this time, I also got a meditation practice. According to the above cultivation to the extreme, immortality is not a dream. At that time, This small gap in age, when we are hundreds of years old, what is the gap?"

"This... really?" Xiao Qing was somewhat moved by Yang Ming.

"Of course, well, come on, everyone will wait for you!" Yang Ming finished, generously took Xiao Qing's hand and walked into the house together.

Yang Yang had some strange things that Yang Ming had done, so she kept paying attention to him. When she saw Yang Ming coming back, she saw that he was holding a beautiful girl and came in. Yang’s mother suddenly frowned!

What does Yang Ming do? How did you meet a beautiful girl again? Is Chen Mengyu, Zhou Jiajia and Lin Yuyun not enough? There is also a blue Ling, a Suya, so much, how to find another one?

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