So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 807: Have the ability to do it...

Chapter VIII has the ability to do it...

All the way to speed, Yang Ming quickly came to Jingshan. This is the first time to come to Jingshan, but the prosperity here makes Yang Ming marvel, Songjiang and here, can only be regarded as a developing small city. It is comparable to the provincial capital East China Sea.

According to Wang Guifen's suggestion, Yang Ming drove the car in the direction indicated by the navigation, Yang Ming went to the largest shopping mall in the city.

Looking for a long time, there is no parking space, Yang Ming had to sigh the per capita living standards here, so early there are so many car owners to come here to shop. If you switch to Songjiang, there will not be so many cars in the parking lot.

No way, Yang Ming could only circle another street, parked the car in front of an office building, and then walked back to the mall. For those who parked in the middle of the roadside or in the middle of the commercial pedestrian passage, Yang Ming was very disdainful. Even in Songjiang, Yang Ming’s car had some privileges and never violated the rules.

Although Yang Ming’s eyes are good, it’s very hard to find a car from this huge parking lot. However, Yang Ming saw Zou Ruoguang’s Audi a4 at a glance, because it’s too conspicuous, this guy put The car parked in the middle of the mall's pedestrian passage, next to the large "no parking" sign and it took care of each other.

Yang Ming’s heart secretly despised this Zou Ruoguang once, not only Yang Ming’s contempt, but also frequent and inconvenient customers.

Yang Ming came to the front of the car and looked inside. No one was there. It was obvious that this guy and Zhao Ying entered the mall together. Yang Minghao is grinding to add some materials to his car?

For example, put the tires in the air or the lock on the door? As for the danger of breaking the brakes, Yang Ming did not dare to do it. In a moment, Zhao Ying still took the car back, but it was not an ordinary fucking.

Yang Ming is thinking about it. At this time, someone patted him on the shoulder. Yang Ming stunned and went back, but he saw a traffic policeman standing behind him.

"What is it?" Yang Ming asked.

"This is your car? Hurry and drive, can't stop here!" The traffic police pointed to Audi A4.

"Can't drive away..." Yang Ming said, some helplessly said. This car is not his at all, where is he going?

"If I don't leave, I will open a ticket!" The traffic police said with some dissatisfaction.

"You open it." Yang Ming nodded, no matter what. Of course, it doesn't matter. The penalty is not the money of Yang Ming.

"What is your attitude?" The traffic police saw that Yang Ming did not seem to treat the fine as a matter of time. He immediately said: "You have illegal parking, and your attitude is not good. I have the right to trailer you know?"

"Oh," Yang Ming looked at the Audi a4 and sneaked a sinister smile on his mouth. "Well, if you have the ability, you will drag him away."

"Yes." The traffic police gas knot, originally thought to scare Yang Ming, but did not expect people to do not care, so took out the walkie-talkie, apply to the command center to deploy a trailer.

After a while, a trailer drove over to the side. The traffic police looked at Yang Ming and looked at the trailer. "I dragged away?"

"Hey, you are really called, if you have the ability, you will drag it away." Yang Ming said indifferently.

The traffic police saw Yang Ming’s attitude and did not say much. After waving a hand, the trailer came over and towed the Audi a4 away. Yang Ming shrugged and sighed, this does not blame me, who told you to illegally park?

Yang Ming is too lazy to go looking for someone. In the public occasions of shopping malls during the day, I want to come to Zou Ruoguang and dare not do anything. Yang Ming found a bench on the side of the road, sat down and waited for them to come down.

Zhao Ying only wants to buy the sheets and then leave, but Zou Ruoguang is on the sidelines and looking forward to the east, stopping and stopping, and talking about the counters that passed.

"You look at this bonsai, how beautiful it is. I will get married in the future. I have to get a few at home. This is called life!" Zou Ruoguang said: "My wife has to live the life of a lady... ..."

Zou Ruoguang did not go to the society, the idea and its childishness, plus usually read some messy soap operas, thinking that girls will fall in love with your son. Therefore, he now keeps boasting the so-called high society life.

Zhao Ying is not the kind of girl who loves vanity. Besides, the idea will not be so simple. Where will I listen to Zou Ruoguang’s bragging? At first, because of the affection of relatives, I had to be hip-hop, and finally I was a little impatient. I coughed two channels: "Let's go buy bed sheets, people are waiting for us to go back."

Zou Ruoguang saw Zhao Ying's expression really a little impatient, only to live, but still did not give up, through the jewelry counter, still could not help but said: "Zhao Ying, how do you see this ring? This drill so big!"

Zhao Ying frowned and refused to look at the direction pointed by Zou Ruoguang. The ring was quite beautiful, and the diamond was quite big. However, Zhao Ying was not in the mood to appreciate these with Zou Ruoguang, so he said: good-looking."

"Then I bought it for you?" Zou Ruoguang was overjoyed and thought that Zhao Ying was moving.

However, Zhao Ying is indeed a little heart-warming, but she also scores who buys her. If Yang Ming buys her, she will accept it with pleasure, but if Zou Ruoguang, she will not accept it.

"Zou Ruoguang, we can only say that we know or say that we are alumni. Even friends can't say it. You think, if you buy something for me, will I be?" Zhao Ying's face became serious.

"This... what is this... If you like it, I will buy it for you. If you are your friend, you will not be?" Zou Ruoguang said.

"Well, I am going to buy the sheets. You are willing to follow them. I don't want to follow them, but I don't want to hear you tell me that these are useless..." Zhao Ying finally blamed the mercy.

Zou Ruoguang was said by Zhao Ying, and his face was so embarrassing that he could only follow Zhao Ying and walk with her to the counter of bedding.

After buying the sheets, Zhao Ying ignored Zou Ruoguang and went straight to the elevator. He walked to Xiamen, and Zou Ruoguang was behind him. He was thinking about Zhao Ying’s reaction. Why did he listen to his own? What are the words that Zhao Ying is not tempted?

Out of the commercial building, Zou Ruoguang just took out the car's remote control and wanted to open the door, but suddenly found that his car was gone! Suddenly shocked, shouting at the pedestrians on the side: "My car? My car?"

Zhao Ying looked at Zou Ruoguang's appearance. She even looked down on her heart. She didn't have any temperament and calmness. It was not a hundred thousand miles away from Yang Ming. It was a farther distance.

"Zhao Ying!" Yang Ming stood up from the bench at this time and waved to Zhao Ying.

"Yang Ming!" Zhao Ying was thinking about Yang Ming. He suddenly heard Yang Ming’s voice. He suddenly raised his head and saw Yang Mingzheng beckoning himself. He also refused to be around Zou Ruoguang and quickly ran to this side. Come over.

Zou Ruoguang was very depressed by Zhao Ying in the commercial building. Now the car is inexplicably gone. The mood is even worse. I heard a man shouting Zhao Ying, and Zhao Ying ran away happily. Do not hit a place, rushed to Yang Ming, pointing to Yang Mingdao: "Who are you?"

When I was pursuing Chen Mengxi, I had a relationship with Yang Ming, but where can he remember? Therefore, apart from feeling that Yang Ming is familiar, he does not know who it is.

"I am Yingying's boyfriend, how, what advice?" Yang Ming smiled and pulled up Zhao Ying's hand.

"Male...boyfriend?" Zou Ruoguang stunned, but then he looked up and down Yang Minglai.

Yang Ming simply did not put him in his eyes. After saying a word, he would no longer care for him. He said directly to Zhao Ying: "My car is parked there. We are going. It is not like this guy. Stopped in the pedestrian passage and was towed away by the traffic police."

"Hey, my car was towed away?" Zou Ruoguang was shocked after listening to Yang Ming's words. This car is not his, it is Shuguangheng, and it will inevitably be embarrassed after going back! But then I thought, I didn't think it was right. I saw a few cars next to me. I just posted a ticket, but I didn't drag it away. Some wondered: "How can I drag my car?"

"Oh, I was standing next to your car. There was a traffic policeman who told me to drive the car away. I told him to drive, and he said that he would open a ticket. I asked him to post it casually. He was angry. Just dragged your car away!" Yang Ming pretended to be just thinking of it, and said to Zou Ruoguang with sympathy.

"Grass!!!!" Zou Ruoguang will blow up when he hears it, and his eyes are on fire. However, Yang Ming is pulling Zhao Ying has gone far.

Zou Ruoguang was furious and chased Yang Ming. Suddenly he thought that Yang Ming was also driving. At the moment, Yang Ming and Zhao Ying were only in the direction of a broken and dirty van. Zou Ruoguang subconsciously regarded this car as a car. It’s Yang Ming’s, flying to the past and taking the car is a foot, shouting: “Grass, you broken car is also a good idea to open it out? You have lost my car, I will not let you be better, Believe it or not, I have given your car?"

Yang Ming looked at Zou Ruoguang's move in a strange way, and he was a little puzzled. Whose car is this guy? However, I immediately understood that Zou Ruoguang was misunderstood.

When Yang Ming and Zhao Ying spoke, they pointed to this side and said that their car was parked here, and Zhao Ying and his own came to this side. No wonder Zou Ruoguang would misunderstand! In fact, Yang Ming’s car was parked in front of the office building at the next intersection.

Yang Ming was a little funny, looked at the car, and looked at Zou Ruoguang: "Yes, you have the ability to smash it."

"Do you think I don't dare to swear? I will marry you! This broken car dares to come out, I told you to harm me!" Zou Ruoguang thought that Yang Ming was laughing at him, he was anxious, and his eyes were anxious. Search around the roadside, see a road board, and bend it and copy it up.

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