So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2286: underestimate

Of course, these words can't be said by the night, or the night will be distressed by the daughter, maybe the child will give up the big plan after twenty years... This is too long and too old to see, she wants to see Yes, the glory of the Dark Night Palace!

"How? Nightingale, do I need to personally pick you up?" Jiuchang’s old-fashioned nightingale didn’t move, he smiled coldly and said: “Don’t give your face a shame, think what you are. Good stuff! A residual flower will be lost!"

The nightingale lamented a sigh of relief, and she did not expect to be able to hide behind.

Is it going to die here?

Killing the Chu Peng exhibition and killing her children, it is better to kill her even with her!

Although the time to know each other and the Chu Peng exhibition is not long, but the hearts of the two people have been closely linked, let her go to marry others, it is impossible, it is better to let her die.

"We... I’m afraid I can’t hide...” The nightingale looked at the Chu Peng exhibition and said sadly: "Without you, no children, I am not as good as death!"

"Hey, don't worry, big deal... I will die with you!" Chu Peng showed up at this time, but wanted to open it, clenched the hands of the nightingale, and said softly: "Hey, we can live and die together, It is also a blessing! We are not their opponents, so there is no need to resist!"

"Well!" The nightingale didn't expect Chu Peng's exhibition to say these words. Everyone said that the husband and wife are the same forest birds, and they are flying in the same way. However, in this case, Chu Peng Exhibition still does not leave, do not want to It’s very valuable to push her out and escape.

"Small Lange, we both go out, you don't have to be implicated in our affairs!" Chu Peng exhibition looked at Xiaolange, and said: "You are hiding here, waiting for us to leave, come out again." Let's go!"

Xiaolange initially protected Chu Peng Exhibition and Nightingale, just to please Yang Ming, but with the contact with Chu Peng Exhibition and Nightingale, the three have already become good friends, and he and Chu Peng The exhibition became a friend!

Xiao Lange is a gang who is born with loyalty. How can he agree at this time? A hero is born: "No, I will go out with you, come together, die together and die to live together, maybe there is still a chance!"

"You...what is this?" The nightingale smiled bitterly and said: "Opportunity, definitely can't have it. You don't understand their strength. We three of us can't fight against them! Don't look at them only. Several people, but as ".

"Well, that's it!" Little Lange did not wait for the nightingale to say anything, and took the lead to climb out of the garbage.

"Hey? There is another person? Kid, are you taking them away?" Cui Changyu frowned and didn't expect a third person to be present in the garbage.

"Not bad!" Little Lange nodded and said: "I don't care where you came from, but I would like to advise you that this is Las Vegas, not your territory! It is best to leave a room for you to do things. Otherwise, the siege of the three major gangs will not be so easy to settle."

"Oh? Are you threatening us?" Cui Changyu looked at the little Lange, and some funny said.

He is not in the downtown area because the people of the ancient level, if not necessary, will not be able to do it to ordinary people! Of course, for the Chu Peng exhibition, it can't be equated with ordinary people. He is the enemy of the entire Dark Night Palace and Tiandanmen.

"Yes, as the saying goes, the two fists are hard to beat four hands! I am flying the party, and there are several gangs that have been handed over with my speeding party. There are tens of thousands of people. You want to start, it is best to consider the consequences!" Lange said.

"Consequence?" Cui Changyu laughed. He looked at the Tiandanmen, who was surrounded by the old man, and asked faintly: "Is it felt that the two fists are hard to beat?"

"Four hands? Don't say that it is four hands. It doesn't matter if one hundred hands and ten thousand hands." Jiuchang said arrogantly.

"Don't move, you are surrounded!"

At this time, two oversized black trucks with the "racing logo" were parked at the door of the garbage dump, and from the truck, there were three or forty men armed with submachine guns, and from the truck. Two people coming out of the co-pilot position, carrying the rocket launcher on their shoulders!

These people are all under the hands of the old Lange. This time, the old Lange can be described as a sorrowful heart. The gang’s heavy weapons have been taken over. Fortunately, there is no suburb here, and there is no problem.

"This is your card?" Cui Changyu's old eyes scorned through these black people, asked faintly.

At this time, Chu Peng Exhibition and Nightingale also joined hands from the garbage dump. When the old Lange people came, the nightingale’s face changed slightly!

Although these people are armed with weapons, they look very powerful, but the nightingale knows that these weapons will not cause much harm to Cui Changchun and Jiuchang.

"Little Lange, your feelings I received, now, take your people to leave." Nightingale said: "The ancient sects, not easy to shoot ordinary people!"

"Night child, you don't have to take words to provoke me, the ancient martial art, it is not easy to shoot the ordinary people. You want to let this friend leave, it is not impossible, but he does not seem to believe, he is very Being arrogant, I thought that with these weapons, we can deal with us?" Cui Changchun is not very interested in killing Little Lange. If it is not necessary, he does not want to conflict with the local gang!

After all, they have to go back by plane. This is the site of others. If Little Lange has an accident, whether they can board the plane smoothly is a problem! Although they can also leave the country by other means, but nowadays, letting go of the small Lange is irrelevant.

"You are fast, can you beat the bullets quickly?" Little Lange really didn't believe it: "Although the world's martial arts are not broken, but can you shoot faster than the bullet?"

"Where is the martial arts in the world not broken? You watched more TV dramas?" Cui Changyu screamed at the old disdain, saying: "I don't have to shoot faster than the bullets, you shoot me, I don't hide, I still do what I want." No, I am a nightingale, you tell him why!"

"The true guard of the heavenly master, the general bullet can not cause damage to it...", the night sigh sighed and said: "And even if he wants to hide, he can really hide! He The speed... is indeed faster than a bullet!"

"Ah?" Little Lange stunned. I didn't expect the enemy to be so powerful. It seems that he really underestimated the people in front of him!

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