So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 412: I owe it...

The forty-two chapters are owed...

"I didn't expect Song Hang to be such a person, but I made such an excessive request!" Ma said in a helpless manner: "Director Xiao, you can rest assured, I will report it to the principal, it is not good, we will not enter this equipment. It!"

"I'm sorry, Ma Principal..." Xiao Qing said with some frustration. The headmaster of the horse was transferred to Songjiang Engineering University, so I didn't know about the festival between Xiao Qing and Song Hang. I thought that Song Hang was deliberately martyrdom.

"What is sorry, it is not your fault!" President Ma said with anger: "Huatong International is also a big company, and actually sent such people to take care of it!"

Back to the school, Xiao Qing's mood was very low, hesitated for a long time, decided to tell Yang Ming about this matter. First, if he conceals himself, Yang Ming will definitely be unhappy.

Secondly, it is Song Hang’s temporary change, and it’s a flaw, and it’s impossible to change it temporarily! Therefore, she needs to remind Yang Ming to let Yang Ming be careful of Song Hang’s revenge.

When the phone was connected, Yang Ming’s voice came from inside: “Xiao Qingjie, miss me?”

"Yang Ming, where are you?" Xiao Qing asked with some concern.

"I am at school, what happened to Xiao Qingjie?" Yang Ming heard Xiao Qing's voice a little nervous, and asked strangely.

"You... can you come to my office?" Xiao Qing asked.

"No problem, I am going now." Yang Ming felt that Xiao Qing was very abnormal today, and something must have happened!

"Okay, I am waiting for you." Xiao Qing said.

Hanging up the phone, Yang Ming quickly rushed to Xiao Qing's office.

When he came to the door of Xiao Qing’s office, Yang Ming first looked inside with a perspective and found that no one else was pushing the door directly.

"You are coming? Why don't you knock on the door?" Xiao Qing looked at Yang Ming and stood up.

"You forgot my ability?" Yang Ming said with a smile: "I don't think there are outsiders in it, I just pushed the door in."

"Indiscriminate use..." Xiao Qing shook his head: "You are so good at such a good ability."

"How can I use it? I can't go out and see it." Yang Ming shrugged. "What happened, so eager to find me?"

"Today we went to Huatong International to find Song Hang signed..." Xiao Qing said that he paused here.

"How does Song Hang say?" Yang Ming has a bad intuition. Is this kid fighting against water?

"Song Hang deliberately harassed us... He raised the price five times..." Xiao Qing snorted and said: "He also said that he was going to find you trouble, I think he relied on it after all..."

"Hey, what do you rely on? It’s so funny." Yang Ming smiled unceremoniously. Song Hang, are you not too excited to play last time? Still want to play a roller coaster?

"Yang Ming, I think you should be careful." Xiao Qing said: "And, Song Hang threatened me to go to him tonight, the contract can be discussed."

"Then you are going to go?" Yang Mingxiao asked.

"If I am going to go, will I still tell you?" Xiao Qing groaned.

"Oh, rest assured, I will go for you." Yang Ming said indifferently: "Where does his family live?"

"Yang Ming, if you can't forget it, the headmaster also said that this batch of instruments is really not going to order..." Xiao Qing shook his head and said.

"Address is brought." Yang Ming interrupted Xiao Qing's words.

"Give..." Xiao Qingyi took out a note from his pocket and handed it to Yang Ming. Because she knows Yang Ming, she knows what Yang Ming decided, and no one can change!

Therefore, instead of letting Yang Ming ask about the address of Song Hang, it is better to tell him.

"This is oh, Xiao Qing sister." Yang Ming took the note and glanced into his pocket: "Go to you at night, cook for me."

"You are not going to find Song Hang?" Xiao Qing is a bit strange.

"It doesn't take much time to find him. This kid is owed, and I will beat him again." Yang Ming did not take Song Hang seriously.

Song Hang proudly lifted Erlang legs, Wang Xifan, huh, huh, it is timely rain! Although Song Hang also understands that Wang Xifan showed good to him, it is to use each other! Wang Xifan needs his own channel, so he will let these two masters protect themselves.

But it doesn't matter, can you not get benefits? Although smuggling is a matter of losing his head, his Song Hang’s head has been a lot of things, and it’s not bad.

Therefore, Wang Xufan’s proposal Song Hang is still very interested. In particular, not only have money to take, but also send two masters out to force, this is simply too refreshing!

Song Hang drank a bowl of ginseng antler tiger whip soup on the table, but this is a big supplement! Hey, he fancied that he could ride on Xiao Qing at night, and he could not help but be more proud.

Looking at the time, it is already six o'clock, Xiao Qing should get off work, right? Today, in order to wait for Xiao Qing at home, Song Hang deliberately came back in advance for a while.

However, Song Hang is not very sure whether Xiao Qing will follow suit, so he also told the Tianba and Feitian to stay in the villa where they live. He is afraid that Yang Ming will come again to find him.

In fact, Song Hang also very much wants Yang Ming to come to find 茬, Yang Ming does not come, he will find two masters! How can I give the last shame to revenge!

Yang Ming did not let him down, Yang Ming came. This time, Yang Ming is almost the same as the last model, still holding a kebab in his hand!

"Hah, I found out that your kid is really happy. Whether it is a company or a villa, there is such an authentic kebab on the side. It is so fragrant!" Yang Ming swayed in front of Song Hang: "If it wasn't you The skin is itchy, I haven't had a chance to taste it yet! I want to thank you too!"

"How do you come in?" Song Hang is somewhat inexplicable. Isn't it that Wu Tianba and Fei Tianqi are guarded downstairs?

"Incoming from the gate. Can you think that I will teleport?" Yang Ming sarcastically.

"My people are at the door, how can you come in?" Song Hang is incredible, isn't Yang Ming killing them all? Are these too much? real or fake? Not so bad luck?

"Oh, what do you say about the two old men?" Yang Ming asked.

"Yeah, they didn't stop you?" Song Hang nodded.

"Blocked." Yang Ming also nodded.

"Then how did you come in?" Song Hang wondered: "You defeated them?"

"What do I do with them!" Yang Ming said with a smile: "I said it was for you to take delivery, they let me come up."

Said, Yang Ming Yang raised the mutton skewers in his hands, the oil drops are everywhere.

"My grass!" Song Hang was so angry that he was screaming! Send a takeaway? Just come in? Are these two people practicing martial arts? Are there any vigilance?

"Okay, don't be grass!" Yang Ming ate a kebab, and then interrupted Song Hang's words coldly: "I said Song Hang, it seems that you haven't sat in the sky? The last lesson, It’s not too deep! I will make you remember this time, oh!”

"You... don't come over, I have a big **** here!" Song Hang was shocked and retired, not forgetting to threaten.

“大婶?” Yang Mingyi said: “What big swear? You are coming? Your grandfather has not come yet?”

"It is a great god, not a big sister!" Song Hang argued.

"Oh, God! Your voice is so trembling, I haven't heard it clearly." Yang Ming smiled and said: "Is it the great **** of the starting point?"

"What is the starting point of the god?" Song Hang does not look at online novels, naturally do not know what Yang Ming said: "I am here is the martial arts god."

"Yes? The two old men?" Yang Ming snorted.

"Yes! One of them is the abbot of Shaolin Temple, and the other is the head of Beidoumen!" Song Hang in order to scare Yang Ming, both of them under the hand have been upgraded.

"The abbot of Shaolin Temple? Are you fooling me? Is the abbot not bald?" Yang Ming blinked and walked over to Song Hang.

"Don't come over... come here!" Song Hang shouted.

In fact, Qi Tianba and Fei Tianqi are not as stupid as Song Hang imagined. Although they put Yang Ming in, they are secretly guarded. After hearing the call for help from Song Hang, he immediately pushed the door and went in.

"Let's stay away from the boss of Song!"

"You two, give me abolished him!" Song Hang saw the rescuer coming, not afraid, and stood up, pointing to Yang Mingniu x sparkling.

"Only by the two of them?" Yang Ming did not put the two in his eyes: "Song Hang, I don't want to bully the old man, so don't let them be embarrassed!"

"Hey! Kid, you are crazy!" Flying Tianqi cuffs, you must use a dart to play Yang Ming.

Yang Ming’s eyesight is quite a cow. Although he dismissed the two old men on his mouth, he was against them. Therefore, Yang Ming’s cuffs moved and Yang Ming looked in his eyes.

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