So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 915: Another family

Chapter 915 is another family

Liu Baoqiang really feels right now. Yang Ming is really a good person. There is no shelf at all. Unlike the few in the department, the family is a little bit of capital and starts to squander, especially the guy named Wei Jin, squatting. My father is a real estate company, and his family has lost hundreds of millions of dollars.

Just bought a BMW 328 a few days ago, and a license with a mantissa of 123 is incredible. Liu Baoqiang thought of Wei Jin at once, also because this guy is one of Liu Ting's pursuers, and Liu Ting's junior high school classmates! Therefore, Liu Baoqiang must follow Liu Ting to attend this junior high school class reunion today.

"Well, I am not ruthless. Let's go out and play together, I will treat you!" Liu Baoqiang also knows that Yang Ming is definitely not looking at these little money, so he said refreshingly.

"No problem, don't shirk it when you get there!" Yang Ming smiled.

"Absolutely not!" Liu Baoqiang patted his chest and assured: "There is Liu Ting overseeing it!"

Liu Ting is also very happy. Seeing Chen Mengxi’s boyfriend and approaching Liu Baoqiang quickly established friendship and was very happy.

The waiter came out of the 208-room room and walked quickly to the stairway. After seeing no one behind him, he ran to Liu Baoqiang and said: "Liu Shao, this big lobster and Hawaiian crab..."

"Haha, you just did a good job and have potential!" Liu Baoqiang said happily: "It's very tactful. When you call Wang Jie to cultivate you, you can't be a pity!"

The waiter was overjoyed. I didn’t expect Liu Shao’s favor after playing a play with Liu Shao, so I quickly thanked him: “Thank you Liu Shao!”

"Don't thank me, if you don't want that piece of material, I won't promote you." Liu Baoqiang smiled and said: "The lobster, you tell the kitchen, let's grab the six big lobsters from Dalian. Just give them, just one hundred and fifty-eight."

"The same is true of the crabs? Just give them a big crab to go up?" The waiter nodded and asked.

"There is a future!" Liu Baoqiang said with a smile: "You just look at the whole line!"

Yang Ming did not expect this Liu Baoqiang to be a wonderful person. He had a fight with himself. In the twinkling of an eye, the best big lobster and Hawaiian crab were faked.

"Zhou Ge, is this **** black shop? Why is it so expensive?" Zheng said.

"Black is not black, only recognize! Now this period, I don't want to cause trouble!" Zhou Xiaoming is also very distressed, but what is the use of distressed?

"That is, if I change the time, I punched it early, and we have more money than our husband. It is nothing to do!" Niu Xiaobo is also very unhappy.

"You two, stop it! This is a hot pot restaurant. I am naturally rich in money, but you are replaced by heaven and earth. I don’t have enough money for this!"

"That is, that is, but the heavens are not the kind of people who go to us. That is the level of Wei Zong!" Zheng Xiaozi nodded and said.

"You two don't envy. Before the demolition, I will lead you to chic." Zhou Xiaoming said.

"Thank you in advance, Zhou Ge!" Zheng Xiezi and Niu Xiaobo laughed loudly.


As for whether Zhou Xiaobo is swiping or cash after dinner, it is not something that Yang Ming cares about. Dining in the lobby downstairs is also very lively. Don't have a style.

As for the lobsters, crabs, scallops, etc. that were later required, all of them have been crossed out. The previous few people have already eaten a lot, so can they eat it again?

Besides, I will go to the class meeting in a while, it is impossible to fill my stomach.

The four people went out together in the hot pot restaurant. I remembered that some of the things I just had were a bit tough, but Liu Baoqiang’s tens of thousands of pieces of money were out of the air, and the mood was very good.

Although the hot pot restaurant makes money, it can't make much money after all. The profit of thousands of pieces a day is already very great. As a result, it earns several days today.

"It's still early, I invite everyone to have something to drink!" Liu Baoqiang looked at the time and said.

"Alright, yes, where is your classmates gathering?" Yang Ming agreed.

"At Xianren Resort, it is quite far from here." Liu Ting said: "I have never been to the nightmare, but Liu Baoqiang knows the road."

Xianren Resort? Yang Mingyi, no, is this place? My junior high school classmates are in this place.

"No? Last time our junior high school classmates were there..." Yang Ming looked at Chen Mengxi and said with a smile: "The environment there is good, but I don't know who chose it?"

"Who can be! It is not that Wei Jinyu!" Liu Ting said without a good gas. After I finished speaking, I remembered that Yang Ming definitely didn’t know Wei Jin, so he explained: “It’s the pursuit of our little Princess Chen.”

"..." Yang Ming is speechless, how do you feel that your love rivals are flying all over the sky? But then, Chen Mengxi’s words made Yang Ming breathe a sigh of relief.

"Where, now people chasing Liu Ting is very tight!" Chen Mengyan said with a red face. She is not willing to let Yang Ming misunderstand anything.

Yang Ming nodded, but did not think much, just smiled at Liu Baoqiang: "Your pressure is great!"

"Nothing, I am not afraid!" Liu Baoqiang waved his fist and said it in a serious way.

"So how did he choose the place in the immortal resort? Is there not a lot of places to go in the city?" Chen Mengyu asked strangely.

"The fairy-tale resort seems to be his uncle or the opening of the house, I am not too clear, it is the relatives of his family." Liu Ting explained: "In fact, I want to show his family in front of his classmates. More power."

Yep? How did you get in touch with the boss of Xianren Resort? Then Wei Jin seems to be relatives with Shuguang Qi! I didn't expect to go around, and the people around me had a lot of connections.

For the family, Yang Ming has no good feelings, but there is no good feelings, but there is not much hatred. It is just that Zou Ruoming is not pleasing to the eye.

Since the industry and development direction of the family is not in Songjiang, there is no chance of vengeance with Yang Ming, so until now, Yang Ming and them are still safe.

I hope that Wei Jin can be safer. Otherwise, Yang Ming will not be accustomed to him. If you want to take care of your family, Zou Ruoming is not a good teacher.

Liu Baoqiang asked four people to eat Haagen-Dazs ice bullying on the upstairs of Xinheng Department Store. This is a very high-end cold drink, but Yang Ming’s interest in these sweets is not very strong, but he did not eat anything particularly good. The taste of eating.

However, Chen Mengyu and Liu Ting are very happy to eat. When paying the bill, Yang Ming did not go to fight, Liu Baoqiang has already said that he wants to treat the guests. If he wants to fight again, he will be a little despised.

After eating the cold drink, the four people went shopping in the mall for a while before driving to the Xianren Resort in Xixing Mountain.


At this time, Wei Jin, who was in the mouth of Liu Ting and Liu Baoqiang, had already arrived at the Xianren Resort. He was chatting in the lounge with a tall, thin young man.

"I said my cousin, you mixed too badly? Listen to you saying that you didn't catch up with two girls?" Wei Jin lit a cigar, very awkwardly placed on his lips, this It was he who stole from his father's study.

"Don't mention it, among the relatives in our family, my family is the worst. My parents are too sacred, and I don't know how to make a fortune through the relationship in my family! It is like a coward, so I have mixed up so much in Songjiang. Famous, you are awkward!" Zou Ruoming said very uncomfortable: "There is no cigar, give me a taste!"

"Give you! Save some money, I will have two!" Wei Jin pulled out a cigar and threw it to Zou Ruoming. He smiled and said: "I? Mom, you may not believe it, I am in the university." Pursuing a female student in junior high school, I can't catch up. The girl actually followed a nouveau riche who opened a hot pot restaurant at home. You said that you are not angry?"

"Isn't it?" Zou Ruoming didn't believe it. After taking the cigar, it was very enjoyable. "I heard that it was on the woman's thigh. I don't know if it is true or not. Is there a woman? What about the body fragrance?"

"Why not?" Wei Jin smiled bitterly: "The man's long is still very general. Who knows how the girl is in the middle of him?"

"Hey, cousin, I know, do you want to use this junior high school classmates, want to come up with something famous?" Zou Ruoming smiled and suddenly asked.

"Haha, this is nothing to you!" Wei Jin said with a smile: "I have prepared a good program this time, hey, Liu Baoqiang, I will let you come back!"

"Liu Baoqiang? Who is it?" Zou Ruoming asked, said.

"It's the boyfriend of that girl, the upstart of the hot pot restaurant at home!" Wei Jin explained.

"Oh? Cousin, do you have any good ideas? Let's talk to your brother, and when you are ready to use it!" Zou Ruoming asked in a heart.

"How, cousin, who do you want to deal with?" Wei Jin looked at Zou Ruoming and asked.

"Hey!" Zou Ruoming thought of Yang Ming's evil smile, and he was so angry! It was miserable by him at the beginning! If you have the chance, be sure to take revenge! "Don't you know the last time in Jingshan? I want revenge!"

"It's that thing!" Wei Jin also remembered. Before, Shi Guangheng seemed to mention Zou Ruoming's bullying. He also greeted himself and asked himself to see if he could avenge Zou Ruoming in Songjiang, but because I was busy pursuing Liu Ting, and I forgot my mind. At this moment, Zou Ruoming reminded me that I thought about it.

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