So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 342: Big sister

The 342th chapter of the big sister

"It's him! He is over there!" Ge Xinyao said in a direction that Yang Ming came over.

"Yes, that's him!" Wu Xinkai spit a sip on the ground and said with a wave: "Brothers, that's that... force Yang!"

Yang Ming is happy, the three small mixed-faced people rushed to his face, to be replaced by Yang Ming, who had been alone for a long time, and loaded with ghosts? To the front stop, who wants to scare you?

But today, Yang Ming is in a good mood, so he didn't abuse the three guys who didn't have long eyes. He just said impatiently: "Where are you? Don't stand in front of me!"

"You are pushing Yang?" asked one of the fans.

"You **** is forced!" Yang Ming said that he didn't have a good breath. He hasn't seen anyone who asked if he was "caught". Is this guy pricking his head?

"Well? You are not?" The gangster was somewhat inexplicable. Did you admit the wrong person? That's right, the boss is not saying that he is "forcing Yang"? Isn't that what he is?

"Roll your mother, you are forced to raise it!" Yang Ming really wants to kick people.

"Grass, big intestine, don't talk nonsense with him, this guy!" The gangster next to it had already reacted to what was going on, only the confusing questioning had not been understood.

"Wait, what are you looking for?" Yang Ming saw the three confusing ones of me, some inexplicable.

"Grass, kid, you are finished, you know what it is!" The confuse next to the large intestine pointed to Yang Ming: "You have offended someone you should not be offended, and you will not be able to sin forever!"

"Who is that person? Do you seem to have not been born yet?" Yang Ming said disdainfully, still can't afford to sin? Have you made a mistake?

"Kid, what do you say? You dare to insult Kaige! Brothers, let him!" The big intestine heard this, Yang Ming was in Kai Ke, so he jumped out in a hurry.

"Go to your mother, you have brain damage!" Yang Ming slaps a slap in the face, hit the face of the large intestine, let him turn a circle on the ground, flew directly to three meters away, and squatted on the ground. Yang Ming is really angry today. He is still anxious to go to Chen Mengying’s dormitory downstairs. These annoying guys are endlessly ruined by themselves, and Yang Ming can’t worry about it!

"Ah?" The other two gangsters saw Yang Mingyi's hand to solve the large intestine, and some guilty, immediately shouted to the back: "Ke Ge, Hai Ge, this kid is very powerful!"

"Grass! We are so many people, afraid of a hair!" Wu Xinkai did not think that Yang Ming is so powerful, his body is one meter tall, higher than Yang Ming!

"It's you!" Yang Ming recognized Wu Xinkai, and then wrote a mocking saying: "Do you still want to be shackled?"

"Kid, you were quite overcast yesterday, actually found a policeman and you to play with the field!" Wu Xinkai bit his teeth and said: "However, today you are not so lucky, you continue to find your police friends. ?"

"Is it not her yesterday, do you think you can still stand here and talk to me?" Yang Ming felt a little funny, dare to love this guy still does not know what is going on, how do you feel good about yourself? Yesterday, if Xia Xue was behind, maybe he would have turned the Didi bar over!

Dare to treat Lin Yunyun, it is to find death! Yang Ming had abolished Wu Xinkai’s mind yesterday. Yes, Yang Ming moved to kill the machine when he saw Lin Yuyun’s painful fall on the ground.

"Kids, the mouth is not very useful, give you a chance, and I will single out." Wu Xinkai said awkwardly.

"Roll your eggs! Single-handed? You don't deserve!" Yang Ming did not wait for him to finish, facing his stomach is a foot. Yang Ming’s foot strength was very vicious, and he could not be trained as a “Yang’s flying leg”. Especially after playing the big tree for a while, it became more overbearing. Just now that foot was also used to force, so Wu Xinkai directly flew out, jingle slammed on the ground, the blood bubble in his mouth and nose was obviously seriously injured.

Yang Ming is also holding! He knows that no matter what he is going to kick Wu Xinkai, nothing will happen. Because he is in charge! It’s different from yesterday. Yesterday in the bar, it’s a fight, but today, it’s a gangster to find something in the school! This is a social taboo!

Yang Ming’s confusing has become the security of defending the school! Not only will the school come forward to protect itself, others will tend to be their own. Of course, this is the premise of the mixed alarm, but Yang Ming feels that these people are unlikely to call the police. So there is even more fear.

Bi Hai and Ge Xinyao are stupid on the side, is this too strong? The two moves settled two people, and they all let the other party lose their ability to fight back! Ge Xinyao has some regrets. What kind of boyfriend is Lin Shuyun’s so powerful? I haven't heard of it before, can't he find himself to retaliate in the future?

Bi Hai is even more surprised, but what he thinks is, can you pull Yang Ming together, so that his own strength will increase greatly. As for Wu Xinkai, let him live and die.

"How? You have to single-handedly?" Yang Ming glanced at Bi Hai and Ge Xinyao.

"Oh... no..." Bihai dared to single-handedly, Yang Ming’s group would not necessarily win, but also singled out? Isn't that looking for death? "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, this is the idea of ​​Wu Xinkai's guy, I don't agree. But I am his men, can only follow him."

"Listen to your tone, you seem to have not taken him as your boss?" Yang Ming said with some ridicule.

"He is not worthy of being my boss!" Bi Hai has decided to fall out with Wu Xinkai, there is no need to offend Yang Ming because of him, so his speech is unscrupulous.

However, the two young gangsters who were not beaten by Yang Ming were surprised to see the military division next to Kaige. He wanted to betray Keke?

"It seems that your internal contradictions are quite big?" Yang Ming snorted: "Since you are forced, then keep you. But, you manage your own woman, I have not played for a long time. Woman, I don't mind breaking the case."

"Yang Ming... Brother, I will never play Lin Yiyun's idea again..." Ge Xinyao immediately nodded like a glutinous rice.

"But, brother, I have a word to remind you, although Wu Xinkai is almost finished, but he is a Leopard brother, if Leopard brother knows that you hit him, it will definitely not give up!" Wu Xinkai did not have a few months It’s not up to bed, so Bi Hai is simply outspoken. He has the heart to pull Yang Ming, so he said: “But I will try my best to say things for you because I am optimistic about you!”

"Leopard brother? Which leopard brother?" Yang Ming smiled and asked faintly: "What is the storm?"

"Man, do you know Leopard?" Bi Hai was shocked and asked quickly. He does not think that Yang Ming deliberately scares him, because those who know the name of Leopard is only the person inside the gang, and the outsiders will certainly not be so clear.

"Oh, you can go back and talk to the violent San Li, it is my Yang Ming who made him Wu Xinkai like this." Yang Ming said indifferently.

Bi Haixin said, I don’t need to say this thing today. Some people will definitely say it to Leopard Brother. However, since this Yang Ming is so calm, is he related to Leopard? I just wanted to draw Yang Ming’s heart, and I suddenly became a wanter! Yes, Bi Hai is such a villain, as long as it is good for himself, how about holding a grandson!

"Yang Ge, you and Leopard brother seem to be very familiar?" Bi Hai asked tentatively.

"Alright, let's go through a number." Yang Ming looked at Bi Hai and said. The heart, it seems that this guy is a personal talent, do not know how the character, if not so anti-bone, it can be used.

"Hey..." Bi Hai took a breath! Although he is a gangster, he hasn’t had a slogan yet. Has this college student actually gone in? However, looking at his arrogant means is really like a sly character. Is it good now?

The few gangsters that followed, watching Yang Ming’s eyes changed immediately, and instantly became respectful, that is the friend of the ultimate boss, why are these little punks inciting?

"Yang Ge, I am embarrassed about this today. I am sorry for you!" said Bi Hai, who gave Yang Ming a deep respect and said to Ge Xinyao: "Not yet Yang Ge!"

"Yang Ge!" Ge Xinyao is convinced that this time, this person is indeed a monk!

"Don't bully Lin Yuyun any more, her heart is kind, does not mean that I am a good person to talk. The consequences you think about it." Yang Ming saw Ge Xinyao and warned.

"No, Yang Ge, you can rest assured! From today, Lin Yiyun... Daxie is my big sister! I just followed her!" Ge Xinyao quickly promised.

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