So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 830: arrangement

Chapter VIII Arrangement

"I don't want to talk nonsense." Yang Ming said, he took the check back. (The check at the end of the last chapter should be a check, not a debit, and correct it here.)

Yang Ming’s hand just took the check back. One of the four great men behind Liu Jihao reached out to the waist. He seemed to be licking something and shouted: “Let it down!”

Yang Ming frowned. He didn't want to cause trouble. Since Zhang Bin really likes Wang Mei, and Wang Mei owes Liu Jihao's money, he mentions that they are still. However, he does not want to cause trouble here, but Liu Jihao has played a means.

There was no disgust in the heart, and Yang Ming’s hand gently stretched forward. The first step was to smash the things on his waist. It turned out to be a triangular knife.

Yang Ming sneered at the knife and slammed it in front of Liu Jihao: "It is best not to play in front of me. When I come out, you still don't know what to do."

Liu Jihao was shocked. He thought that Yang Ming and Zhang Bin were soft persimmons, but they did not expect that Yang Ming had such a skill. He could actually grab a knife from the big man behind him.

Listening to the tone of Yang Ming’s speech, it seems that he is also mixed on the road, and he can’t help but secretly blame. It seems that this person is not so good! Liu Jihao was also afraid of extra-budgets, so he chose to pick it up. Some of them took out a loan and laughed and said: "Oh, just a joke, we are all Sven, no need to get a knife. ......"

"This is the best." Yang Ming's heart stunned Liu Jihao's soft egg, too scared, and his impression was even worse.

After taking the loan, Yang Ming glanced at it and determined that there was no problem, he shredded it directly and threw it into the juice in front of Zhang Bin. The handwriting on the strip was soaked in the juice, all of which became blurred, and the sticky juice was corroded, and it was impossible to restore it.

However, Zhang Bin did it even more. He took the cup and gave it a drink directly. Yang Ming did not know what to say.

"Let's go." Yang Ming said, and he stood up and turned to Zhang Bindao: "Take her and go back to the hotel."

Although Zhang Bin did not say a word of praise from beginning to end, but in Zhang Bin's heart has been grateful to Yang Ming, but Zhang Bin knows that Yang Ming does not need to thank him, it seems too emotional.

Zhang Bin stood up silently and pulled up Wang Mei's hand, while Wang Mei shivered and Zhang Bin stood together. She understands that Zhang Bin just drank the drink with the debit and what it means to pull up her hand now...

In fact, she has already known Zhang Bin’s intentions from the fact that Zhang Binken has borrowed 10 million for her.

Wang Mei suddenly has a feeling of being relaxed and relieved. He will never use hypocrisy in the future. If he is with Zhang Bin, whether he is poor or rich, what can he do? Wang Mei suddenly felt that he didn't care about anything. As long as he could be with this man, it would be happy.

Yang Ming did not take two steps, but turned around and walked straight to Liu Jihao's side, picking up the triangular knife in front of him.

"You... what are you doing?" Liu Jihao was shocked, thinking that Yang Ming had repented and wanted to do it with him.

"This knife is very good, leave me a few years." Yang Ming patted Liu Jihao's shoulder and said.

"Ah? Oh..." Liu Jihao stunned, then nodded, a triangular knife, and gave him to him.

Yang Ming took the knife and Zhang Bin Wang Mei together out of the coffee shop. Just out of the door, Yang Ming immediately left the triangle knife in the trash can not far away.

"Boss, how do you throw that one?" Zhang Bin looked at Yang Ming strangely, not sure.

"Cheat him, what do I want to do with this broken knife?" Yang Ming smiled and said: "Cute him."

Zhang Bin didn't understand it, but he didn't ask. Just holding the hand of Wang Mei tightly, to Yang Mingdao: "Boss, you can rest assured, I must find a way to give you the money as soon as possible!"

"Money? It doesn't have to be..." Yang Ming waved his hand and randomly took a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin took the paper and opened it. It was actually the check that Yang Ming had just signed! Can't help but be surprised: "Boss, what's the matter? Isn't it for him..."

"I wanted to give it to him, but he was so greedy that he wanted to play tricks, and I simply wouldn't give it to him." Yang Ming said with a smile: "I just took it when I asked him for a three-sided knife."

"I rely on!" Zhang Bin shouted after excitement: "Boss, you are too cow! This is OK! I thought I would be a package in the future!"

"Give him no need for you." Yang Ming shook his head indifferently, then stopped a taxi and said: "Go ahead, the guy should discover it later."

The three people got on the taxi together, Yang Ming sat in the front row, Zhang Bin and Wang Mei sat in the back row. Back at the hotel, Zhang Bin opened a room, just opposite Yang Ming's original room.

"You should give her some medicine first, and you will come to my room in a while." Yang Ming glanced at Wang Mei and then told him.

"Okay, boss!" Zhang Bin nodded and took Wang Mei into the room. He had already bought a counterfeit medicine downstairs. Zhang Bin applied medicine to Wang Mei.

Wang Mei put on his sunglasses and it doesn't look obvious. "Zhang Bin, you seem to be afraid of Yang Ming?" Wang Mei asked strangely.

"Hah, I am afraid that I can't say it, but I admire and respect it!" Zhang Bin said sincerely: "To tell the speed of the boss's development, there is no one who can compare it..."

Wang Mei nodded. She knew that from now on, she would probably be integrated into Zhang Bin’s circle.

The two of them came together to Yang Ming's room. Yang Ming was reading the local newspaper and saw the two coming in. He put the newspaper aside and told the two to sit down and talk.

"Talk about it, what are you going to do in the future?" Yang Ming looked at Zhang Bin and asked both of them.

"After..." Zhang Bin really didn't think about what to do in the future. After the impulse, it brought a lot of other troubles. Zhang Bin’s mind was calmed down at the moment. If he brought Wang Mei back, he would not say that Zhao Sisi would be there, that is, his father Zhang Jiefang would definitely not go there!

Although Zhang Liberation is not a conservative, it is impossible to allow Zhang Bin to take a woman home! It’s nothing to play and socialize with entertainment. I really want to bring it back. He must be the first to disagree.

"What about you?" Yang Ming looked up and looked at Wang Mei.

"I... I don't know..." Wang Mei looked down, somehow, suddenly felt that he was very cautious and oppressive in front of Yang Ming. Yang Ming seems to have a condescending feeling, just like an elder. of.

"Then I will arrange it for you. You will bring your family to Songjiang. Don't do this work for the flight attendant, or I will find someone to change the route. Macau will not fly, can you?" It seems that in the opinion of Wang Mei, in fact, the tone is unquestionable.

Wang Mei didn't have any opinion at the moment. Yang Ming didn't have any opinions on her arrangement. She also knew that Liu Jihao is not a good man or a woman. If he still flies to Macau, he may meet him again. What trouble is coming.

"That's the cheque you will accept." Yang Ming turned to Zhang Bin and said: "First buy a house in Songjiang, settle her down, and the future is slowly studying."

"Ah... how is this going?" Zhang Bin shook his head subconsciously. Although he did not know how the money came, he thought it was not Yang Ming’s own. How could he let Yang Ming owe money to others? Moreover, buying a house does not require such money. In Songjiang, a small apartment of more than 40 square meters is also about 400,000 yuan. He can still get the money.

"Do not worry, money is not borrowed by Lele, it is my own." Yang Ming saw Zhang Bin's mind, smiled and comforted him: "Some things, I will find time to tell you, first get the right Say it."

Wang Mei was a little shocked, but it seems that she really looked down on Yang Ming! Yang Ming’s net worth does not seem to be under Huang Lele, or even more! It’s impossible for Huang Lele to throw away ten million casually, and Yang Ming seems to be doing everything at all.

However, Yang Ming is so cattle x, Zhang Bin as his younger brother, should not be worse, at least the future is bright. It is a hundred times stronger than following Liu Jihao.

The most important thing is that the feeling of being with Zhang Bin is far from Liu Jihao.

"Well, you don't go out in the past two days, so you don't have to give birth outside." Yang Ming told Wang Mei.

Out of the room, Wang Mei was relieved and whispered to Zhang Bindao: "Is your boss very powerful in Songjiang?"

Although Zhang Bin does not know Yang Ming’s true identity, but from the people Yang Mingping’s contacts, he can also know how good Yang Ming is now. It’s no exaggeration to say: “The boss is very low-key here, in Songjiang. It is estimated that no one dares to talk to him like this... Of course, except for me and his old man, hahaha, and his several girlfriends..."

Zhang Bin has a big boast of laughter.

Wang Mei snorted, but what did Zhang Bin say is not the truth? Yang Ming is just the Shaodong family who is famous for heavy work. No one dares to swear at him.

Besides, Liu Jihao, I am glad that I have made an unexpected windfall. I went back to the company and wanted to cash the check immediately, but when I touched my jacket pocket, I found that the check was gone!

Liu Jihao was shocked. This is not a joke. How can a check be lost? Take off the coat, turn over and over, and turn the clothes over, but still can't find it!

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