So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 949: Why do you disagree?

Why does the ninth forty-nine chapters disagree?

Wang Xiaoyan bit his lip and watched Yang Ming with vigilance! Wang Xiaoyu wanted to teach Yang Ming a meal before, but now, the situation has changed a lot. Not only has there been no lesson to become Yang Ming, but there is a danger of being bullied by him.

Yang Ming, Wang Xiaoying secretly looked at the man in front of him, a man who made her feel very dangerous. The little smiley smile, I cheated myself!

Thinking of the previous rock climbing, Yang Mingli's skill, Wang Xiaoyu began to regret it. Where is this a small mix can have? I really are a little kid!

However, Wang Xiaoyan did not understand. Since Yang Ming’s skill was so powerful, it was only with Zhao Ying that it was only against two people who had been robbed by the underworld, and they were injured. Zhao Ying also helped him wipe the medicine. The memory of Wang Xiaoying is very profound.

Wang Xiaoying is confident, change to himself, and within five strokes, you can be ashamed of the two gangsters. According to Yang Ming’s current skills, it is estimated that he has more than two strokes. It is probably a double-edged sword. .

Then why is he? Is it to deliberately hide strength? Or what other reasons?

Yang Ming, this person, makes Wang Xiaoyu feel very curious, what she can't think of is that she has such a powerful master. It’s just that Yang Ming faces Yang Ming, and Wang Xiaoxiao’s unnatural feeling is like a deja vu, as if he had seen him at the time, but he has no impression...

"Get on the bus." After Yang Ming pressed the door with the remote control, Shen Sheng said to Wang Xiaoyu: "Don't force me to do it, although I don't mind if you resist, but the more you resist, the more rude I will be."

Faced with the naked threat of Yang Ming, Wang Xiaoxuan hated his heart and hated himself. He did not expect Yang Ming to be a deep-seated master! No wonder that his own hands have been folded under the hands of this guy several times. I thought it was not useful. Now it seems that this Yang Ming is really not simple.

Looking at Yang Ming’s cold eyes, Wang Xiaoyu knows that today’s behavior has completely angered this man. He had let go of himself before, and he must have important things to do, but he was broken by his good deeds. No wonder he would be so excited.

"Let's talk about it, okay?" Wang Xiaoyan tried to make the final struggle.

"After you become my woman, talk about other things." Yang Ming's voice is still cold, and he is unmoved.

Wang Xiaoyan was somewhat discouraged. Apparently Yang Ming would not let her go. Wang Xiaoyan quietly reached out and touched her pocket. When she was not forced to do so, she would not shoot at home.

Before the lipstick pistol was given to the guy named "Liu Lei" who met in Macau, after returning to Songjiang, Wang Xiaoyu got a special channel.

"What are you touching?" Yang Ming glanced at Wang Xiaoyan and said coldly.

"Nothing," Wang Xiaoyu tried hard to make himself look calm.

"Oh, are you looking for this?" Yang Ming's hand came with a lipstick pistol, and the muzzle was rushing to Wang Xiaoyan.

"You - how did you get it -" Wang Xiaoyan was shocked, reached out and touched his pocket, but was disappointed to find that the lipstick in his pocket was gone.

"I found it when I pressed you down." Yang Ming put the lipstick on his hand: "It's very delicate, but unfortunately it can only put two bullets."

When Yang Ming was in Macau, he knew that this chick had a gun. How could he not take precautions early? Just now, when Wang Xiaoyu was under his body, Yang Ming took the lipstick from the pocket of Wang Xiaoyu and searched it out.

"What the **** are you!" Wang Xiaoying found that he was really wrong! She really underestimated Yang Ming's ability.

"I said, after you have done my woman, I will tell you the performance." Yang Ming said with some impatientness: "Hurry up, don't challenge my patience, I don't mind killing you." After that, do something disgusting."

Yang Ming was very easy to play with a few lipsticks on his hand, which is very evil.

Wang Xiaoying heard a burst of creeps, and she naturally can think of what Yang Ming said as "disgusting things."

"Well, don't talk nonsense, get on the bus." Yang Ming is very graceful for Wang Xiaoxiao to open the door of the co-pilot.

Wang Xiaoyan bit his teeth and finally walked to Yang Ming’s car. Now she has no choice. She looks at Yang Ming’s smiling face like a demon. She does not doubt that what Yang Ming said is just a joke.

Of course, Yang Ming did just make a joke, but unfortunately Wang Xiaoying was wrong. Yang Ming has no major drawbacks, and he is somewhat soft-hearted, especially for girls.

If at this time, Wang Xiaoying's pear blossoms with rain is quite unreasonable and crying, Yang Ming really can't know what to do, and said that she should not let her go with her heart!

However, Wang Xiaoxuan is a question from her own point of view. Wang Xiaoying is a killer, and Yang Ming is a terrible opponent in her opinion! How many times did Yang Ming die to death, and Yang Ming might have let her go so easily?

Wang Xiaoyu thinks it is impossible. Although Wang Xiaoying sees the girl's virginity more seriously, it is not impossible without it. Teach her from a small killer training. As a killer, the most important thing is to save lives, face, and humiliation. Only by retaining your life can you take revenge and perform new tasks.

So, at this moment, there is no way to resist, then bear it. The difference between one thought has caused the current situation. Originally thought that Yang Ming was just a soft persimmon that he was kneading, but now it seems that he has become a soft persimmon.

Yang Ming saw Wang Xiaoyu get on the bus, followed the position of the main driver, and then put all the two seats in the front row down.

"There is no room for peace?" Wang Xiaoyu made the final struggle.

"If you can't afford to lose, don't play." Yang Ming said faintly: "Take a lesson today."

Wang Xiaoyan wanted to resist, but she did not doubt that Yang Ming could hold her back again before she resisted. It is obviously unwise to repeatedly anger Yang Ming. In that case, God knows what Yang Ming will do.

As he just said, killing himself is not known.

Yang Ming’s heart is annoyed by Wang Xiaoxiao. This chick is not light or heavy. He wants to teach himself to destroy his good deeds. He is born from the gallbladder, and he does not divide it into three or seventy-one. He directly holds Wang Xiaoyu in his arms.

Let you seduce Laozi, let you bathe in the villa, let you not wear a bra, let you bet to be the lover of Laozi, and let you get what you want now.

Yang Ming began to take off the clothes of Wang Xiaoxiao, but the space in the compartment was relatively small. It was not very easy to undress.

Wang Xiaoyan was unable to resist, so he was willing to gamble and lose: "Yang Ming, I can be your lover, but for up to four years."

After thinking of four years, I will become a victim of interests. Wang Xiaoyan could not help but be a bit confused. Some don't understand why the father looks so heavy about fame and fortune, is it because he has no son? Don't want the family to decline in their own generation?

What is the point of fighting for the No. 1 name in the killer world? Thinking of this, Wang Xiaoyu’s cockroaches have come up a bit, and right, why do you keep virginity for a husband who can’t see and can’t find a face?

What if I did it with Yang Ming? If the future husband is because of this dislike of himself, it is better, and he has to save him to marry him, but he is relieved!

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaoyu wanted to open it, so he said to Yang Ming that he would be a four-year lover. As for the four years later, she wants to retaliate against Yang Ming, she has not thought about it, at least with her current skills, it is impossible to retaliate.

"Well?" For Wang Xiaoyu's sudden change, Yang Ming was caught off guard: "Do you agree?"

"Yeah, why don't you agree?" Wang Xiaoyu wanted to open, and the knot was naturally unleashed: "I am willing to gamble and lose, come on."

Anyway, I have to take this step in the end. Wang Xiaoying does not believe that she can still have love in this life, so instead of having a relationship with a stranger, it is better to be cheaper.

This time it was Yang Ming’s hesitation. If Wang Xiaoyan rebelled and then took the opportunity to attack himself, Yang Ming would definitely not hesitate to rudely pull off her clothes and then force her to xx. But can't be forced, Yang Ming suddenly feels a little discouraged.

"Wait? Don't tell me you are afraid!" Wang Xiaoyu thought of it, and he no longer avoided it. Seeing Yang Ming hesitating, Wang Xiaoyu was somewhat unhappy.

"Don't dare? Who said I didn't dare?" Yang Ming said with a wink.

"Come on, don't tell me you won't." Wang Xiaoying sneered with some contempt, the original guy, is guilty.

"No? Who said I won't?" Yang Ming is a bit confused now. Is this chick taking the wrong medicine?

"Since it will, why not come? Can you not?" Wang Xiaoyan said sarcastically. As a killer, Wang Xiaoxuan naturally learned about the physiological structure of the human body. He also knows some of the desires and reactions of men. Therefore, although he said that he was somewhat blushing, he was not too tweaked.

"No?!" Yang Ming suddenly rushed, which man wants to be said by others that he can't do it, especially Yang Ming, a man who is strong in masculinity, is even harsher.

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