So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 865: Investigation Zheng Shaopeng (middle)

Chapter 865 Investigation of Zheng Shaopeng (中)

Looking at Zheng Shaopeng’s reaction, Yang Ming was a glimpse. This guy doesn't know himself? how can that be possible? On the day outside his villa, Zheng Shaopeng may not have seen it?

In fact, Zheng Shaopeng did use a telescope in the villa to watch every move outside the villa. After Yang Ming appeared, he killed the two masters sent by the boss, and he fled.

However, Yang Ming’s appearance at this moment is too ordinary. Once it is mixed into the crowd, it may not be recognized in the blink of an eye. Such a popular face, Zheng Shaopeng really does not have any impression.

"Your forgetting will not be so big?" Yang Ming frowned. "Last night, we should have seen it, just at the door of your villa, I have cooked two thieves for you."

"Ah!" Zheng Shaopeng listened to Yang Ming's words, suddenly shocked, Zhang opened his mouth, incredulously glaring at Yang Ming: " are the one with Wang Xiaoying..."

Although Yang Ming’s face is very ordinary, after Yang Mingyi reminded, Zheng Shaopeng still remembered the scene last night. The two masters did not even have a move under Yang Ming’s hand. What a frightening scene? !

It was also because of the appearance of Yang Ming that Zheng Shaopeng quickly fled the villa to avoid being caught by the fish.

“Think of it?” Yang Ming snorted and said: “It seems that the memory is not so bad!”

"You... what are you doing?" Zheng Shaopeng was shocked. He did not expect Yang Ming to find the casino.

"What am I doing?" Yang Ming smiled faintly: "That depends on your level of cooperation!"

"I... how do I cooperate?" Zheng Shaopeng said in a panic.

"It's very simple. What do I ask, you will answer me, otherwise... oh..." Yang Ming said here, paused: "You are a person who has been offered a reward for assassination. I can kill you now... ..."

When Zheng Shaopeng heard Yang Ming’s words, he was shocked! Yang Ming’s skill, killing him is not a piece of cake? It’s stuttering and saying: “Now... kill me, I’m afraid you won’t get a bounty...”

"I don't think you are upset, can't you kill you? I don't want to be rewarded." Yang Ming was threatened with a blink of an eye.

Zheng Shaopeng has no temper at once, yeah, do people still have reasons to kill? If you have money and no money, for Yang Ming, killing him is just a matter of raising his hand.

"You...what do you want to know..." Zheng Shaopeng asked carefully.

"I will ask you to answer." Yang Ming glanced at him and said, "What is your name?"

"Zheng Shaopeng..." Zheng Shaopeng replied honestly.

"This is your real name?" Yang Ming squinted at Zheng Shaopeng.

"Zheng...Zheng Zizi..." Zheng Shaopeng was scared and said: "My previous name was Zheng Zizi..."

"When is the name?" Yang Ming continued to ask. Zheng Xiezi? I didn't expect this guy to have such a funny name.

"Before coming to the casino to work..." Zheng Shaopeng’s fear of Yang Ming is deeply rooted. He is afraid that Yang Ming will kill him and vent his anger, so he is honest about these irrelevant issues.

"What did you do before you came to the casino?" Yang Ming continued.

"I... I am a gambler..." Zheng Shaopeng did not have any prestige in the casino at the moment, bowed his head and did not dare to look at Yang Ming. Zheng Shaopeng didn't have any thoughts of running away and resisting, because Yang Ming's skill is too strong. Zheng Shaopeng is afraid that if he has any change, he will be on the spot like the two masters.

Yang Ming frowned, gambler, how to see Zheng Shaopeng's experience is nothing special, from gamblers to dealers, then to the foreman and so on... everything seems to be a matter of course.

Wait... no! Yang Ming suddenly thought of a key point, that is, since Zheng Shaopeng can become a casino consultant, his gambling skills must be very high, such a person, if it was a gambler before, it must be very powerful! How can I have no name before entering the casino?

Yang Ming remembered Zhang Guozong's words. Before Zheng Shaopeng entered the casino, he had no fame, so he started from the lowest level of the dealer. Well, if Zheng Shaopeng has not engaged in gambling-related matters before, he has never heard of this person is normal, but Zheng Shaopeng is a gambler, and he has not heard of his fame is somewhat abnormal.

"Where did your gambling come from?" Yang Ming thought of the key to the matter and immediately asked.

"Wh... what gambling is it..." Zheng Shaopeng was shocked. He didn't expect Yang Ming to ask his key point at once, suddenly yelling and talking a little unfavorable.

"What gambling do you say? You are the advisory director of the casino. The gambling on the body is definitely not bad. Who is this gambling student?" Yang Ming waved, not letting Zheng Shaopeng go on, but screaming. Interrupted his words.

"I used to be a gambler, so I know more about gambling..." Zheng Shaopeng wanted to smash it.

"Don't tell me that those are useless, my person hates others and understands that they are confused." Yang Ming sneered aloud: "Don't force me, my temper is not good, when you are guilty or you!"

"I... I really didn't lie to you..." Although Zheng Shaopeng was afraid of Yang Ming, he couldn't say anything about the boss. He didn't want to sell his boss because of his life and death.

"Are you sure that what you said is true?" Yang Ming asked again.

"I... I am telling the truth, how can I lie to you..." Zheng Shaopeng said, and then said.

“Is it?” Yang Ming’s face suddenly went down and said, “Well, you don’t say that I am telling you. Your gambling is taught by someone with ulterior motives, and then you are in the casino. Is it like to have a plot for the casino?"

"Not... really isn't like this..." This time it was true that Zheng Shaopeng, Zheng Shaopeng did not have any idea for the casino. He just made the casino a career, a place to settle down.

"Hey!" Yang Ming was a little impatient. Since this guy is so uninteresting, then Yang Ming does not need to be polite with him anymore. He suddenly reaches out and points to Zheng Shaopeng's body.

This is Yang Ming’s tried and tested Dafa point method, the killer’s king Fang Tian’s unique cheats.

"Then you will be cool for a while, wait for you to think clearly, and then tell me." Yang Ming finished, he did not care about Zheng Shaopeng, he was sitting on the chair.

Zheng Shaopeng had already thought of dying with death. Anyway, he couldn’t say anything about the boss. The boss has good for himself, and his life in these years is equal to the boss giving himself.

In the past eight years, in the days of casinos, the life is nourishing, and the benefits have been much more than the last half of his life! Therefore, he feels that it is enough.

When Yang Ming said these words, Zheng Shaopeng closed his eyes and began to wait for Yang Ming to torture him. In the past, when gambling was caught by thousands of people, Zheng Shaopeng was still vivid in his eyes. He was also tortured and half-dead. He also stunned. Therefore, Zheng Shaopeng felt that everything had passed, and it was a big death.

However, Zheng Shaopeng waited for Yang Ming to act on him, but he only felt that Yang Ming had touched him gently on his body. Nothing special.

However, it will be different soon! Zheng Shaopeng suddenly felt that his body seemed to be bitten by countless grasshoppers. Is there an indescribable feeling that it is itchy? Is it pain? In short, this feeling makes Zheng Shaopeng suddenly a little crazy, is the kind of life is not as good as death!

Zheng Shaopeng grabbed his hands and gasped, but he didn't have the slightest effect. His feelings were still very strong, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"Ah--" Zheng Shaopeng really couldn't stand it, screamed and began to roll on the ground.

"You...what did you do to me?" Zheng Shaopeng's voice changed his tone, because the pain in his body made him unable to speak normally.

Yang Ming just sneered, did not answer. Even Zheng Shaopeng didn't even look at it.

Zheng Shaopeng was still screaming at the beginning. Later, even the strength of screaming was gone. He just kept rolling on the ground and his face was full of sweat.

When Yang Ming looked almost, he stood up and kicked him on Zheng Shaopeng with his feet. He opened the acupuncture point for him: "Do you want to say now?"

"I...I..." Zheng Shaopeng felt that his whole person seemed to die once, even more painful than death! This way of tormenting people was the first time he saw it, and his fear of Yang Ming was even worse.

"Is it still not to say? Or will you be cool for a while?" Yang Ming said with some impatientness.

"No... no..." Zheng Shaopeng was so scared that he almost didn't faint: "I... I can't do it..."

In the face of morality and suffering, Zheng Shaopeng chose to be judged morally and to reduce suffering. Because, he really didn't want to experience the feeling just now, it wasn't what people could feel at all. He didn't want to spend his whole life. Even when I think of that feeling, I have a lingering fear.

"Say it." Yang Ming sat back in the chair, and some regretted said: "I wanted to make you feel better. It seems that it is not necessary for the time being. But it doesn't matter. If you are not honest, you can continue to try."

More cool? Zheng Shaopeng almost didn't pee his pants, just not enough? Still more cool? It’s already dying, what is it so cool? Zheng Shaopeng couldn't imagine, afraid that Yang Ming would change his mind and give him a better meal. He quickly said: "I said, my gambling is an expert who taught me..."

"What high man? Who is it? What is it?" Yang Ming said, it really was someone who taught him gambling.

"Who is the high man, what he called, he did not say, just let me call his boss..." Zheng Shaopeng said: "Others, he did not tell me..."

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