So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 921: Conspiracy begins

The ninth twenty-one chapter begins

Liu Baoqiang's family is to open a restaurant. He has been witnessed by his own experience. He is also a wine jar. Drinking white wine is also a group of half a bottle, so he will have doubts.

Liu Ting originally wanted to discourage Liu Baoqiang, but he was afraid that Liu Baoqiang would feel no face. After all, Wei Jin is inviting wine. If he does not follow it, he seems to be afraid of him.

Moreover, if Wei Jin said that after drinking this glass of wine, the two became brothers, and then Wei Jin could not harass himself.

"Fast!" Wei Jin looked at Liu Baoqiang and smiled: "Well, from today on, the trick is brother!"

Liu Baoqiang nodded, and Wei Jin is not a brother, he does not think how, if this guy does not harass Liu Ting in the future, this is true. With the influence of Wei Jin's family, Liu Baoqiang did not think about any deep friendship with him. After all, the gap is too big.

Of course, Yang Ming is an alternative. Seeing that Yang Ming has more money than Wei Jin, but it is much lower-key than Wei Jin.

The atmosphere on the wine table was still lively, but Liu Baoqiang was getting more and more confused. In the end, he couldn’t hold it anymore and he was on the table.

Yang Ming did not know what purpose Wei Jin had, but he did not care much about Wei Jin's purpose. After all, Liu Ting and Liu Baoqiang and themselves are only a general deal. He and Wei Jin drink, Yang Ming is not qualified to stop.

From the beginning, Yang Ming maintained a cold-eyed attitude towards this winery.

Although Hong Kai is also like Wei Jin, perfunctory, but his eyes are from time to time to Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu. Chen Mengxi did not notice him at all, but Yang Ming always greeted Hong Kai's eyes every time.

This makes Hong Kai very uncomfortable, there is a feeling of being played between applause. Hong Kai from the time when Yang Mingzhen was a mental illness, he secretly remembered his heart and prepared to wait for the opportunity to teach this kid. It’s just that there’s no chance at the wine table now, and I’m going to wait for a chance to find another chance.

"Xiaoqiang, what's wrong with you?" Liu Ting saw Liu Baoqiang kneeling on the table and asked busy.

"I...nothing." Although Liu Baoqiang was not drunk, he still hadn't slept: "This wine is a bit strong, and now I am a bit confused."

"Would you like to take a break?" Liu Ting asked with some concern.

"No, I will be fine for a while." Liu Baoqiang said.

"Bao Qiang brother, what's wrong with you?" Wei Jin saw Liu Baoqiang squatting, and his heart was happy, but on the surface he pretended to be very concerned about it.

"Liu Baoqiang drank too much, I want to take him to take a break first." Liu Ting looked up and said to Wei Jin. Some dissatisfaction in my heart, this guy has poured Liu Baoqiang down, but he has nothing to do, this is not to make people look down on her home Liu Baoqiang!

"Oh! I blame me for not being good!" Wei Jin suddenly regretted his expression: "It must be anxious! It is right to take a break first, waiter!"

"What's the matter? Wei Shao!" The waiter ran over and asked.

"My classmate is drunk, you take him to find a room to rest, get some hangover medicine!" Wei Jin told the waiter.

Wei Jin was afraid that Liu Ting would follow, and he quickly found a waiter to take over.

"Xiaoqiang, or will I accompany you?" Liu Ting did not feel relieved that Liu Baoqiang is now.

"It's okay, Tingting, your classmates are gathering. You just can't go at the beginning. I will come over and take a break!" Liu Baoqiang also felt that he was definitely anxious. Otherwise, if he changed his usual time, a glass of liquor should not be a problem. of.

"That line, you should be careful." Liu Ting listened to Liu Baoqiang's words, nodded and sat back in the seat, said.

With the help of the waiter, Liu Baoqiang walked out of the restaurant and walked upstairs to the guest room.

Yang Ming looked at Wei Jin and looked at Liu Baoqiang's figure. Suddenly, the familiar scene suddenly poured into his heart.

Nothing to be diligent, no traitor is stealing! Yang Ming thought of the scene where Wang Zhitao asked him to drink in the heavens! Isn’t Wang Zhitao first showing himself to himself? And today's Wei Jin and Liu Baoqiang's dialogue is almost exactly the same!

Could it be... I think of this, Yang Ming suddenly moved in the heart, this Wei Jin will not be planning to attack Liu Baoqiang? Although Yang Ming and Liu Baoqiang have just met, the relationship between the two is not deep, but the relationship between Chen Mengyu and Liu Ting is not ordinary. And through today's contact, Yang Ming's impression of Liu Baoqiang is still good, so Yang Ming pays attention to the waiter and Liu Baoqiang. The quiet use of abilities blocked Liu Baoqiang and the waiter, and Yang Ming was still a cold expression.

After Liu Baoqiang left, Wei Jin reached into his pocket and pressed the launch button of the phone. Over there, Zou Ruoguang’s phone suddenly rang, this is a secret code agreed by the two before.

Zou Ruoguang is screaming at Zhao Xiaoyan’s body. The ringing of the mobile phone rings and it’s a big jump! Almost turned into a brother! However, after seeing the number of the caller, Zou Ruoguang did not dare to have any dissatisfaction. It was the cousin Wei Jin called!

Zou Ruoguang looked at the seductive body under his body, and some of them were not willing, and they couldn’t get it right away. But what if you are not willing to do so, it is the first important thing to play with the cousin.

Zou Ruoguang struggled to solve the battle quickly, and then let Zhao Xiaoyan quickly take a shower and go to the task.

Wei Jin put his hand into the pocket and pressed the launch button. Naturally, he did not pass Yang Ming's eyes. So Yang Ming became more and more sure that this Wei Jin had any conspiracy.

The waiter put Liu Baoqiang into a room, put him on the bed, and then quit the room. Standing at the door, waiting for Zhao Xiaoyan to come over.

It didn't take long for Zhao Xiaoyan to come over. The waiter swallowed a slobber. He didn't know that Zhao Xiaoyan was sick, but he knew that this was the woman Wei Shao was looking for to do something right, but he couldn't help, so he laughed. Tao: "The person is inside, and then I will hand it over to you!"

"Okay." Zhao Xiaoyan smiled and the heart began to jump wildly. As long as he finished today's things, he would get 50,000 pieces!

Zhao Xiaoyan did not knock on the door, but directly opened the door with a key and flew into the room.

it is as expected! When Yang Ming saw Zhao Xiaoyan enter the room of Liu Baoqiang, he suddenly became stunned. However, there is a slight disappointment. Can these buddies not be able to change some other creative tricks? How to play this every time!

Yang Ming naturally did not know that Zhao Xiaoyan was "ill", so when he saw this scene, he was not eager to stop it. In his view, Liu Baoqiang still does not pose any harm at present.

Even if Liu Baoqiang is fascinated and has a relationship with this woman, he will not lose anything. As for the relationship between him and Liu Ting after the relationship, it is his problem.

If you want to be lascivious, but don't pay the price, how can there be such a cheap thing in the world? Yang Ming saw it at a glance. Liu Baoqiang was just drunk, but his mind was still very clear. He and his own time are different. Wang Zhitao has mixed the drugs into his own drink, but Wei Jin did not give Liu Baoqiang any drugs.

Therefore, if Liu Baoqiang really has something to do with that woman, he can only blame him for not working. Yang Ming is too lazy to manage this kind of thing.

After Zhao Xiaoyan entered the room, he quickly took off his clothes and climbed to Liu Baoqiang's side.

Liu Baoqiang was confused and felt that someone was lying next to him, but he didn't care. However, when someone went to solve his pants, Liu Baoqiang suddenly became shocked and opened his eyes. He saw a woman with a perfect face and a good face lying on his side. His eyes were like water, and Liu Baoqiang was a bit worried.

"You...who are you?" Liu Baoqiang asked with perseverance.

"The resort's superior rooms have free services." Zhao Xiaoyan said according to what Zou Ruoguang taught her before. The reason why it is free is that Liu Baoqiang is afraid of spending money.

Most people's hearts are free, don't be white. Therefore, Wei Jin feels that it is easier for Liu Baoqiang to accept the money.

"I... I don't need to..." Liu Baoqiang was shocked. Although his desire was strong, he refused. What he thought was that if it was discovered by Liu Ting, then it would be fucking!

"Come on!" Zhao Xiaoyan's seductive red lips are like Liu Baoqiang's kiss. Liu Baoqiang has avoided Zhao Xiaoyan from the side and panted.

Zhao Xiaoyan "giggle" smiled: "I am still embarrassed, nothing, it is very safe, the door has been locked!"

Liu Baoqiang is not a gentleman. He also asked Liu Ting to do this before, but Liu Ting has always kept the last line of defense and refused to let him succeed. Therefore, Liu Baoqiang is really a little heart now!

However, the heart is moving, Liu Baoqiang is still relatively awake now, he knows that once he and the woman have something, then Liu Ting knows, is 100% and broke up with himself!

Thinking of this, Liu Baoqiang quickly pushed Zhao Xiaoyan away, and the wolf ran to the bathroom in the direction, entered the bathroom, regardless of Zhao Xiaoyan's chasing behind him, directly locked the door from the inside. Then I opened the shower's cold water and started to rush along my head...

Yang Ming looked at Liu Baoqiang's actions and couldn't help but laugh. It seems that Liu Baoqiang is still quite interesting. However, Yang Ming is also lucky for him, this Wei Jin's courage is still not big enough, if like Wang Zhitao, directly use the drug, then Liu Baoqiang is in jeopardy.

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