So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 861: Unlucky Kaizi

The 861th chapter of the unlucky Kaizi

"I thought you didn't come!" Huang Lele sat down and said, "How do you sit here?"

"That guy told me to come over and said that I would ask me to eat after I sat down." Yang Ming smiled and said: "There is a big head to pay the bill, and of course I have to obey him."

Although Huang Lele is very simple, but it is not stupid. After listening to Yang Ming’s words, I probably understand what is going on. It must be that Wang Mei called and called himself, and Zhu Youhua wanted to sit with himself, and he hurried Yang Ming to the side, but promised to ask him to eat as compensation. However, I am afraid that Zhu Youhua did not think that he would sit directly in Yang Ming.

"Lele, how are you sitting there..." Zhu Youhua couldn't help but stand up and ask.

"He is my boyfriend, what happened to me sitting here?" Huang Lele said very confidently.

"You...boyfriend?" Zhu Youhua listened after a trip. He did not think that Yang Ming and Huang Lele would have this relationship before, because in his view, the gap between the two is really too big.

"Yes!" Huang Lele nodded in disapproval.

"When did you have a boyfriend? Why don't I know?" Zhu Youhua's face was a little embarrassing.

"Then I don't know why you don't know." Huang Lele's answer is simply too creative. For the average person, I might say, do I have a boyfriend to inform you? However, she is not an ordinary person, she is Huang Lele, and the answer is usually unexpected.

Although there is no such thing as "I have a boyfriend to inform you", there is such an imposing manner, but the degree of depressing is no less than this sentence. Zhu Youhua is speechless, yeah, people don’t know why they don’t know...

Zhu Youhua’s face changed again. He hesitated a bit and didn’t know what to say. He also understood Huang Lele’s temper. Huang Lele spoke like this. If it is changed, it’s not Huang Lele.

"Wang Mei, what is going on here?" Zhu Youhua turned to ask Wang Mei.

Wang Mei is somewhat embarrassed. In any case, Zhu Youhua has helped her and Lele to solve the problem. Therefore, she can’t say too much. If she thinks about wording, she said: "Zhu boss, there are some things that can’t be reluctant. When love comes, you can't refuse it if you want to refuse..."

This point, Wang Mei has a deep understanding, before encountering Zhang Bin, Wang Mei did not feel anything, but after encountering Zhang Bin, Wang Mei knows what is love.

"Love? Love should be based on the economic foundation?" Zhu Youhua frowned and whispered: "I don't want to look down on Lele... Boyfriend, is he capable of supporting Lele?"

Wang Mei’s heart is funny, Yang Ming can’t afford it? You can throw tens of millions at random, what else can you afford? On the contrary, it is you, although it is a successful career, but compared with Yang Ming, then nothing is wrong.

However, this is somewhat hurtful. It cannot be said. Wang Mei only persuaded: "Zhu boss, in fact, can't sit lover, can also be a friend!"

Zhu Youhua's face is very ugly, changing back and forth a few times, like what decisions to make. In the end, I finally got up and walked to the table of Yang Ming and Huang Lele.

Zhu Youhua originally wanted to declare war on Yang Ming, but after he got there, he saw Huang Lele and Yang Minglian didn't look at him. He couldn't help but feel weak. He coughed twice and wanted to get Yang Ming's attention.

"Cough!" Zhu Youhua coughed twice. Yang Ming and Huang Lele just looked up at him and then lowered his head to study what he was doing.

Zhu Youhua listened carefully, as if it was a bubble dragon, suddenly angry, not even a bubble dragon?

"Cough, I have something to say!" Zhu Youhua couldn't bear it, and finally said loudly.

"Oh, you said." Huang Lele was telling Yang Ming that Xiaoxuexian had won her, and Zhu Youhua interrupted it. Some looked impatient and looked up.

"Lele, I don't care what the kid used to catch you, but I won't give up! If you don't marry him, I have the right to pursue you!" Zhu Youhua sighed and said loudly. .

"Oh," Huang Lele nodded indifferently: "What else?"

"And?" Zhu Youhua stunned, and then some deflated: "No... No..."

When I met the best of Huang Lele, Zhu Youhua was really not a bit tempered. Huang Lele was so straightforward, and she turned around and didn't have a door.

Zhu Youhua knows that he is standing here and is also a singer. He simply does not stop. Anyway, he said everything, so he walked to the door and went to the bar and said: "Buy!"

The waiter who saw this scene has been snickering. This person is really a big man, spending money to invite people to eat, and also touched the gray of his nose! But I can't laugh at it. I just have to smile with a smile. "Sir, you have spent a total of 221,638 yuan, and the discount is 220,000."

"Oh... swipe the card..." Zhu Youhua said absent-mindedly, suddenly felt that something was wrong: "How much do you say you spent?"

"Sir, you have spent a total of 221,638 yuan, and after discounting it is 220,000." The waiter repeated it again.

“What?” Zhu Youhua’s glance, some puzzled words: “How is it possible? Are you wrong?”

In Zhu Youhua's view, this meal is also 10,000 yuan for the death of the meal, how could it be so much money?

"Nothing wrong, sir, we are all electronic accounts, it is impossible to make mistakes," the waiter explained.

“Impossible mistakes?” Zhu Youhua suddenly became angry: “How many of the world’s possibilities have finally become possible? I’m going to have a look, what is impossible!”

Originally, Zhu Youhua had a nose ash, and there was no place for fire. Now the waiter is hitting the gun. Can he get angry?

The waiter wrinkled, see Zhu Youhua did not speak well, and some were not happy, while printing the bill, whispered: "No money, what to install, 2,500,000."

"What, what do you say? Say I have no money?" Zhu Youhua heard this, and when he was on the scene, he fried the temple and pointed his finger at the waiter. He said, "You are a little waiter, dare to be like me. Speak? Believe it or not, I am looking for your boss to complain to you?"

The waiter is also complaining. Of course, he has not used the work to make a dispute with Zhu Youhua, and he did not answer. He just handed the bill to Zhu Youhua: "Let's see for yourself."

Zhu Youhua was too lazy to compare with a waiter. He took a bill and looked at it. When he saw Lafite in 1990, he suddenly looked at the bill and said to the service: "What is this? I am ordering two. Lafite, the millennium, you are good, the thief also has a way, give me a decade ahead of you? And this, what is the fried foie gras, who wants it? Two more?"

"Sir, you didn't have to be right, but the gentleman at the table wanted it." The waiter pointed to the table where Yang Ming was. "You are not saying it, the consumption of that table is also paid by you." ""

The waiter’s heart is big and cool, and the heart is good, let you put the big tail wolf, now it’s alright? Take the money.

"What do he want? He wants these?" Zhu Youhua stunned, and some did not know what to say. He did say that the consumption of Yang Ming’s table was settled by him, but the question now is, is this too outrageous? Eat a meal more than 200,000, Rao is Zhu Youhua have money, can not bear it, this meal, eat into a car!

Zhu Youhua’s company has a profit of more than one million a year. It’s not that he can’t afford the money. It’s just that he’s not reconciled. He’s turned a little in his head, and his face is sinking and hesitant to serve: “Since these things are needed Why didn't you tell me before? I have the right not to pay the bill!"

"Sir, this is not the right thing to say. I want to tell you, but you said, 'Is this still used? My credit card is on you, what are you afraid of?'" Zhu Youhua said in his tone.

Zhu Youhua stayed for a moment, and immediately thought of it, he seems to have said this! Can it be said that this dumb loss will be fixed? No, he is not willing!

It can be loaded, but it can't be ruined because of the force! Zhu Youhua hesitated for a moment, or went to the table of Yang Ming.

"How come you are back?" Yang Ming was plainly asked, and what happened to the bar just now, Yang Ming has already seen it clearly.

"What do you mean by these dishes?" Zhu Youhua said in front of Yang Ming: "I deliberately? When I was Kay?"

"It is what you said, I can eat anything." Yang Ming shrugged and smiled.

"Yeah, you can eat anything." Zhu Youhua sneered aloud: "That, you pay for it yourself."

"Oh, yes." Yang Ming waved his hand indifferently: "Are you okay? If you have nothing, let's go. Don't yell in front of me in the future. Just look at your weight and pursue Lele. funny."

Zhu Youhua wanted to see Yang Ming’s ugly. In his opinion, Yang Ming could not pay so much money. When Yang Ming did not have the money, Huang Lele would ask for his own bill, but he did not expect Yang Ming to actually say “ also"!

This completely out of Zhu Youhua's plan. Zhu Youhua stunned and said: "Are you sure?"

"You are sure not to appear in front of Huang Lele, then I will be sure." Yang Ming said.

This sentence, but Zhu Youhua will be there, let him give up the pursuit of Huang Lele? That can't be done. Listening to Yang Ming means that if you don’t pay the bill, don’t think about chasing Huang Lele in the future...

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