So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 877: Go back to the hotel together

Chapter VIII together back to the hotel

At noon, four people went out together in the park, but they saw that the young man and the woman were still arguing, but both of them were sitting in the car.

I ate some things at the nearby restaurant and went back to the parking lot. The young men and women have already left. I don’t know where to go. However, these days, they are not allowed to stop, probably still afraid of a long time. .

In the afternoon, in Wang Mei's mention, four people came to Macao's famous new eight hundred department store company, in fact, mainly accompanied by Wang Mei and Huang Lele, girls like to go shopping, Huang Lele is no exception.

Instead, Zhang Bin, staring at the Canon 1ds in the counter while passing the camera counter. Mark3 does not let go, Yang Ming saw, smiled: "Do you have any psychological shadows?"

"Boss, do you say that I am buying a tooth?" Zhang Bin said it is serious.

"Then buy it, you can't afford it." Yang Ming smiled.

As a result, Zhang Bin brushed the card very smoothly, and happily held the new camera in his arms, but he was disappointed to say: "If the memory card is not broken, it can be used now."

Huang Lele and Wang Mei's attention is on fashion and cosmetics. Yang Ming is interested in these natural interests, but he also bought some casually. He plans to return it as a gift to Chen Mengxi and Lin Yuyun.

After thinking about it, I bought a pair of sunglasses for Xiao Qing and Sun Jie. After hesitating again, Yang Ming chose Zhao Ying for a gift. Although she is not her own woman, there are already some shackles between the two, and she can’t drop her.

Looking at the shopping of Yang Ming’s big bag, Wang Mei smiled and reminded Zhang Bindao: “Do you want to buy something for your original?”

Zhang Bin was a little embarrassed after listening to it. She scratched her scalp and didn't know what to say. Or Wang Mei said: "I won't say anything, why don't you have Yang Ming so up?"

Zhang Bin shouted, Yang Ming has several girlfriends called Lei Lei? In order to avoid the suspicion, I have become unsettled... Finally, under the advice of Wang Mei, I bought a bag and a pair of jeans for Zhao Sisi. For the size of Zhao Sisi, Zhang Bin is naturally clear, and no one needs to try it. wear.

Wang Mei is still quite smart at this point, although she is completely sure that Zhang Bin loves her more, but in fact it seems to be the case, but she is very low-key, and she still keeps Zhao Sisi who has never met. With due respect.

Not for anything else, Wang Mei is afraid of Yang Ming, afraid that Yang Ming feels that he is the kind of arrogant and arrogant woman, and let Zhang Bin abandon himself. For this, Wang Mei does not doubt at all. Yang Ming’s influence on Zhang Bin is unmatched by anyone. These Wang Mei’s eyes are very clear.

After seeing the extraordinary strength shown by Yang Ming, Wang Mei did not doubt this point. Although she sometimes felt that Zhang Bin could not be as powerful as Yang Ming? But I just think about it. The person she likes is still Zhang Bin, and she thinks that as long as Zhang Bin and Yang Ming are together, Yang Ming will definitely not treat him badly.

Judging from the recent events, Yang Ming is indeed like this. For Zhang Bin, this brother is really good and can't be better. It’s just that Wang Mei doesn’t know. In high school, Yang Ming’s poverty has been eating Zhang Bin’s Zhang Bin’s for a while, and even taking a taxi is Zhang Bin’s reimbursement, and Zhang Bin didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with it. Between the brothers, whoever has the ability, whoever pays more, this is normal.

Wang Mei buys things, naturally Zhang Bin swipe the card, but Huang Lele buys things, but she is swiping her own cards. In fact, she doesn’t care about them at all. Yang Ming can save her 40 billion in her card, and certainly won’t care about these. However, Huang Lele is used to picking up things directly and swiping them.

This shopping, the time has passed quickly, and in the twinkling of an eye, it is in the evening. Each of the four people carried a fairly large shopping bag in their hands, and directly piled up the back of the commercial vehicle.

"Tonight, come back to the hotel with me, or I can't find where your home is tomorrow." After getting on the bus, Yang Ming grabbed Huang Lele's hand and whispered.

"Ah..." Although Huang Lele and Yang Ming have had several relationships between them, but with a man for the night, Huang Lele is still the first time, it is inevitable that some of them are flustered, but Huang Lele is Huang Lele after all, thinking very simple, since two people are Lovers relationship, then living together is normal? So, Huang Lele nodded normally, saying: "Well, can you go online in your hotel room?"

"Can you go, what's wrong?" Yang Ming is very funny about Huang Lele's jumping thinking.

"I have an appointment at night and play with pocket money for Xiao Huxian." Huang Lele said.

"..." Yang Ming sweated a bit, this Huang Lele, the best of what makes him really have nothing to say.

Zhang Bin and Wang Mei did not have to discuss, the two had lived together, so the business car undoubtedly sailed to the hotel rented by Yang Ming.

Yang Mingkai was originally a two-person room, and the hotel would not even care if more people lived in it. Huang Lele was originally living in a small apartment near Warwick Casino, so I don’t have to greet anyone when I come out.

Back to the hotel, Huang Lele and Wang Mei together happily tried on the clothes that I just bought today, and Yang Ming and Zhang Bin are sorted out the things that will be brought back, and I plan to send them back by express tomorrow, otherwise things Too much, it is inconvenient to take the plane.

Yang Ming’s cell phone suddenly rang, Yang Ming told Zhang Bindao: “You will sort it out first, I will pick up a phone call.”

"Hey? Hello." Stand up and come to the window sill, Yang Ming picks up the phone.

"Yang Ming, my brother, I am Huang Rongjin!" Huang Rongjin’s hearty laughter came from the phone.

"Yellow Big Brother? Hello, what are you looking for?" Yang Ming did not expect Huang Rongjin to call himself, but he did not have much contact with him, but he was very involved. Since he met him in Macau, he was looking for It is also a good idea to gather together.

"Oh, Yang Ming, the last time I told you, you have not forgotten? I want to remind you!" Huang Rongjin smiled.

"What?" Yang Mingyi, did not remember what Huang Rongjin had asked him to do.

"It seems that you really forgot!" Huang Rongjin was helpless, but he also knew that Yang Ming had something to do in Macau, so he made a special call to remind him: "The last time I met I didn't give you an invitation. I will have a small party tomorrow. If you have time, come over, let's talk about it, and introduce some friends to you."

"Ah!" Yang Ming remembered this. At that time, Huang Rongjin did tell him that he had to hold a party on the weekend and let himself go. He quickly pulled out the invitation from the coat pocket and looked at it. The date is writing the day of tomorrow. Yang Ming suddenly smiled: "Yellow Big Brother, I am afraid I can't go tomorrow..."

"What's wrong? There are still things left?" asked Huang Rongjin.

"No, I have promised my other friend, and I will go to her family gathering tomorrow." Yang Ming explained very sorry.

"This way... that's it..." Huang Rongjin said disappointedly: "Then we have a chance to gather in private."

"It can only be like this, I am really embarrassed, Big Brother." Yang Ming looked at the invitation in his hand and smiled, and he forgot to do it all. But Huang Lele really can't go there. Who makes Huang Lele now his girlfriend?

Hanging up the phone, Yang Ming put the invitation back into his pocket, and then continued to pick up the luggage with Yang Ming.

In the evening, after taking a shower, Huang Lele sat in the pajamas and sat in front of the computer. The concentrated and small foxes played "the pocket money fight", while Yang Ming was lying in bed and watching TV programs at random.

"Hey, Yang Ming, you come over for me, my hair is going to dry, I go to iron and iron." Huang Lele turned back and shouted to Yang Ming.

"After a while, can you play it?" Yang Ming was too lazy to go shopping for an afternoon. Although it was nothing to Yang Ming's physical strength, people were inert.

"Oh, people and small foxes can't stop playing." Huang Lele said with a spoiled voice: "I don't feel pain for a while..."

Yang Ming suddenly laughed and laughed. He sat up and came to the computer, but he said, "I will give you a loss, don't blame me!"

"Oh, no matter, I went. It’s hard to get rid of the hair after a while." Huang Lele said, and quickly ran to the bathroom.

Yang Ming looked at the chat records of the two people on the screen. Xiao Foxxian was already impatient. He sent it several times, "Le Le, what are you doing? Come on soon."

Yang Ming smiled and clicked the "Start" button. For this game, Yang Minglian is not familiar with the rules, waiting for him to be familiar with the rules, and gameover.

"What's the matter, Lele, why aren't you fun?" Xiaoxuexian asked a little strangely. Although this game is just beginning to play with her and Huang Lele, the level of the two people is comparable. How can Huang Lele “die” so soon?

"The network card is a bit, I am at the hotel, the network speed is not very good, now no problem." Yang Ming returned a sentence.

"Oh, can that be done now? I said how you started so slowly before." Xiaohu Xian suddenly realized.

"Yes, probably someone just downloaded it now, it's okay now." Yang Minghu wrote.

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