So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2293: Hurricane ignition

Yang Ming stared at the direction not far away, slightly frowning! Before the two elders, Yang Ming did not put it in the eyes, but the old woman who came now seems to be a little bit tolerant?

The old woman in Yang Ming’s eyes is the elders of the nine elders and Cui’s elders. The elders of the dark night palace are too elders. The elders of the elders are now masters of the late stage of the heavens, and they are the great consummates of the late Tianjie, only half a step away from the peak strength of the late stage. Far away!

You must know that Feng Tianlong said that in the cultivation world, the peak strength of the Tianjie stage is already the top strength! Therefore, although Yang Ming is confident, he does not blindly despise the enemy.


The nine elders were shocked and embarrassed. He didn’t think of it. The nightmare’s monk actually knew such a powerful master! Yang Ming did not have real gas fluctuations, but when he made a move, he did not mobilize and use the heaven and earth aura. What kind of master is this?

Could it be... a foreigner?

Thinking of this possibility, the hearts of the nine elders suddenly stunned!

The master of the outside world, although not being placed in the eyes of the masters of the interior, the masters of the same level are almost weaker than the masters of the same level! However, there are exceptions to everything!

For example, a few martial arts such as the golden bell, iron cloth, iron fist, iron hand, **** fist, and so on, these are the existence of the inner family do not want to easily provoke!

And the great masters of the martial arts, such as the Temple of God, the Iron Gate, and so on, are the ones that these inner sects dare not provoke!

The master of the peak strength of the late stage. In particular, it is the master of the peak strength of the late stage of the attack or the fame. It’s all bad to provoke.

Is it the night scorpion that gimmick, the person who knows the temple of God or the iron door? The master who looks very young is the master of the outer work of Tieyimen.

At the age of twenty, it is not the master of the peak strength of the late stage, but there are indeed, but they are all super-class ancient sects, such as the Ice Palace Snow Valley, these two branches from that place, and let the majors The martial art has a headache, and tomorrow’s sects and so on. Among these ancient sects, there are precedents for the emergence of the peak strength masters of the late 20th century.

However, the Dark Night Palace and the Tiandan Gate are not, these two sects. In today's ancient martial art of the rivers and lakes, it can only be regarded as the second-rate sect. Therefore, if it is really the people of the Iron Gate, then the Dark Night Palace and the Tiandan Gate will only choose to shrink back...

At the age of twenty, the peak power of the late stage is probably the heir to the future gatekeeper or grand elder.

This kind of person can not bear the best with it... Of course, this is only the inner thoughts of the nine elders. He represents the Tiandan Gate instead of the Dark Night Palace. Looking at the current posture, it is absolutely impossible for Tiandanmen to become a relative with the Dark Night Palace. If so, let the Dark Night Palace and the young man fight together, and be yourself outside!

Hey, Tiandanmen, you will soon be among the best in the rivers and lakes! However, the brilliance of a martial art is not reliant on the efforts of a generation. It must be organic and the unremitting efforts of the heirs. Now the opportunity is there. Just look at the younger master... The nine elders are actually an ambitious person, and a person who has no selfishness. He is essentially the same as the elders, and hopes that his sects will be brilliant!

The car drove back to the temporary residence, and the seven elders quickly got off the bus. I ignored the weird eyes of others and ran upstairs from the safe passage! His hands have been abolished. Can't press the button of the elevator, there is no way to do this.

But for the practitioners, dozens of stairs are a piece of cake.

After the seven elders went upstairs, they came to the door of the elders' elder room and knocked on the door with their feet. There was a voice from the elders: "Come back? Come in, the door is unlocked!"

The seven elders kicked the door with their feet and walked in. The elders did not find him the same, but did not see Cui elders, but some doubts: "People are caught back? Cui elders and nightingales? Why didn't you come together?"

"Before the elders, please give me and the seven elders!" The nine elders said with a sad face: "Cui elder, dead!"

"What? What do you say?" When the elders were too embarrassed, they did not seem to understand the words of the nine elders: "You just said, what happened to Elder Cui?"

"Cui elder is dead!" said the nine elders with anger and anger: "The nightingale is so small..."

Speaking of this, the nine elders saw that the elders were too unhappy, and suddenly they stopped, he only thought, how to say that the nightingale is also the big lady of the dark night palace, said by himself, too elders can have a good face to blame Now!

However, the nine elders were also clever, and quickly changed their minds: "It’s the little cockroach in the belly of the nightingale. He doesn’t know where to pull a master. It seems to be a master of the outside world. It’s very powerful, killing Cui Elder. I also broke my arms! If you don’t want me to come back and ventilate, let you die, I’m afraid I can’t come back!”

The words made by the nine elders are half-truthful. Although there are elements of hurricane igniting and adding vinegar, there is nothing wrong with it. It is basically the same as the facts. He is embarrassed to say that he is breaking his hands, but he is relying on Yang Ming’s. Body.

As for the elders who sent the elders to die, it was not Yang Ming’s, but Yang Ming did mean that, but it was only said by the nine elders.

The child in the belly of the nightmare is a little scorpion. There is nothing unhappy about the elders. In her eyes, the child who is messed up with an ordinary person is originally a small cockroach. She was going to kill. So I didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but the other's arrogance made the elders of the elders frown!

Elder Cui was killed? It should be known that Cui Elder is the early strength of the Tianji. This strength is not too top-notch in the ancient martial art, but at least it has entered the sequence of top players. It is not said that it can be killed if killed.

Moreover, what made her most inexplicable is where the friends of Chu Peng Exhibition met? Is it such a powerful foreign master?

"How old is the foreign master? What kind of work is used? Do you know?" Although the elders are extremely angry, they are still very sad, but they still ask questions. After all, knowing oneself and knowing each other can win every battle!

The enemy is a bit too inexplicable, and the elders must figure it out!

Foreign masters, can kill the elder Cui, will also hurt the nine elders, this strength is not weak!

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