So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 871: Automatic admission

Chapter 871 automatically admits

In the rules of the casino, the so-called size is the number of three dice. First bet after shaking the dice, from 4 to 10 is small, 11 to 17 is big. The bet was right, the dealer lost, and the gambling was returned to the banker.

However, there is a very special and rare situation, that is, if the banker shakes out the whole squat, that is, the three scorpions are the same points, which is commonly known as the "leopard", which is eaten by the dealer.

Therefore, as long as the dealer shakes out "one, one, one", "two, two, two" ... until the six combinations of "six, six, six", it belongs to the whole leopard point, this time, regardless of the player Whether it is a big or a small one, it is considered to be lost.

Wang points to learn, at this moment is to let the money foreman shake out a full 骰, eat all the chips on Yang Ming table! Otherwise, let him lose more than 10 billion? It’s just a joke, it’s better to have his life counted!

The secretary quickly walked to the front of the money foreman, bowed his head and whispered a few words. The money leader suddenly felt amazed, this deliberately shakes out the whole squat, and the reputation of the casino is really detrimental, so he has only shaken the size irregularly, but it seems that Yang Ming can be right every time. However, since it was instructed by Wang, the money foreman did not care so much, and received the mind and decided to shake a whole.

After the secretary finished speaking, he was about to turn and leave. Yu Guang stayed in Yang Minghuai’s body, Huang Lele’s body, his eyes jerked a contraction, and looked at Yang Ming, and nodded thoughtfully, and quickly returned. I went to the side of Wang’s school.

"How, tell the money to the foreman?" Wang asked, could not wait to ask.

"Tell, but I found something very important!" the secretary whispered: "I know the power of this person on behalf of which party..."

"What? You know?" Wang was a little surprised and asked: "Who are they?"

"If I didn't guess wrong, they are the people of Warwick Casino!" The secretary said with certainty.

"Why do you say this?" Wang Xuan asked some doubts: "Can't you? I am proud to be playing the game at Warwick Casino. How can they still have time to come here to make trouble? Have you been worried about it? Again, there is such a The master, Warwick Casino can still look like this? It’s the first time in the annual advisory exchange between casinos!”

"I don't know this, but, Mr. Wang, do you know who the chick in the man's arms is?" The secretary pointed to Huang Lele in Yang Minghuai's theory.

"That chick? How do I know who she is?" Wang Xiaoxue frowned. "Speaking, don't say it's useless."

"Wang, I also saw the little girl, and I made the judgment." The secretary explained: "The chick is called Huang Lele, the chairman of Warwick Casino."

"What!" Wang clicked on it and widened his eyes. He looked at Huang Lele and said with surprise: "Is it a Huang family? Who is that man?"

"Yes, it is the Huang family, but I don't know who the man is, but it looks like it should be the man of the chick." The secretary said.

When the two talked, the former consultant had already shaken out a leopard, and the three "ones" buckled the mask and said to Yang Ming in a very plain tone: "Okay, buy it."

Yang Ming did not rush to bet, but looked at the money foreman with a smile and smiled. "It seems that now I am only betting on one person..."

Qian Qiang did not know what Yang Ming meant, but he nodded and said: "Now only Mr. You are betting."

"Oh, that is to say, if I don't place a bet, then no one bets?" Yang Ming shrugged and waited for the money to lead the class to continue, and then said: "Then I will accompany you to play." ”

The money foreman thought that Yang Ming didn't want to continue playing, then he shook the leopard. Hearing Yang Ming said that he continued to play, he was relieved.

This time, Yang Ming did not make a full bet. Instead, he took out two chips of the minimum denomination from a pile of chips, one on each side and threw them on both sides of the size.

"Twenty thousand?" The money leader took a look, incredulously watching Yang Ming: "Sir, why did you put down 20,000 chips?"

"Can't you?" Yang Ming asked in reverse: "How much I am willing to do, that is my business. Can your casino force me to fail?"

"That's not... just wondering..." Qian Qiang said a little embarrassed.

"Strange? What is so strange?" Yang Ming said indifferently: "You should be happy, this one, whether you open or open, you have earned. I will lose up to 15,000. You still earn 5,000. Of course... If you come out with a leopard, then these two thousand are all yours..."

The smile on the face of Qian Qiang suddenly solidified! how is this possible? Did he know in advance that he was going to have a leopard? Could he hear the secretary and what he said?

That's not right. After the secretary and himself finished speaking, they opened the leopard again after they had just opened the size several times. Yang Ming has no reason to know which one he wants to shake the leopard!

Now it seems that there is only one possibility, that is, Yang Ming is a master, a true master! Maybe he can hear it!

The money leader was surprised, Zhang Bin and Wang Mei were equally astonished, even if they didn’t like gambling Huang Lele, they were surprised and inexplicable! Yang Ming is just like the prophet. If this is the same, as before, all the bets are made, then they are all lost.

The king over there was even more surprised. I didn't expect Yang Ming to be fooled. Now, it is certain that Yang Ming is a true master. It is impossible to defeat him with these tricks!

Looking at Yang Ming's table, the stack of Chengshan's chips is full of seven or eight billion yuan. Wang Xuxue really wants to cry without tears! This is a big loss. If you really want to cash it, I am afraid that all of my family’s family will be thrown out.

"Call the rest of the way, let him come back quickly, don't throw a blind eye over there!" Wang Xuan learned a sigh, his tone was not very good to the secretary.

"Yes..." The secretary also knows the current situation. It is not a little meaningful to be able to win or lose at Warwick Casino. What if you win? Nancheng Casino will go bankrupt!

I looked at my own chips on the table and looked at the chips on Zheng Shaopeng's side. The smile on my face grew stronger and stronger. Zheng Shaopeng has less than one million left, and he can win if he adds more strength.

It seems that President Wang will definitely give himself a high bonus this time. Yu was proud of it, the phone suddenly rang.

"Sorry, take a call." Yu Deyi did not want to answer the call at this time, but the number of the caller was the secretary of General Secretary Wang, and I really had to pick it up.

"Hey? Consultant? Wang always let you come back soon!" The phone was connected, and the secretary said to Yu.

“Go back?” Yu said with a sigh: “Now? I immediately won Zheng Shaopeng.”

"Yes, right now, don't worry so much. Winning or losing is no longer important. There is something going wrong in the casino. You are coming back soon..." the secretary told me.

"But the gambling is not over, how can I go? Can't you admit defeat?" Yu was somewhat dissatisfied. What the **** is this? I immediately won, but told myself to go back.

"That should admit defeat." The secretary looked at Wang and learned a little, and said with a smile.

"What?! Admit defeat? Who is this mean? Is it yours or Mr. Wang?" Yu Deyi immediately got angry: "You called Wang to answer the phone!"

"Okay..." The secretary reluctantly handed the phone over to Wang. "Wang, you still tell him..."

"Yuyiyi, you are going back to the casino right now! If you admit defeat, you will lose it. The casino will be won by people!" Wang Yaoxue also lost some reason at the moment, and hung up the phone after he finished.

"What do you mean! Grass!" Yu was so sullen and swearing, but since it was a king's point, it can only be done, stand up and push his chips to the middle of the table: "I admit defeat." It!"

After that, he did not return to the VIP room, leaving only a faceless face of Zheng Shaopeng and Zhang Guozong.


"Sir, I am the general manager of Wang here, I hope that you will raise your hands and let us have a horse..." The situation is compelling, and I have to bow my head. Wang Xuedue has to talk about soft words.

"Hold your hands? How do you raise your hands?" Yang Ming sneered: "Your casino is open for business, I am going to gamble, how can I raise my hands and raise my hands?"

"Sir, let's not say whispering... This lady, you are the daughter of Warwick Casino..." Wang Xiaoxue said to Huang Lele.

Yang Mingyi, I didn't expect Huang Lele to be recognized. I still want to continue playing. Now that my identity is exposed, there is no need to play it. The other party is soft, and that is the time to start talking about conditions.

"Hey, since you know it, there is nothing." Yang Ming said faintly: "Your home consultants are playing at our casino, of course I can also play here for you!"

"Sir, it wasn't ours before... I have already called Yu Deyi to automatically admit defeat, and you let us go..." Wang Xuanxue is a man who has to bow his head under the eaves.

"I let you go?" Yang Ming said with some funny words: "Well, if that's the case, then I will leave."

"Thank you!" Wang learned a little, but did not expect Yang Ming to be so refreshing.

"Nothing to thank, I won the money, directly to the card to me." Yang Mingyi said the chip on the table.

"Ah?!" Wang almost learned that there was no instability and fell to the ground. This is no different from letting go. The money was lost, and the Nancheng Casino was only bankrupt!

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