So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2355: False negotiation

This answer makes Dr. Benjamin's face shake, which makes him speechless.

\\\"Yang Ming, in fact, I know that you and I are doing the opposite, nothing more than exporting gas, with the help of Dong Jun and Alice in the first place, let them out of my control. \\\" Dr. Benjamin can't help, I can only say with a strong heart: \\\"I understand these, so I can assure you that as long as you agree not to start with people in our center, I can no longer hold you and Dong Jun and Alice’s responsibility. ......\\\"text/text

\\\"Oh, how do you believe me?\\\"Yang Ming is asking: \\\"When you are even better, train the wolf goddess, and then come back to me trouble?\\ \"

\\\" know the wolf warrior?\\\" Dr. Benjamin was shocked. How did Yang Ming know this, Dong Jun and Alice said? Dong Jun and Alice I shouldn't know, they are just outside members of the center and don't participate in these research matters.

\\\"Know, you know that you just made one, ready to deal with me, first call me to paralyze me. \\\" Yang Ming said faintly.

\\\"噗...cough!\\\" Dr. Benjamin listened to Yang Ming’s words and was suddenly cried loudly: \\\"I...\\\"

\\\"Nothing to say?\\\" Yang Ming smiled and asked.

\\\"Yang Ming, I see that your misunderstandings and prejudice against me are very big. I really don’t want to be enemies with you. Otherwise, you come to my central base to have a look, we sit down and quiet. Come down, talk about how to talk face to face? \\\"Dr. Benjamin said.

\\\"You lied to me, let the fire wolf warrior kill me?\\\"Yang Ming asked.

\\\"...\\\"Ban Jieming discovered that he was in front of Yang Ming, how it seems to be a transparent person. No matter what he said, Yang Ming can guess his intention. This feeling makes Banjie Dr. Ming is very upset. In front of Yang Ming, he is completely passive.

\\\"It’s okay, I hang up, goodbye.\\\" Yang Ming finished, just hang up the phone.

Basically, from the silence of Dr. Benjamin, Yang Ming already knows that Dr. Benjamin’s wolf warrior has been successfully manufactured and should be ready for use, and Dr. Benjamin’s purpose of attracting himself to the center is In order to let the fire wolf gods kill themselves!

I am afraid, Dr. Benjamin also discovered that no matter who he sent, it was easy for Yang Ming to kill in the middle of the road. Therefore, Dr. Benjamin learned this time smartly and directly invited Yang Ming to the center to be a guest. The name was negotiating. In fact, why not want to get rid of Yang Ming?

In fact, if it is not a last resort, Yang Ming will not easily go to the central base. How good is the situation now? Fully take the initiative, Yang Ming can say what he wants, no need to worry and worry about the class. Dr. Jieming plays what kind of huā!

Therefore, Yang Ming is completely active at this time. Since he can easily face the enemy, why is it necessary to go deep into the tiger hole?

Today, Dr. Benjamin has already opened his words and tore his face. Next, Yang Ming is waiting for the so-called fire wolf warrior to come to the door.

However, Dr. Benjamin will really be willing to give up? Obviously not!

\\\"砰!\\\" Dr. Benjamin slammed the phone in his hand and brushed it up. Dr. Benjamin did not expect that Yang Ming would be so embarrassed, what he wanted to do, Yang Ming Know what, let him not have a slight advantage.

\\\"Yang Ming, you are really mad at me, I will make you die!\\\" Dr. Benjamin’s angry martyrdom.

The old blind man came over and warned, and said carefully: \\\"Dr., don't be angry, eliminate gas, isn't it a Yang Ming? As for being so angry...\\\"

\\\"You don't know, Yang Ming, this guy, what I said, he doesn't believe it, just don't come to the base of the Fire Wolf Island Center. If he doesn't come, what better is the ultimate weapon of the Firewolf Warrior? ?\\\"Dr. Benjamin said a little discouraged.

\\\"This...Dr., what should we do?\\\"The old nephew hesitated and said: \\\"Looking for him, he will not come, he will not lie to him, he will not do it...\ \\"

\\\"Forced?\\\" Dr. Benjamin suddenly heard his eyes after listening to the old voice, and immediately said: \\\"Yes, why didn't I think of it? Yes, we can force it! \\\"

\\\"呃...\\\" The old scorpion is a little unclear. I don’t know what the words of Dr. Benjamin mean. How to force it? If Yang Ming doesn’t come, it’s not forced. Can it be difficult to force Yang Ming to fail?

\\\"Hey, old nephew, although you didn't give any advice, but this sentence gave me a big reminder, I know what to do next!\\\"Dr. Benjamin mysteriously said .

He has already thought of a way. In fact, he has a trick. He wants to lead Yang Ming to the central base of the Wolves Island. It is also a way of persecution. Let Yang Ming come to the wolf under pressure. Island center base.

\\\"Congratulations to Dr. Benjamin!\\\"The old nephew is confused. I don’t know what Dr. Benjamin thought of in the end to force Yang Ming to follow the example. You must know that Yang Ming is not hard to eat. How can you let Yang Ming take the initiative to come here?

However, Dr. Benjamin did not say that the old nephew did not ask.

After the old nephew left, Dr. Benjamin dialed a phone number and whispered something to the person on the phone...

As for what he said, the old blind man did not know, and he did not let anyone hear it. It was not that Dr. Benjamin did not believe in his whole body. It was because this matter was too important. If it was done, it forced Yang Ming to come. The central base of the wolf island is not too difficult!

Of course, the premise is that no news can be leaked out. Otherwise, if things are messed up, then he will lose the chip that forced Yang Ming to submit.

After making a phone call, Dr. Benjamin’s face showed a cruel smile. Yang Ming, can’t you think about it? I still have no cards to use it!

Yang Ming hung up the phone and saw the mysterious mysterious man walking into Dr. Benjamin’s laboratory. When he came out, he became a smile. Yang Ming knew that things were not good, I am afraid Bangui. Dr. Ming thinks about new tricks!

Otherwise, with Yang Ming and Dr. Benjamin's telephone exchange, Dr. Benjamin at this moment is not very angry and angry, and he is not likely to be happy, but as his old nephew, if he sees his master is not happy, It is definitely not such an expression, but it is somewhat intriguing, so that Yang Ming can not help but frown!

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