So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 899: Case analysis

The eighth chapter of the ninety-ninth chapter case analysis

"Wait for me." Xia Xue said to Yang Ming: "I am going to work soon."

Yang Ming has taken your head, what can he do? Since the old words have already been said, can't you refuse?

Sure enough, not long after, Yang Ming saw the vice captain Li who had seen him in the hospital before with a few criminal police to hand over the shift.

"Little summer, hard work!" After the captain Li got on the bus, he nodded to Xia Xue: "I haven't eaten yet?"

Although Xia Xue has been a vice captain, but because Xia Xue's age is relatively small, casual like Li Vice-Chairman and Xia Xueping, it is also called Xia Xue is a small summer, which sounds kinder.

"Li Ge, my friend is coming, eat together for a while." Xia Xue pointed to Yang Ming, smiled.

"Oh, then let's go, time is not too late. We have all finished eating." Vice-President Li looked at Yang Ming, and some wondered. The last time he saw Yang Ming in the hospital, Yang Ming came with the family of the Chen team. It seems to be the boyfriend of Chen’s daughter. How could he and Xia Xue get together? However, he was surprised to say that he didn't think much about it. People might have something to talk about. Years of criminal investigation work has allowed him to develop ideas that are unsuspecting and useless.

Together with Xia Xue, Iveco, a cold wind hit, Xia Xue could not help but have a cold, Songjiang winter night, it is very cold, ice and snow, this northern city is probably one of the coldest cities in the country.

"Your car?" Xia Xue looked around, except for the police's several standard police cars, the other official vehicles were also the police, and did not see Yang Ming's car.

"This is not, stop there over there!" Yang Ming said that the Dongfeng big cargo parked on the side of the road not far away.

"Ah?!" Xia Xuedeng stunned, and looked at the oversized giant van in an incredible way. He looked at Yang Ming again: "You won't be true? Is that car yours?"

"It's mine. How, cool enough?" Yang Ming laughed.

"You won't see the Transformers getting out of the fire? Get a Optimus Prime to open..." Xia Xue was speechless, not knowing where Yang Ming came from such a car.

"Helping friends run long distances and send some goods." Yang Ming no longer teased Xia Xue, but said truthfully.

"It turned out to be the case," Xia Xue nodded suddenly. "But you can toss it, and give it to the escort."

"There is no way, can't push it off." Yang Ming naturally will not tell Xia Xue the details of the company dispute, so it is only a very general statement.

"I haven't taken this car yet, just try it." Xia Xue volunteered to sit in the cab.

"I said, can you drive this car with your driver's license?" Yang Ming was a little worried.

"Cut, Miss Ben is the deputy captain of the criminal investigation. Who dares to intercept me?" Xia Xue said with a sigh of relief: "However, you are too small to swear at me. We must be criminal police, and all cars must be opened. In times of crisis." Sometimes, with more than one skill, there is more life!"

Yang Ming Xin Dao, is it you? Isn't that what we do as a killer? Of course, Yang Ming did not dare to talk to Xia Xue. His relationship with this chick is not too solid. What if he doesn’t recognize people and grabs himself?

Xia Xue started the car, and the big truck slowly moved forward. It seems that Xia Xue’s technology is really good.

"This car is quite open, the steering wheel is helpful." Xia Xue said.

"Xia Xue, you are not a traffic policeman. Shouldn't you be responsible for the matter just now?" Now he and Xia Xue are left alone. Yang Ming doesn't have to hide and talk.

Xia Xue listened to Yang Ming’s words, but he was hesitant. Regarding the case, he could not disclose it with Yang Ming. But between her and Yang Ming, how do you feel the taste of life and death? Moreover, Yang Ming also helped her to crack a big smuggling case.

"Oh, you don't have to glare at me. On the day of Chen Shu's accident, I was there. These can be guessed." Yang Ming said that Xia Xue hesitated, so he smiled and said.

"Forget it, since you know it, then I don't have the need to take advantage of you." Xia Xue remembered that Yang Ming had some understanding of the case before, and then he handled another car accident, Yang Ming I was also present, so even if I wanted to take advantage of Yang Ming, I couldn’t help myself: "That is the case..."

"Why, is it so serious now?" Yang Ming saw Xia Xue have begun to issue a leaflet, which shows that the crime rate has risen to a large number.

"Well, three more happened in the past few days." Xia Xue nodded. Some strangely asked: "You don't know? You haven't heard the rumors in the Songjiang people's mouth now?"

"I have been away for a few days, so I don't know what happened during this time." Yang Ming shook his head: "The three accidents were caused by the driver seeing the ghost?"

"It turned out that you are out!" Xia Xue listened to Yang Ming and said that Yang Ming was sent to others for delivery for a few days, so he did not ask much, but continued to say: "Not all, there is a car accident, There are also two survivors, who are tourists from other places who come to Songjiang. According to them, on the night, they lost their way on the road, and they couldn’t turn left when they turned left and right. They suddenly found a Directly to the fork of the main road, the driver drove past the fork in the road, but did not expect that the car suddenly hit something, the passengers in the car were comatose, and we found out when we arrived. There is no fork in the road, but a stone wall. Their cars have been deformed. They are all tourists from other places. They are not familiar with the road. They dare not drive too fast. Otherwise, they are estimated to be It’s over... It’s just that when we arrived, the driver has disappeared!”

"Ghost hit the wall?" Yang Ming stunned and blurted out. However, after he finished speaking, he felt unscientific, so he said: "Isn't it the illusion of people in the car?"

"Illusion..." Xia Xue said here, he could not help but frown. "But we immediately tested the two survivors on alcohol, and there was no reaction. That is to say, the two people were in a state of keeping the situation. And, even if a person has an illusion, it is impossible for everyone in the car to have an illusion! The three of them, including the driver, clearly saw that there is a road ahead!"

"Right, you said that the driver disappeared? Wouldn't it be to abandon the car and escape?" When it came to the driver, Yang Ming immediately asked strangely.

"Run?" Xia Xue could not help but smile: "If you ran, it's okay... From the perspective of our site survey and cab distortion, the driver is definitely dead, and the other two passengers are sitting behind. Row, so I was lucky to escape!

However, the blood has flowed into the river in the driver's seat, and the damaged visceral debris has been found on the wiper controller. That is to say, the wiper controller is inserted into the driver's body. You said that in this case, the driver can still be alive. What? Even if you are alive, can you abandon the car and escape? ”

"Ah?" Yang Ming was shocked after listening to Xia Xue's words. Then he said, "What do you mean, someone got rid of the body?"

"It should be like this..." Xia Xue nodded. "After many meetings and discussions, we decided to merge this case with the previous haunted case, although I don't know what the suspect used to confuse. The eyes of the passengers in the car, but there are similarities in the modus operandi.

Moreover, the reason for the quick merger was because the driver’s body was lost. This is the same as another traffic case. When we felt the scene of the accident, the driver on the car disappeared strangely, and according to the degree of deformation of the car at the time, the driver was also dead. ”

"Is this person stealing the body?" Yang Ming feels that things are more complicated. What is the use of stealing bodies?

"It should be like this." Xia Xue sighed: "Begin, we suspect that this is a smuggling organization of human organs, but it was quickly ruled out, because the people who died in the car accident, although the body is fresh, but the organs The damage is also the most serious, and this organ can't have any value. Moreover, the reason is denied because the other two passengers in the car were just coma and did not suffer any major damage. Human organs, they can kill the two passengers and take the organs on them, but they don't. He only needs the body."

Yang Ming nodded thoughtfully and seemed to have grasped some clues, but because of the words after Xia Xue, Yang Ming felt that it was floating.

Originally, Yang Ming suddenly thought of Chen Afu, this kind of perverted madman who likes to be ghostly scared. If the simple ghost is scary, Chen Afu may do it, but after scaring the dead, stealing the body again, it seems that Chen Afu can do it. Chen Afu's current job seems to be a hotel waiter. He wants the body to be useless, and the process of carrying the body is easily discovered.

"Listen to what you mean, that is, not every time the body is lost?" Yang Ming asked.

"This is the case, but even then, it can still be combined, because the case of not losing the body is after the accident, and soon someone reported that we rushed to the scene, and the other cases of lost bodies are in the matter. After a long time, only someone reported the case, and we rushed over.” Xia Xue said: “So we decided that the previous body was not lost because the suspect did not commit the crime.”

"That is to say, after committing the crime, the person who committed the crime did not immediately carry the body?" After Yang Ming listened, he suddenly asked: "Is it not a case made by one person? The two people who had stolen the body and the ghosts before were people?"

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