So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 827: Zhang Bin's love story (middle)

The VIIIth chapter of Zhang Bin's love story (middle)

In fact, Liu Jihao did not think of anything bad. The casino here was opened by Huang Lele, and Wang Mei and Huang Lele were good friends, so it is not a strange thing for Wang Mei to come out from here.

Although driving a strange man, but there is nothing to doubt, Liu Jihao took out his mobile phone and called Wang Mei.

Looking at the caller ID on the phone, Wang Mei was shocked and looked at Zhang Bin with some panic.

"What's wrong? Why don't you answer the phone?" Zhang Bin saw Wang Mei holding the phone and not picking up, some strange.

"My boyfriend..." Wang Mei whispered.

Zhang Bin looked at the phone in the hand of Wang Mei and said, "Would you like me?"

"What do you pick up?" Wang Mei was shocked and said: "Don't say anything, I picked it up."

"Eye, where is it?" Liu Jihao saw for a long time and saw no one answered. He was about to hang up the phone, but it was connected.

"I... I am with Lele." Wang Mei looked at Zhang Bin and said.

"Oh, are you two?" Liu Jihao tempted to ask.

"Yeah, I am at Lele's home." How can Wang Mei say that there are others?

"Is it?" Liu Jihao was a sigh, hesitated, said: "Oh, let's do it first, I will accompany the guests..." He hung up after the call.

Liu Jihao frowned, did he just read it wrong? But it is impossible, my eyes are not so bad, and others can be wrong, can my girlfriend be mistaken?

How do you say that you are in the car at Huang Lele? What can be lie? Is it... what do you want to hide? Originally, Liu Jihao didn't think so much, but now he is beginning to be suspicious.

"Well, he seems to be somewhat suspicious..." Turned off the phone, Wang Mei said with some concern.

"Did he see us?" Zhang Bin guessed.

"Ah!" Wang Mei was shocked and lost his voice: "It must be like this, this is broken, what should I do!"

"You shouldn't lie to him, what can you say with your friends?" Yang Ming also heard the dialogue between Wang Mei and Zhang Bin.

"I am nervous when I am subconscious..." Wang Mei said with a bitter face: "But it is too late to say anything, I hope he does not doubt the best."

Under the guidance of Huang Lele, Zhang Bin drove to a shop called Da Li Lai Kee Coffee House, a very simple facade. Yang Ming can't think of a big lady like Huang Lele and a hobby of eating roadside stalls.

However, after listening to the introduction of Wang Mei, Yang Ming knows how famous this seemingly insignificant little coffee house is! It has even become a landmark in Macau. Many native Macao people will come here for a cup of coffee and eat a pork chop in their spare time.

Huang Lele familiarized the family and found a table, took the lead to sit down, ordered four cups of coffee, four piglets. Because the pork chop bag is released on time every day at three o'clock in the afternoon, but now it is more than two o'clock, so it will take a while to eat.

“Do you often come here to eat?” Yang Ming took a sip of the coffee that came up first, and the taste was really good.

"Yeah, every time I take a vacation, I am coming with Wang Mei." Huang Lele nodded. "I like to eat the pork chop here. I have learned to do it myself. I can't make that taste."

Yang Ming smiled, this is natural, this kind of shop refers to these delicious food to attract guests, if ordinary ordinary can be made, there will not be so many people patronize.

Looking at the opposite Zhang Bin and Wang Mei, in this case, the two actually still have small movements, stepping on the foot and scratching the palm of their hand, Yang Ming can not help but be angry and funny, really not afraid of death, have been suspected, Still dare to play like this?

Not long after, the number of people here has increased. It seems to be allotted to the newly-released pork chop at three o'clock. In a short while, the pork chop bag will come up. Because there are many people, the waiter is probably anxious. When I was on the pig's bag, I accidentally touched a half cup of coffee that Zhang Bin had not finished drinking. Fortunately, I didn't get it. The waiter lost it, and gave Zhang Binend a new cup.

"Why didn't he touch me, then give me a new one..." Huang Lele shook his hand with only a cup of coffee at the end of the cup and looked at Zhang Bin's cup full of coffee.

After listening to the three people, they all laughed and laughed. Huang Lele was really cute. With her family, how could she care about a cup of coffee?

Zhang Bin pushed the cup of coffee to the front of Huang Lele: "Give it to you, I don't drink, eat pork chop."

"I... still have another cup..." Huang Lele was embarrassed to push.

"Give it to you, drink it. He is a carnivorous animal." Yang Ming smiled and took the coffee back to Huang Lele.

Huang Lele only got up and took a sip.

The pork chop here is delicious, it is delicious. Huang Lele and Wang Mei’s meal is relatively small. After eating one, they can’t eat anymore, and Zhang Bin and Yang Ming are eight in one breath. Each person ate five.

When I checked out, I found out that the things here are really not expensive. The four talents spent less than two hundred rupees. Because Wang Mei had something in her heart, after dinner, she did not go to another place, and Huang Lele wanted to go out with her second brother. Yang Ming and Zhang Bin sent them back to Warwick Casino.

In the meantime, Shuya sent a short message to Yang Ming, asking Yang Ming if there is no time tonight. Yang Ming naturally returned to the information and said that there is time. Shuya said that after the concert, look at the situation and try to get out.

Back at the hotel, Zhang Bin was lying on the bed a little embarrassed. Yang Ming watched TV for a while and found that Zhang Bin was still silent. Some strange questions asked: "What happened to you?"

Zhang Bin was sighing, and some confused sitting up, he said for a long time: "Boss, I fell in love with Wang Mei..."

"Hey?" Yang Mingyi, some did not understand: "You? Fall in love with Wang Mei? What do you mean?"

"I just found out that I have a feeling for her... and it is particularly strong, just like love at first sight." Zhang Bin said with both hands in his head, some overwhelmed.

"You are not kidding?" Yang Ming looked at Zhang Bin with a bit of surprise. Zhang Bin is not such an irrational person: "What about Zhao Sisi?"

"I don't know... but it's two ways to like it..." Zhang Bin shook his head and said: "Zhao Sisi is more like a loved one to me, plain but indispensable, but can't find passion, and I and Wang Mei But not the same..."

Yang Ming waved his hand and stopped Zhang Bin from going on. Instead, he asked, "What are you going to do?"

"What can I do? I just don't know what to do, I am distressed. Just now, I hope that Wang Mei and her boyfriend quarreled, and broke up, so I have a chance..." Zhang Bin smiled bitterly.

“Wang Mamei knows your feelings for her?” Yang Ming asked, this is the key.

"I don't know..." Zhang Bin still shook his head: "Boss, what should I do?"

"You ask me?" Yang Ming looked at Zhang Bin and suddenly laughed.

Zhang Bin was inexplicably ridiculed by Yang Ming, and some strange words: "Boss, what are you laughing..."

"If you ask me, the answer is very simple, that is, you have all received it..." Yang Ming smiled.

"Yes!" Zhang Bin shot the thigh: "How did I not think of it, just like this..."

"Today in the corridor of the casino, I talked to Wang Mei. She has no feelings with her boyfriend. It is mainly for the vanity of a woman. After all, her boyfriend’s family is very rich, but you are not bad. Let her follow you is not bad." Yang Ming analyzed: "Just, Wang Mei's character is really ... you must at least determine whether she loves you, or you have a green hat in the future..."

Zhang Bin nodded, no interface, but I believe he must think so. Since Wang Mei can betray her boyfriend and Zhang Bin together, how can I guarantee that I will not betray Zhang Bin in the future?

However, Yang Ming did not say anything deeply. Zhang Bin will also know this, depending on how he made the decision. No matter what he thinks, Yang Ming will support it. After all, this is a personal matter of personal affairs. Yang Ming will not interfere too much.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Zhang Bin received a call from Wang Mei and asked him to go out to meet. It can be heard that Wang Mei’s voice is crying.

Zhang Bin was sleeping, took the phone, and began to wear clothes without saying anything.

"Go out? Do you want to go with me?" Yang Ming was afraid that Zhang Bin would cause trouble.

"No, this kind of thing is still my own." Zhang Bin shook his head: "I will go by myself."

"Then you are careful and safe, it is estimated that your business has been discovered by her boyfriend, Wang Mei." Yang Ming said: "Is there any trouble to call me immediately."

"I know, boss, rest assured." Zhang Bin took a confident shot of his chest.

Yang Ming here is nothing to do, but there is something wrong with the family. When receiving a call from Yang Li, Yang Ming was watching TV.

"Big sister, is there something?" Yang Ming was very surprised that Yang Li suddenly called herself. Although the relationship with Yang Li has eased, it is not as tit-for-tat as before, but after all, Yang Li went to school in the field, and the intersection with Yang Ming was not big.

"Da Ming, I have something to do with my dad." Although Yang Li said so, it is not very anxious. It is not particularly serious to think about things.

"What happened?" Yang Ming asked.

"The second uncle is your dad's company. Under my dad's suggestion, I didn't start to work on some heavy engineering equipment. I went to the engineering company in Phoenix to talk about business, but I was taken by another local engineering equipment factory." People have blocked it." Yang Li said: "They threaten us to say that Phoenix City will sell our company's products, otherwise it will be at your own risk."

Originally, it was good to call Yang Dahai, but since experiencing the kidnapping, Yang Li had an inexplicable trust in Yang Ming. The first thing she did was to call her younger brother.

"Oh? Are you all right?" Yang Ming asked.

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