So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 820: Continue to follow up

Chapter VIII continues to follow up

The last message was published by the employer. In agreement with the employer, the next issue of the magazine will publish the place where Zheng Shaopeng will go that night, so that the employed person will be a mobile operator at this time.

Although the magazine was typeset printed a few days earlier, the release time was already set. For people like Zheng Shaopeng, the daily schedule should be fixed, and it is very likely that it will be arranged a few days later.

So it is not a strange thing for the employer to know his whereabouts in advance. Originally, it was a matter that was not related to oneself, but after Fang Tianyi explained it, it became a matter related to oneself.

Although Yang Ming does not admit that he is the son-in-law of the butterfly family, it is undeniable that the survival status of himself and Fang Tian in the killer world is closely related to the butterfly family.

Since this matter has become awkward and involves the butterfly family, Yang Ming naturally wants to make him clear. The most critical issue now is the timing of the next issue of the magazine and who is the owner of the two messages.

For the identity of the owner of the information, Yang Ming did not hold much hope. Since this method has been chosen to hire murderers, it is to hide their identity. How can such a person reveal his identity?

Yang Ming inquired about the address of the organizer of this dm magazine on the Internet. This magazine is hosted by a website called “Australian Street Shopping”, and the office address is not far from the building.

Yang Ming wrote down the address, then shut down the computer and left the hotel. Downstairs in the hotel, there were many taxis waiting in line. Yang Ming got on a taxi and went to the building where the website was located.

According to the recorded address, Yang Ming easily found the office location of the website. The site looks like it's not too small, and it occupies an office building on the first floor of the building. Divided into multiple departments.

Yang Ming asked at the front desk and came to the editorial department of dm magazine. Yang Ming is in contact with the editorial department as a reader. The editorial department also set up a separate readers' opinion exchange office, with special editors responsible.

This kind of dm magazine, which is mainly for publicity, pays great attention to readers' opinions, because every reader can become a sponsor of the website and website. Therefore, Yang Ming did not have any troubles and got a good reception.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, welcome to the editorial department. Do you know what comments or suggestions you have for our magazine?" A gentle and gentle editor received Yang Ming. Of course, Yang Ming did not use his real name here. Instead, I wrote a "Mr. Wang".

"This is the case. I have read several magazines in succession, but I found a strange message in each issue..." Yang Ming picked up a magazine on the coffee table and turned to a whisper. The page, pointing to the top and the editor said.

"Oh? It's this..." The editor showed some helpless smiles: "About this, many readers have called and asked, but when you come to the door, you are still the first one... I am embarrassed, give Your reading is causing trouble..."

Yang Ming waved his hand and said: "There is no trouble. I am just more curious. I want to know, what is the publication of this thing?"

"Actually, I don't know this either..." The editor said with some embarrassment: "Some of the advertisements in our magazine are mobile and are available to some people who need to make short-term advertisements. This advertisement is requested by others, although We don't know what it means, but people have already sent the advertising cost letter, and we can't refuse it, because after all, this does not violate the law."

"Who is this who published these things? I am a more curious person, want to find the owner of the publication to ask what..." Yang Ming tried to make himself look harmless.

"Oh, the other party did not leave any contact information, nor did he know his specific identity. The advertising fees and advertising content of each issue were sent by mail." The editor smiled apologetically: "You are not the first one." Asking this reader, there are also many curious readers who want to get to the bottom of the question, but probably some people deliberately want to fool the public..."

"It turned out to be..." Yang Ming nodded. As expected, these people would not show up: "Right, I want to ask, this message in each issue is published by the same person. What?"

"I don't know this..." The editor shook his head. "We don't understand what these messages mean. Where do you know if it's the same person? But one period is very strange, once received two This kind of publication requires that readers want to come up with a mischief..."

"It's possible..." Yang Ming pretended to be disappointed. He sighed and stood up and said, "That's right, since there is nothing, then I will leave..."

"Mr. Wang walks slowly, welcome you to come here again to give us advice..." The editor also got up and went off the road.

"Right, when will the next issue be published?" Yang Ming pretended to be very casual and suddenly asked.

"The day after tomorrow, huh, huh, Mr. Wang, you can leave the address, I will send someone to you." The editor does not have to hide these things, but if Yang Mingyi came up and asked this, it would be too awkward.

"No, I have a coffee shop downstairs," Yang Ming waved and left the editorial office.

This time, the most important message I got was that the new issue of the magazine will be released the day after tomorrow. That is to say, the day after tomorrow is the day of assassination of Zheng Shaopeng. By the time, according to the information published in the magazine, Yang Ming can come in advance. When you go to the place where Zheng Shaopeng travels, you may be able to find some clues. At the very least, you can intercept and kill the killer of Zheng Shaopeng to see who he is.

Out of the door of the building, Yang Ming called the phone to Fang Tian and reported the information obtained to Fang Tian.

"I have also contacted the butterfly family. This task does not seem to be the next person in the butterfly family, but you should follow up." Fang Tian said: "This is also a experience for you. Opportunity, please feel free to contact me at any time."

"Okay." Yang Ming nodded. "I will go to the place where Zheng Shaopeng appeared in the day after tomorrow and find a way to figure out the situation between them."

Since there is nothing to do with the butterfly family, Yang Ming has let go of his heart, and it is time to wait and see what has changed.

At this time, Zhang Bin also called: "Boss, I have done it here, where are you?"

"I am going back to the hotel, you are coming back, clean up, almost to the beginning of the concert." Yang Ming looked at the time on the phone.

"Okay, see you later." Zhang Bin hung up.

At 7:00 pm, at the Macau Variety Hall, the first concert of the second stop of Shuya’s national tour was kicked off. The scene here is obviously much bigger than the concert held by Songjiang Stadium.

After all, Songjiang is only a second-tier city. Naturally, there is no Macao, an international city with complete facilities and ample space.

The hotel's VIP ticket was obtained from the scalper party. Although the price is high, it is indeed a good location. Although it is not the location of the first row, it is quite close to the front, in the middle of the second row. It is also worth the money.

Zhang Bin's position is next to Yang Ming. Zhang Bin is not a very fanatical fan. Although he likes Shuya very much, it is impossible to do the flight to Macau to catch up with the concert.

For Yang Ming’s behavior, Zhang Bin did not understand: “Boss, I think you are not the kind of fanatic star chasing family?”

"Oh, is it strange?" Yang Ming shrugged. In fact, if you don't know that Shuya is Suya, Yang Ming will not do such a crazy thing.

"It's a bit strange," Zhang Bin shook his head. "Boss, don't you know what you like? It's okay to like a star, but if you are too addicted, it's not good. After all, they can't have anything to do with us."

"You are right, I am here... I want to pursue Shuya..." Yang Ming suddenly whispered in Zhang Bin’s ear.

"Pursue...啥?" Zhang Binyi looked at Yang Ming with amazement: "Boss, are you kidding?"

Yang Ming touched the ring in his pocket and smiled at Zhang Bin: "Of course not, I am serious."

"Are you sure?" Zhang Bin is still unbelievable. Although there are often news stories of wealthy businessmen and bubble stars on the Internet, Yang Ming is now considered a wealthy businessman, but Zhang Bin still feels that these things are far away from themselves.

"You will have a star scorpion soon." Yang Ming patted Zhang Bin's shoulder, mysterious smile.

Zhang Bin was confused by Yang Ming, but he was still very impressed with Yang Ming’s strength. At that time, Chen Mengxi was a school flower, and he was easily chased by Yang Ming. Later, Lan Ling and Lin Yuyun also Beautiful women in beauty...

There was still a period of time since the opening of the concert. Zhang Bin began to talk about his one-night stand now. He talked about how much the woman was so arrogant. He heard Yang Ming’s speechless: "You know that I don't like to engage in it." These..."

"If you want to try it, this feeling is really good, you don't have to be responsible, and there is no psychological burden." Zhang Bin suggested.

Yeah... don't take responsibility... Yang Ming shook his head, but he really couldn't do it. He thought Sun Jie would be the object of a one-night stand, but now...

The lighting of the venue gradually darkened, the concert, and it was about to start...

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