So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 938: Amnesia?

Chapter 938: Amnesia?

"How do you do it? How can you not even get a corpse?" The voice of the right elders was murky and hoarse, and Chen Afu was chilling.

"The police have been very strict recently. I can't act..." Chen Afu said with a sad face. Nowadays, I can get a call from the right elder almost every day. Whenever the ringing tone of the mobile phone is remembered, Chen Afu will be shocked for a while.

However, it still can't be ignored. Chen Afu, the right elder's ability, is very clear. If he refuses to accept his call, what kind of terrible consequences will it bring, Chen Afu can't imagine.

"Give you another day, hey, this is the final deadline!" The right elder said coldly: "If you can't get a body again, you can use your own body to sacrifice my evil spirits. !"

Do not blame the right elders will be anxious, now is the key moment of success or failure, if the body of the dead here is not available, then the previous effort is likely to be abandoned halfway.

"Well... I know..." Chen Afu hangs up the phone in a powerless way, kneeling beside the bed, panting with a big mouth. Chen Afu can't stand it, he feels that he is going to collapse.

Indeed, I have just learned the ecstasy of the right elders before, and it is really refreshing for a long time, scaring people to death, this is a sense of accomplishment!

But now, the police are looking for him in the city, Chen Afu this time to commit crimes is undoubtedly equal to death, Chen Afu did not want to do this stupid thing!

Just don't want to return, can Chen Afu refuse? Obviously it is impossible, Chen Afu has no way, only in the mind to plan to come...


What Chen Fei and Yang Ming confessed is actually dispensable. Even Chen Fei himself feels a little redundant. However, as a father, even if some words are superfluous, you have to say it, and your heart will be happy.

With Chen Fei out of the study room, Chen Mengxi and Chen Mu are watching TV on the sofa, Chen Mengxi snuggled in the mother's arms, see Yang Ming came out, suddenly a little embarrassed to get up, his face red.

"Yang Ming, come and sit!" Chen mother laughed and greeted Yang Ming, pointing to the seat around Chen Mengyu.

Yang Ming smiled and nodded. Just about to sit down, the phone in his pocket rang. Yang Ming took out the phone and found out that it was a strange number.

"Hey, hello." Yang Ming picked up the phone.

"Hey... is Mr. Yang?" There was a woman's voice on the other side of the phone.

"I am, you are..." Yang Ming was a little familiar with the sound, but he couldn't remember who he was.

"My surname is Li, it is the care of Miss Zhou Jiajia..." The people there were busy introducing themselves, and the voice was a little nervous and excited.

"Hello, Li Wei, is there anything?" Yang Ming asked quickly.

"It's like this... Miss Zhou, she..." Li Wei said that it might be too excited, and he used up in one breath, and the result was stuck.

"What happened to Jia Jia?" Yang Ming was in a tight heart and was anxious.

"Miss Zhou... Miss Zhou, she woke up!" Li Wei said, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

"What, Jia Jia woke up?" Yang Ming exclaimed: "You wait, I will pass now."

Chen Mengyu also heard Yang Ming’s phone call. Yang Minggang hang up the phone and asked in a hurry: “Yang Ming, is Zhou Jiajia waking up?”

"Well," Yang Ming nodded and said to Chen Meng: "I am going to the hospital now, you and I will not go with me?"

"Of course I have to go!" Chen Mengxi's impression of Zhou Jiajia was not bad. At this time, I heard her wake up and I was very happy. As Zhou Jiajia wakes up, is it necessary to have more than one person to fight for Yang Ming, she has never thought about this.

Chen Fei also knows about Zhou Jiajia's affairs. He even understands that Zhou Jiajia's injury and the cracking of Wang Xifan's smuggling case are inseparable. He said: "Yang Ming, if she woke up, thank her for Chen Shu, my legs and feet are not convenient. I won’t go."

Yang Ming nodded, put on his clothes, and Chen Mengyu quickly went downstairs and rushed to the hospital.

"Slow down a bit, I don't want Zhou Jiajia just woke up, you are also hospitalized!" Chen Mengxi saw Yang Ming's car opened quickly, so he reminded him.

"Oh, rest assured." Yang Ming said so, the speed of the car slowed down a bit, but Yang Ming has the ability to be in the body, can directly observe whether the car is coming in the distance, and do not have to worry about what the speed is too fast. Unable to brake in an emergency.

The car at night was relatively small, and soon arrived at the First People's Hospital of Songjiang City. Yang Ming parked the car downstairs in the inpatient department where Zhou Jiajia was located, and quickly went upstairs with Chen Mengyu.

When I came to Zhou Jiajia's ward, I wanted to push the door, but I was stopped by the nurse standing by: "Sir, please don't go in."

"What's wrong?" Yang Ming is somewhat inexplicable: "The patient inside is my friend."

"Now the doctor is checking the patient, please come back later." The nurse explained: "Because the patient just woke up, the doctor had to carry out a comprehensive examination of her..."

The nurse was saying, the doctor’s voice came from the ward: "Xiao Wang, now you can let them in."

After listening to the doctor inside, the nurse said: "You go in, but don't shout, the patient just woke up, the mood may be unstable."

"Okay, don't worry." Yang Ming nodded and entered the ward with Chen Mengxi.

Li Wei was standing aside, anxiously watching Zhou Jiajia's bedside surrounded by doctors who had done medical examinations for her. When she saw Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu came, she quickly said: "Mr. Yang, Miss Chen, you are here!"

"How about Li Wei, Zhou Jiajia?" Yang Ming asked.

"The doctor is undergoing a physical examination for Miss Zhou, and I have not had time to ask!" Li Wei said.

Yang Ming nodded, and Chen Mengxi stood silently, looking at Zhou Jiajia who was sitting on the bed and looking at the bed.

Zhou Jiajia's face is still very pale, but there are some eyes in a pair of big eyes, but more is confused.

"Below, I want to ask you some questions, no problem?" The doctor took the medical record book, sitting across from Zhou Jiajia, patiently asked.

"Good." Zhou Jiajia nodded. She did not see Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu. They were blocked by several doctors inside and outside.

"What is your name?" the doctor asked.

"Zhou Jiajia." Zhou Jiajia said.

“How old is it?” The doctor nodded and continued to ask, it seems that the patient’s brain tissue is not damaged. In the past, doctors have seen many patients with head injuries. After waking up, they obviously remember nothing.

"18 years old." Zhou Jiajia said.

"Well?" The doctor was a glimpse, and looked at the case in his hand. It was written at the age of nineteen. How did it become 18 years old when it arrived? Could it be that this girl is tender? But can't you, 19-year-old is a great year, is there a need to dress up? So he continued to ask: "Which year were you born?"

"In 1990," Zhou Jiajia was very strange: "What happened?"

"No...nothing," the doctor's brow wrinkled more and more powerfully: "Which year is this year?"

"Zero eight years!" Zhou Jiajia was very puzzled, how did the doctor ask some strange questions?

The doctor took a breath of cold air, but he didn't see it in this situation, so he was still calm: "So, how many years do you read this year?"

"High school!" said Zhou Jiajia.

"..." The doctor shook his head slightly and continued: "Well, I asked you the last question, how did you get into the hospital?"

"Hospital?" Zhou Jiajia listened to the doctor's question, suddenly stunned, and then locked his brow, after a long time said: "I don't know...maybe a cold?"

The doctor smiled bitterly, but for Zhou Jiajia's situation, she had already understood it. She stood up and walked outside, saw Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu, and then said, "Are you a patient's family and friends?"

Yang Ming nodded quickly, although he also wanted to go to see Zhou Jiajia now, but after hearing the strange answer from Zhou Jiajia, he began to worry a little.

"You come out with me, I have something to tell you." When the doctor finished, he went to the door of the ward.

Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu were busy with the doctor and went out of the ward. Li Wei also followed, and then gently closed the door of the ward.

"Call!" In the room, Zhou Jiajia sighed and quietly closed his eyes. The doctor’s question was really a bit sloppy, and he almost couldn’t cope.

Out of the ward, the doctor came to the doctor's room with Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu, and went in and told Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu to sit on the sofa first.

"Doctor, Zhou Jiajia, she..." Yang Ming did it according to the doctor's intention, but he couldn't wait to ask.

The doctor waved his hand and gestured to Yang Ming to be safe. Then he opened the case of Zhou Jiajia and said to Yang Ming and Chen Mengxi: "After the patient wakes up, whether it is heart rate or EEG, all the indicators are normal and have been met. The standard of healthy people can be discharged from hospital... but..."

Speaking of this, the doctor stopped for a moment, which made Yang Ming very anxious. Yang Ming hated this kind of deliberately swearing, but now, after all, there is a demand for people, and it is not good to get angry. Any questions?"

"The problem is there!" The doctor drank, then continued: "According to my observations, the patient may have lost memory..."

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