So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 835: Paparazzi

Chapter 853 Paparazzi

"In this way, after a while, I used to suddenly pick up the clothes on them, and you took a camera and slammed them! After the filming, we will evacuate!" The pillars have long thought of countermeasures. When they hear the old black, I immediately snorted and suggested.

"Does this... OK?" Laohehe hesitated. After all, as a member of the paparazzi, it is ok to take a sneak shot, but the column said that such forced photographing is a bit unruly.

"How can I not? I tell you, this is big news!" The pillar said indifferently: "I tell you, once this news is published, our magazine will be able to sell at once, and the bonus will not be counted. Cramps?"

When I mentioned the money, Lao Hei began to feel tempted. After all, who can’t go with the money? Hesitated for a long while, biting his teeth and nodding his head: "Yes, then do it. After a while, you used to lick their clothes, I took pictures behind!"

The old courage is not as big as the pillars, but after thinking about it, he is only responsible for taking pictures, and the kind of work that goes forward is a pillar to do, then there is no danger to himself.

After the two men planned well, they began to slowly approach Yang Ming and Su Ya. In other words, the pillars can be won, and it is entirely due to Yang Ming being too invested at this moment. Otherwise, he will not be close to Yang Ming when he is other than that, and he was discovered by Yang Ming.

However, he is precisely Yang Ming who was approached when Yang Ming did not notice him. The reunion of Yang Ming and Su Ya made his heart very pleasantly surprised. Even the usual vigilance should be left behind at the moment... Kissing with the lover, how can you worry about the other?

The pillar ran up quickly, pulling off the clothes that were covered on Yang Ming and Su Ya's head, and then suddenly the flash was over, the shutter sound of the camera could not stop.

"Ah?" The pillars were stunned, and the old black was stunned!

They had already agreed, and they quickly fled the scene together after the photo was taken successfully, but at the moment it was a slow delay! Because, they found out that the people sitting there are not big stars Shuya!

Although wearing the same coat with Shuya, it is definitely two people! Even if this girl is so beautiful, even with Shu Yabi than it is, but she is still not Shuya!

At this time, they realized that they had taken the wrong object!

Yang Ming was very invested before, but at this time, if he has not made a quick response, then he is not Yang Ming! What's more, the pillars and the old black have a short embarrassment because they took the wrong object, and they gave Yang Ming their time!

The two just wanted to escape, but Yang Ming grabbed the neck collar from behind and left: "Do you two are neurotic?"

The pillars and the old black did not expect Yang Ming to be so embarrassed. When they shot, they both seized the two, and they felt awkward, but they gave up the idea of ​​continuing to escape. Anyway, they took the wrong ones. It’s better to be refreshed and happy. apologize.

"Sorry, Mr., we are reporters of **** Weekly, we took the wrong object..." The column explained quickly.

"Oh? The wrong person? Who do you want to shoot?" Yang Ming asked in a heart.

"I..." The pillars turned their eyes, and they couldn’t help but be wary. This person did not reprimand himself to destroy his date with the couple, but asked them who they wanted to shoot? This does not seem very reasonable?

"Speak!" Yang Ming tightened the clothes behind the two, and suddenly they both breathed.

The old black is more sac, not scared, and Yang Ming is so arrogant, he vomits the truth: "We see your girlfriend wearing clothes and the big star Shuya is very similar, we thought it was her..."

"And then you come over and take pictures of us?" Yang Ming listened to his face after a black: "You are not hurting you? Even Shuya, people have no privacy?"

Yang Ming loosened the old black and slaps the past. The old black stunned, scared to close his eyes immediately.

The bang of the bang was on the face of the pillar.

"Look at the look of your thief, this idea is your out?" Yang Ming said with a pillar.

"You...what are you doing?" The pillar was swollen and half of his face swollen immediately. He exclaimed: "You don't mess, we are not intentional. We have already forgiven you. You don't want to force too much, I tell You, we are not irritating, our boss is Jige!"

"I am in charge of you chicken brother and duck brother, I am still a goose brother, I tell you, don't let me see you again, otherwise it will not be so simple next time!" Yang Ming snorted, grabbed a The camera in the hands of the pillars, then took out the memory card from the inside and squatted in his pocket.

"This... this memory card can't give you..." Until Yang Ming took the memory card and returned the empty camera to the old black, the old black responded fiercely.

"Are you stupid?" Yang Ming looked at the old man like an idiot: "You took pictures of me and my wife. I didn't tell you that privacy is in violation. The memory card is not for me?"

"No... I can delete the contents of the film in front of you!" Laohe said quickly.

"When are you stupid?" Yang Ming looked at the old black: "The deleted things can also be restored. Do you think I am a Xige?"

The old black had a mouthful, and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Yang Ming impatiently: "Oh, let me go before I get angry, don't sway in front of me!"

The old black bitter face and the pillar looked at each other, and looked at Yang Ming, who was physically strong. He knew that the two of them were not his opponents. They only had to sigh and helplessly left.

"Isn't it just a memory card?" Yang Ming strangely touched the memory card and glanced back into his pocket. He said to himself, "The 2g sd card is only tens of dollars." So? Is it so stingy?"

However, Yang Ming did not care, he knows where, the two people care about it is not the question of how much the memory card itself is worth, but...

The old black and the pillars have gone far away, and the old black is crying and sorrowful and said: "What should I do now? I will blame you, I have to go to shoot a big star Shuya, this is good, Shuya did not shoot, the memory card is also called People snatched away!"

"I don't want to get more bonuses, who knows that this kind of thing will happen!" The pillar is also a bitter face.

"There is nothing, the boss should ask how to cross the difference..." The old black thought that there was some fear at the moment.

"This..." The pillar thought of the boss who spent the money to hire them a guest private detective, and it was also a cold sweat!

That person is too mysterious and terrible. I thought it was a big deal, but now...

It’s true that it’s a big deal, and the mysterious man’s money is enough, there are a million! However, after a few contacts, the old black and the pillars began to be a little scared! This mysterious man is simply not a person. He took his money and did a good job for him. If he had a scorpion, then...

Yang Ming returned to Suya's side. Suya's face still had the blush of the previous passion, especially after listening to Yang Ming's phrase "Taking photos of me and my wife" made her heart beat.

Yang Ming’s words have undoubtedly accepted her completely, leaving the only remaining shackles in Su Ya’s mind to disappear.

"These two people are also annoying..." Yang Ming said with some hatred. The French long kiss of himself and Suya is going on, but it is destroyed by these two guys.

Now, without the atmosphere and atmosphere just now, it is impossible to continue.

"Oh, okay, if it was taken, isn't it worse?" Suya sighed: "When the star is really a chore, there is no privacy at all..."

"Even if they are photographed, they don't want to take it away." Yang Ming said with a smile: "They have to dare to talk nonsense, and I will let them disappear directly from the earth."

Suya listened to Yang Ming’s words, first smiled, then suddenly thought of Yang Ming killing Dolsk in front of her! Before her identity was not very good, but now, Su Ya began to wonder, what is Yang Ming's identity now?

He said that he is the leader of the underground forces in Songjiang, but Songjiang is only a prefecture-level city in the mainland. Even the provincial capitals are not. The leaders of the underground forces in that place are not likely to go abroad to kill people.

Moreover, from the perspective of Yang Ming, it seems more like a killer in the movie! Not what the gang leader. Not to mention a small city in the Mainland, that is, the black boss of Hong Kong cannot say that going abroad to kill people, right?

However, these questions were not easy to ask at the time, but now it is different. The two have already established their identity, and Suya does not need to take care of it.

"Yang Ming, what happened to your body? Isn't it just as simple as you and I said before?" Suya asked.

"You mean Dolsk?" Yang Ming immediately noticed what Suya wanted to say, but it is no wonder who asked me to mention the topic of murder.

Suya nodded. "You didn't know who I was before, so I didn't say much. Now I won't hide anything from me now?"

"That is natural." Yang Ming smiled and nodded. "Before I had doubts about your identity, how can I tell you a lot? Of course it is different now, but these three words are not clear, there will be Time will tell you the experience of these years slowly. But one thing will not change, I am still Yang Ming."

At this moment, the sky has begun to light up, and Suya knows that this is indeed not the time to talk. I have to have a tight rehearsal for a while, and I should go back to the hotel myself. It has been out for too long.

The two are like little couples who are in love with each other. They are not willing to be separated from each other, but they are separated.

"I...have gone?" Suya hesitated, or said goodbye.

"Well..." Yang Ming nodded, because he had already seen it. Not far away, Xu Li’s car had stopped there, and wanted to come to pick up Suya.

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