So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2308: Who is it?

At the door of this abandoned factory, Dong Jun had already installed the wireless camera. The image signal transmitted by the wireless camera was received by Dong Jun in the car. I can see if there is any coming from here!

After all, what they do is not to be seen. If someone comes, Dong Jun also has to give early warning to let Yang Ming leave quickly!

Although Yang Ming has a perspective, he can always pay attention to the situation at the gate. But now Yang Ming’s main energy is placed on the front of the center to interrogate the center. Naturally, he does not want to give up other energy to do other things.

"You...who are you? Why are you kidnapping me?" After the people in the center were unlocked, they looked at Yang Ming with horror! He is not stupid. He sees it. Yang Ming is not an ordinary person, because where do ordinary people get acupuncture?

Just touching him casually, he can't move or talk, what a scary thing?

"Abducting you naturally has the purpose of kidnapping you. What do you buy for those chemicals?" Yang Ming did not answer the words of the center, but asked.

"I... I buy chemicals, of course, I do chemical experiments. Who are you, what do you catch me? I don't seem to offend you?" The center said: "I am still guilty of buying chemicals? You Let me go, this is all right, otherwise I have to call the police!"

The people in the center listened to Yang Ming just asking about chemicals, but they had a confidence in their hearts.

"Alarm, whatever you want, I don't know if the police know that you are the center. And it is Dr. Benjamin's men. Will you catch you?" Yang Ming said with a mocking look at the people in front of him.

"You...who are you? How do you know what the center is?" At this moment, the people in the center were full of panic and incredulity. He did not expect Yang Ming to actually recognize his identity! Of course, he did not stupidly deny that Yang Ming said his identity, and even the name of Dr. Benjamin was called out. It is obviously someone who knows the center. How else would you know these things?

Yang Ming nodded slightly, and this person exposed his inner thoughts in this moment of tension. It seems that my judgment is good. This person is really from the center. Yang Ming sees through his thoughts.

"Of course I am the enemy of Dr. Benjamin." Yang Ming said faintly: "I don't want to suffer from unnecessary pain, just tell the truth!"

"I have nothing to say. You killed me!" The center's people were determined and snorted, and then a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water and sat on the ground, and stopped talking.

"Oh, it seems that you don't see the coffin without tears." Yang Ming smiled slightly: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, don't say it now, you will ask me for a while!"

"Hey!" The people in the center naturally don't believe in Yang Ming's threat. Don't say it now, can he ask him to say it later? Do you have such brain damage? That is not a brain damage, it is a brain!

"This way. Give you ten seconds to think about it!" Yang Ming said lightly.

"Don't think about it, you kill me directly." The center's people hold the attitude of not killing. If you say the secret of the center, then it is also his death after returning. Maybe he will die even worse. Dr. Benjamin is locked up for human trials and biochemical transformation, which is simply not as good as death.

Therefore, he thought that when he died, he would die, and he would not die. Dr. Benjamin can continue to reuse him.

"This is your own choice, I hope you don't regret it!" Yang Ming saw the man in front of his mouth a hard-nosed look, did not enlighten him, directly reached out and ordered a few times on him. Then I flashed to the side and sat down, not to care about this person.

The center has been wondering at the beginning. Isn’t Yang Ming afraid that he ran away, and once again gave himself a hole so that he could not move and could not speak? Is this the so-called punishment? But the next moment, he understood that things are not that simple, because the next thing makes him feel uncomfortable!

"Oh..." The person in the center screamed and screamed on the ground. He only felt that his body seemed to have countless ants biting his skin, and he kept biting, but his hands could not Moved, can't stop itching, can only keep rolling back and forth on the ground to relieve pain...

what's going on? Did he poison himself? still is……

At this point, the people in the center finally understand that what is called fearless pain, it is simply not as good as death! He rolled back and forth on the ground, but it didn't work much. He mourned, and he called painfully...

"It's too noisy!" Yang Ming frowned, and then he clicked on the person in the center and clicked on his dumb hole, so that he could not make a sound, even if it was painful, it could only be issued. The sound of "drinking" comes...

The heart of the center is full of fear, and the pain of the body does not have to be said. At this moment, the psychological pain is even more stunned by him. He is not only uncomfortable, but also cannot make any sound!

In front of this person, what is the sacredness of the person, actually there is such a means?

He said that he is the enemy of the center. Since it can be called an enemy, it must be the same as Dr. Benjamin.

I think that Dr. Benjamin is studying the potential test of human body, then Yang Ming can make these pains for him. It is also common sense in his opinion... I think here, the hearts of the people in the center are sad!

It seems that Yang Ming’s means of rectifying people is no worse than Dr. Benjamin’s, and it seems more painful and terrifying! At least, he is really alive now! He wants Yang Ming to kill him. As a result, he even wants to let himself break his life, but his hands can't move, he can't die if he wants to die.

Yang Ming said, I hope he does not regret, but this moment, he really regrets, so painful, I want to die!

However, Yang Ming seems to have seen through his mind, and once again shot, and he has two points on his body. This time, the center person can make a sound and continue to scream.

"How, if you want to continue, I still cooperate with me, what do I ask, what do you answer?" Yang Ming asked faintly.

"I replied! I replied! Let me go first, beg you... ah... too painful!" The center of the man screamed in pain.

"Well, but if you don't cooperate, then I can only give you something more embarrassing!" Yang Ming said, and he took two shots of the person in the center, and the center person returned to normal. (To be continued.)

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