So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 935: You said that I am a power?

Chapter 935, you said that I am a power?

After all, through these videos and materials, Yang Ming’s body certainly has some special ability, but it is not obvious. However, it is nothing more than a few, the possibility of luck, foresight and perspective is higher.

A long time ago, luck was taken as an important topic in the Bureau of Mystery Incident Investigation.

The wise man Zhuge Liang once said that it is a matter of doing things in the sky. That is to say, one person has worked hard, but it may not be successful. The key to success lies in the sky, which is what we usually call luck.

In fact, it is true. Not all people who have worked hard will succeed. The key to success lies in the sky, that is, luck.

For a long time, luck is a vain thing. Although it feels illusory, I have to admit that some people's fortune is indeed very good!

For example, some people won't win a lot of money when they buy a lottery ticket for a lifetime, but some people win the prize once they buy it, and continue to buy it, and they won the second prize and the third prize.

Excluding the possibility of cheating, it can only be explained by luck, because it is not in line with probability.

Predicting is also a special ability that the Mystery Incident Investigation Bureau pays more attention to. This ability is mysterious, but it is very practical! Of course, it is foreseen that this power covers a wide range, and the most powerful ones can directly predict what will happen in the future, just like a famous foreign movie "next" (the next moment, the prophetic vision). As stated.

However, people with this ability have not yet met the Bureau of Investigation. But similar, it has been exposed to a few cases. This type of person cannot clearly predict the future, but has a keen judgment on the future.

For example, the success or failure of a gambling game, the success or failure of a negotiation, or even the good or bad of a thing can be felt in advance. However, Xia Bingzhen does not know that this ability is not Yang Ming, but Blue Ling.

The other one is perspective. This is one of the most incredible and most valuable abilities. This ability can't be explained at all, and Xia Bingyan has never met a similar person, but under the guess, this kind of person should exist.

The People's Investigation Bureau with perspective ability has not been touched yet, but similarly, there have been several cases, such as yin and yang, that is, people who can see some ghosts and ghosts. There is also a person with special presbyopia who can see things far away. There are also people who are particularly powerful in night vision, just like owls.

But the latter two, basically no use is very large, farsighted can be replaced by a telescope, night vision can be replaced by infrared night vision.

If Yang Ming’s ability is the first one, Xia Bingyan can only regret it, because luck is invisible, even if he knows Yang Ming’s luck special number, there is no such thing as the Mystery Incident Investigation Bureau. help. However, Xia Bingyan also feels that this possibility is the smallest, luck is good, the winning rate of most gambling is bigger, it is impossible to know the things in other people's travel bags, and even more will not be able to directly guess the contents of the cards.

In contrast, the possibility of the third ability is a bit bigger. This makes the director of the Mystery Incident Investigation Bureau very excited. If Yang Ming really has the ability to see through, then if he can join the investigation bureau, it will make the investigation bureau even more powerful.

At the meeting to study how to contact Yang Ming, the Bureau of Investigation received a request from the Songjiang police to investigate the investigation of the recent traffic haunting case.

In fact, it is also the summer snow can not stand the pressure, and because last night and Yang Ming together really saw a similar phenomenon of "ghosts hit the wall", Xia Xuecai and Chen Fei suggested, please the Mystery Incident Investigation Bureau involved in the investigation. Because the situation in front of us is not what the police can predict and control.

Since Xia Xue’s brother is in the Bureau of Mystery Incident Investigation, it is naturally more appropriate for Xia Xue to be in charge. Sure enough, Xia Bingyan heard that her sister almost died because of a "ghost hitting the wall" and rushed to Songjiang without saying anything.

Xia Xue’s words also strengthened the determination of Xia Bingyan to see Yang Ming personally. At that time, the situation was like this. Xia Xue told Xia Bingyan about the recent case and his personal experience last night. Xia Bingyan heard Xia Xue say that the people in the same car were very sure about the way he remembered. Avoiding the occurrence of a car accident, Xia Bingyu was very strange at the time, how can there be such a confident person? But I didn't think much about it.

Xia Bingyan promised that Xia Xue would fly to Songjiang immediately to help Xia Xue handle these things. However, before ending the call, Xia Bingyan was pretending to be inadvertently asked: "Little sister, do you have a friend named Yang Ming?"

"Ah... well, yeah, brother, how do you know?" Xia Xue suddenly had some guilty conscience. I don't know why. When I heard the big brother talking about Yang Ming's name, Xia Xue couldn't help but feel nervous.

Xia Xue is very clear about the ability of his brother's department. It can be said that it is much better than the news of their police. Could it be that Big Brother doubts his relationship with Yang Ming?

Xia Xuezheng was thinking about it, and he heard Xia Bingyan said: "Well, Yang Ming is not a simple person. We may invite him to join our investigation bureau."

Xia Xue itself belongs to the police department, so Xia Bingyan has nothing to hide from her, and Xia Bingyu has already investigated it before. Yang Ming and Xia Xue have a good relationship.

"Ah?" Xia Xue listened, but it was a glimpse: "He? Join your investigation bureau?"

"Yes, but the specific situation should be specific. You should not talk to others about this matter." Xia Bing said: "Yes, when you contacted Yang Ming, did you find anything special about him?"

What is special? Xia Xue thought for a moment, Yang Ming, this person, except for the special lack of seriousness, seems to have nothing special? However, since my brother asked, Xia Xue knows that it must be important, so he can only answer carefully: "Yang Ming's skill seems to be particularly good, even I am not his opponent... And, yes, just told you. The one who drove yesterday was him."

"What!" This time it was the turn of Xia Bing. The person who drove yesterday was Yang Ming? Xia Bingyan recalled what Xia Xue and he had said, and a bold and crazy thought suddenly appeared in Xia Bingyan’s mind.

Assume that Yang Ming is not because of the impression in memory that the road is like that, but because he has the ability! Regarding the abilities of the eyes, I saw that the "ghost hit the wall"!

Thinking of this, Xia Bingyan became excited, and Xia Xue simply explained a few words, let her not worry about the traffic haunted case, and wait for himself to go to Songjiang.

After getting this important clue, Xia Bingyan quickly reported to the director, and the director also took the initiative to order Xia Bingyan to immediately go to Songjiang to solve the "traffic haunting case", and was responsible for private contact with Yang Ming, if Yang Ming really has "perspective "The ability, then at all costs, let Yang Ming join the investigation bureau."


In Chen Fei’s study, Xia Bingyan took out his own documents and placed them in front of Yang Ming: "This is my certificate. You can check it. I am open to you now. I hope that you will not have anything to me. hide."

"Okay." Yang Ming took the ID of Xia Bingyan, but he was sneer in his heart. If you look at your documents, even if you are open-minded? Let me not hide from you? Are you a fool when I am a one year old?

Picking up Xia Bing's documents, I found two books, one of which was the Bureau of Mystery Incident Investigation, and the other... Yang Ming asked strangely: "You belong to the military?"

"The compilation is so, but we are two institutions, there is no direct relationship between superiors and subordinates. We are directly responsible to the senior management." Xia Bingyan explained: "Only some local institutions do not know the existence of our investigation bureau, for the sake of convenience. When we handle the case, we will come up with another identity."

Is responsible for the top? Yang Ming’s heart is a glimpse, it seems that this unremarkable institution that I have never heard of is really amazing! However, it is not enough to scare Yang Ming. Yang Ming does not believe that Xia Bingyan will treat him. If he really wants to change Yang Ming, it is estimated that Xia Bingyu’s power will directly take Yang Ming away and interrogate. It will not be such a face-to-face peace talk.

Yang Ming nodded and then returned the certificate to Xia Bingyan. He said, "Okay, I have seen it. I believe that your identity is true. Please ask if you have anything to ask."

However, what I didn’t expect was that after Xia Bingzhen put away the documents, he smiled and said to Yang Ming: "Is this document very good?"

"What do you mean?" Yang Ming was somewhat inexplicable by Xia Bingyan.

“Do you want it?” Xia Bingyan continued to ask.

"Want? What do you want? Do you give me your documents?" Yang Ming frowned, and his heart faintly guessed something, but his face was still very inexplicable: "What do I want your documents to do?" ”

"Yang Ming, I don't believe you can't understand me." Xia Bingyan did not continue to talk about the topic just now, but shook his head and said: "If I guess correctly, you should be an ability." Anyway?"

"Abilities?" Yang Ming did not see the rabbits do not scatter the eagle. Before Xia Bingzhen did not completely break it, he would not say anything: "What do you mean? You said that I am a power? Altman? Terminator? The robot cat is a small jingle?"

"!@#¥%......&*()——" Xia Bingyan rolled his eyes, this Yang Ming is really difficult, I thought he was at this age, intimidating and tempting, he would spit out the truth.

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